Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5390
Country/Region: Botswana
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Botswana Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $83,334

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $83,334

07-P0221: BONEPWA, Botswana Network of People Living With HIV/AIDS.

This activity has USG Team Botswana Internal Reference Number P0221. This activity links to the following: P0203 & P0211 & X1406.

BONEPWA partners with primary schools in the southern and central north regions of Botswana to provide HIV prevention and involve PLWHAs as role models. The objectives of the program are: •To improve schools to be child friendly and gender sensitive community outreach resource centers for HIV/AIDS information and services on HIV/AIDS, sexuality and sexual reproductive health. •To promote prevention of new HIV infections among young learners (both female and male) through their meaningful participation in HIV/AIDS prevention and life skills education. •To ensure that child-friendly frameworks are operationalized to reduce the risk and vulnerability of young people to HIV/AIDS infection.

In 2004, the project, termed "Ringing the Bell," was pilot tested with the support of BONEPWA, UNICEF and GOB. With the success and lessons learned from that pilot, BONEPWA is expanding the project. These funds are part of the total budget for the program. The program places PLWHA field educators at schools, who identify and train students as peer mentors, and who help establish Anti-AIDS clubs and HIV/AIDS resources centers. BONEPWA works closely with guidance and counseling teachers to encourage their buy-in to the program and to ensure sustainability. These resource centers provide information on HIV/AIDS, prevention (including abstinence and fidelity), and healthy living. To date, the program has hired and trained PLWHA field officers and begun sessions in some schools. With the FY07 funds, BONEPWA will continue to sustain the program in schools across the two target districts supported by USG funds.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year