Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5375
Country/Region: Botswana
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Flying Mission
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Unknown
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $69,479

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $69,479

07-P0216: Flying Mission

This activity has USG Team Botswana Internal Reference Number P0216. This activity links to the following: P0202 & P0204 & P0211 & X1406.

The objective of this program is to prevent the spread of HIV in Botswana through character development training, with an emphasis on abstinence before marriage and faithfulness in marriage.

With FY06 funds, the program has run consultation meetings with village leadership structures (Chiefs, DACs, religious leaders, Village Development Committees etc.) to cultivate buy-in for program implementation. Ten life skills workshops were held using the Better Choices curriculum in 2 areas in Gaborone and 5 villages, and 375 peer educators were trained; these peer educators formed 10 abstinence clubs that will commence soon. Twenty-four of the 375 life skills teachers have been selected to attend a more advanced Life at the Crossroads life skills program and will be placed in schools to train in-school youth during Guidance and Counseling lessons, and also to program clients (orphans, patients, counselees, school classes, and church groups). This activity will reach at least 150 abstinence club members and 300 students in schools. A pre-test and post-test questionnaire was developed to measure changes in knowledge and attitudes during implementation.

The program faced several challenges during the past year, including delayed access to funding, and instances where the program implementation plan clashed with other activities in the coverage areas. Given these circumstances, in FY07 the program will continue to consult stakeholders for more buy-in and to ensure sustainability. The program will also identify and train an additional 100 peer educators using Better Choices life skills curriculum; it will select 200 graduates of the Better Choices training and train them in Life at the Crossroads life skills program. The expanded Life at the Crossroads life skills program pool of teachers will reach an expanded number of abstinence club members and 300 students in schools. The program will hold an annual workshop for the life skills teachers so they can to share ideas and information, network and to review the program. Through the use of the pre and post test questionnaire, any changes in knowledge and attitudes will be measured and documented. The program will undertake monitoring visits and provide on-the-job technical support.

Flying Mission collaborates with Campus Crusade for Christ. They are the curriculum designers and accredit the Life at the Cross Roads training workshop and certify participants.