Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Details for Mechanism ID: 16622
Country/Region: Asia Regional Program
Year: 2014
Main Partner: Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Host Country Government Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $1,150,000 Additional Pipeline Funding: N/A

NOTE: The following is taken from summaries released by PEPFAR on the PEPFAR Data Dashboard. They are incomplete summary paragraphs only and do not contain the full mechanism details. When the full narratives are released, we will update the mechanism pages accordingly.

The goal of this implementing mechanism is to build the capacity of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) to improve the coverage, efficiency, and quality of HIV/AIDS services in China. U.S. CDC will collaborate with China CDC at the national level to develop technical guidelines and manuals and to strengthen laboratory and surveillance systems. U.S. CDC will also support 5 provincial CDCs and 1 prefectural CDC to explore innovative models and conduct operational research. This implementing mechanism has a strong history of producing successful models, which are scaled up using host country resources. Beginning FY 14, this mechanism changed strategy to technical collaboration, focusing more on the development of national and sub-national policies, guidelines, protocols, support for innovative models that can scaled up by national government, and shared with the global community, wide dissemination of epidemiologic data, lessons learned, and best practices through rigorous scientific processed and publications, and support for south to south collaborations, multilateral engagements and trilateral (China-US and third country) initiatives.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC) $128,000
Care: TB/HIV (HVTB) $20,000
Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB) $110,000
Strategic Information (HVSI) $218,000
Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS) $165,000
Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT) $120,000
Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP) $200,000
Prevention: Injecting and Non-Injecting Drug Use (IDUP) $99,000
Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) $50,000
Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS) $40,000
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

MER Indicator MER description Target Fiscal Year Target
CARE_CURR Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: <15 Female 2015 6
CARE_CURR Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: <15 Male 2015 11
CARE_CURR Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Female 2015 826
CARE_CURR Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Male 2015 1,407
CARE_CURR Number of HIV positive adults and children who received at least one of the following during the reporting period: clinical assessment (WHO staging) OR CD4 count OR viral load 2015 2,250
CARE_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 2,250
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Female 2015 1,415
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Female 2015 1,415
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Male 2015 2,050
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Male 2015 600
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Male 2015 2,050
HTS_TST Aggregated Age/sex - USE WITH HQ PERMISSION ONLY: 15+ Male 2015 600
HTS_TST By Test Result: Negative 2015 3,288
HTS_TST By Test Result: Negative 2015 569
HTS_TST By Test Result: Negative 2015 3,288
HTS_TST By Test Result: Negative 2015 569
HTS_TST Number of individuals who received T&C services for HIV and received their test results during the past 12 months 2015 3,465
HTS_TST Number of individuals who received T&C services for HIV and received their test results during the past 12 months 2015 600
HTS_TST Number of individuals who received T&C services for HIV and received their test results during the past 12 months 2015 3,465
HTS_TST Number of individuals who received T&C services for HIV and received their test results during the past 12 months 2015 600
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 3,465
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 600
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 3,465
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 600
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 3,465
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 600
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 3,465
HTS_TST Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 600
HTS_TST Sum of Test Result disaggregates 2015 3,465
HTS_TST Sum of Test Result disaggregates 2015 600
HTS_TST Sum of Test Result disaggregates 2015 3,465
HTS_TST Sum of Test Result disaggregates 2015 600
HTS_TST_POS By Test Result: Positive 2015 177
HTS_TST_POS By Test Result: Positive 2015 31
HTS_TST_POS By Test Result: Positive 2015 177
HTS_TST_POS By Test Result: Positive 2015 31
KP_PREV By key population type: Female sex workers (FSW) (Numerator: Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required) 2015 1,865
KP_PREV By key population type: Female sex workers (FSW) (Numerator: Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required) 2015 1,865
KP_PREV By key population type: Men who have sex with men/Transgender (MSM/TG) (Numerator: Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required) 2015 1,750
KP_PREV By key population type: Men who have sex with men/Transgender (MSM/TG) (Numerator: Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required) 2015 900
KP_PREV By key population type: Men who have sex with men/Transgender (MSM/TG) (Numerator: Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required) 2015 1,750
KP_PREV By key population type: Men who have sex with men/Transgender (MSM/TG) (Numerator: Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required) 2015 900
KP_PREV Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required 2015 3,615
KP_PREV Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required 2015 900
KP_PREV Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required 2015 3,615
KP_PREV Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group level HIV preventive interventions that are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required 2015 900
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Care and Support Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 2
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Care and Support Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 2
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Care and Support Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 5
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Care and Support Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 5
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: HTC Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 2
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: HTC Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 2
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: HTC Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 1
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: HTC Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 1
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Key Populations Prevention Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 1
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Key Populations Prevention Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 10
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Lab Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 10
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: PMTCT Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 1
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: PMTCT Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 1
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: TB/HIV Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 1
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: TB/HIV Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 1
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: TB/HIV Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 3
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: TB/HIV Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 3
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Treatment Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 2
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Treatment Direct Service Delivery (DSD) 2015 2
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Treatment Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 4
SITE_SUPP By program area/support type: Treatment Technical Assistance-only (TA) 2015 4
SITE_SUPP Number of unique sites supported by PEPFAR 2015 42
SITE_SUPP Number of unique sites supported by PEPFAR 2015 42
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female 2015 31
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female 2015 2
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female 2015 31
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female 2015 2
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male 2015 31
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male 2015 3
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male 2015 31
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male 2015 3
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2015 327
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2015 233
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2015 327
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2015 233
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2015 841
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2015 412
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2015 841
TX_CURR Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2015 412
TX_CURR Number of adults and children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2015 1,230
TX_CURR Number of adults and children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2015 650
TX_CURR Number of adults and children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2015 1,230
TX_CURR Number of adults and children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2015 650
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex <15 2015 62
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex <15 2015 5
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex <15 2015 62
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex <15 2015 5
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 1,168
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 645
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 1,168
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 645
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 1,230
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 650
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 1,230
TX_CURR Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 650
TX_CURR_NGI Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Female 2015 33
TX_CURR_NGI Aggregated Age/Sex: <15 Male 2015 34
TX_CURR_NGI Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Female 2015 560
TX_CURR_NGI Aggregated Age/Sex: 15+ Male 2015 1,253
TX_CURR_NGI Number of adults and children receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) 2015 1,880
TX_CURR_NGI Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex <15 2015 67
TX_CURR_NGI Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex 15+ 2015 1,813
TX_CURR_NGI Sum of Aggregated Age/Sex disaggregates 2015 1,880
TX_RET Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART 2015 64
TX_RET Number of adults and children who are still alive and on treatment at 12 months after initiating ART 2015 64
TX_RET Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up 2015 80
TX_RET Total number of adults and children who initiated ART in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the reporting period, including those who have died, those who have stopped ART, and those lost to follow-up 2015 80
TX_SITE By support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 1
TX_SITE By support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 1
TX_SITE By support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 2
TX_SITE By support type: Direct Service Delivery (DSD): Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 2
TX_SITE By support type: Technical Assistance (TA-only): Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 2
TX_SITE By support type: Technical Assistance (TA-only): Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 2
TX_SITE By support type: Technical Assistance (TA-only): Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 4
TX_SITE By support type: Technical Assistance (TA-only): Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 4
TX_SITE Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 3
TX_SITE Number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites with a retention rate of 75% or greater for patients 12 months after ART initiation 2015 3
TX_SITE Sum of Numerator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 3
TX_SITE Sum of Numerator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 3
TX_SITE Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 6
TX_SITE Total number of PEPFAR-supported ART sites 2015 6
TX_SITE_den Sum of Denominator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 6
TX_SITE_den Sum of Denominator Site Support Type disaggregates 2015 6
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $365,000
Human Resources for Health $165,000
Key Populations: MSM and TG $100,000
Training of health workers and community outreach workers
Implementation of core HIV prevention interventions for MSM/TG that are consistent with the current PEPFAR technical guidance
Collection and use of strategic information
Conducting epidemiologic, social science, and operational research among MSM/TG and their sex partners
Monitoring and evaluation of MSM/TG programs
Key Populations: Sex Workers $100,000
Implementation of core HIV prevention interventions for SWs consistent with PEPFAR guidance on sexual prevention
Training of health workers and community outreach workers
Collection and use of strategic information on SWs and clients
Conducting epidemiologic, social science, and operational research among SWs, their partners, and clients
Monitoring and evaluation of SW programs
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Mobile Populations