Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5369
Country/Region: Botswana
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Ministry of Labor and Home Affairs - Botswana
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Host Country Government Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $85,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $85,000

07-P0207 Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs.

This activity has USG Team Botswana Internal Reference Number P0207. This activity links to the following: P0210 & P0224 & P0501 & P0504 & P0507.

This program aims to improve the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS prevention programs by strengthening program managers' capacity to fully mainstream gender into HIV/AIDS programs. The aim is to maximize the overall effectiveness of HIV prevention programs by discouraging negative gender stereotypes or myths, and by encouraging more equitable attitudes about men and women in Botswana.

With FY06 funds, the ongoing program is sensitizing 200 men and women in Ghanzi and Chobe Districts on gender and HIV/AIDS, and support the use of peer education, peer counseling and peer modeling strategies to educate others in the districts. FY06 funds support the development, printing, and distribution of age and orientation-specific, culturally appropriate IEC materials on gender and HIV/AIDS that target specific groups. Staff from 8 Women Sector member organizations are being trained on mainstreaming gender into HIV and AIDS programs, and the program is further strengthening the capacity of 10 psychosocial service providers on supportive counseling and service referrals for victims of gender based violence.

The program also is building capacity in 4 Women Sector secretariat (WAD) officers in areas where there is need (e.g. mainstreaming gender into HIV programs, program planning and management, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation etc), so that the officers are able to provide technical assistance to the sector member organizations. It also provides capacity building to 10 men sector member organizations on peer education, peer counseling and peer modeling in order to reduce gender based violence, sexual coercion, increase male involvement and address male norms and behaviors. Finally the funds are supporting the employment of 1 program officer at C1 scale to coordinate activities funded under EP funds, on a 1 year (renewable) contract.

FY07 funds will continue to support these kinds of activities. The plan is to mobilize and sensitize 400 community members in Lobatse, Palapye, Maun and Tsabong on gender and HIV/AIDS through 4 regional workshops, 1 at each locality. These will be reinforced with community dialogues in kgotlas, discussion sessions, and other community forums. The program will reach out to the general population on gender and HIV through IEC strategies. These include packaging of messages in Sorghum bags, bus and kombi advertising, bill boards (stationary and electronic), TV and Radio spots, and license disks. In addition to these, print material like brochures, newspaper features, posters and calendars will be developed. The program will observe gender and/or HIV related commemorations like "sixteen days of activism against gender-based violence," International Women's Day, Consumer Fairs, and World AIDS Day and the National Women's Exposition. These will give the program mileage in raising awareness about gender issues and HIV/AIDS, and other gender-related issues like gender-based violence, spouse bartering, and others.

The program also will continue to strengthen and build capacity of available counseling service providers and their referral networks, so as to extend their reach and make them more efficacious. This will make counseling services accessible to everyone and curb gender related problems that help fuel the epidemic. The program will also engage a consultant to assess and develop a strategic plan and other comprehensive work plans to help guide the gender-HIV activities of the Women's Affairs Department. Throughout the plans described here, the program will seek to coordinate with and involve representatives of the men's sector.