Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 17034
Country/Region: Asia Regional Program
Year: 2013
Main Partner: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Multi-lateral Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $100,000

U.S. CDC and UNAIDS will continue to collaborate on priority activities consistent with USG strategy and in support of the Chinese national HIV/AIDS program. Particular areas of collaboration in FY12 will include support for civil society engagement in the national response to HIV/AIDS and population size estimation for MARPs. In terms of civil society engagement, this year will be a critical one for China. In response to findings from the Global Fund Secretariat, China will be identifying a civil society sub-recipient for a significant portion of its Global Fund resources and that sub-recipient will be expected to rapidly transition to principal recipient status. Civil society is not well-developed in China, and those organizations that engage in Global Fund programming will need significant support in developing their technical and management capacities. A specific focus for collaborative work between U.S. CDC and UNAIDS will be the development of HIV/AIDS program monitoring and evaluation (M&E) approaches and training for civil society organizations. U.S. CDC and UNAIDS are uniquely positioned to do this work, as a result of U.S. CDCs close institutional relationship with China CDC (the current principal recipient for Global Fund) and technical abilities, and UNAIDS normative role and leadership in Chinas Global Fund Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM). U.S. CDC and UNAIDS will also continue to collaborate on issues related to the CCM and the development of strategic information to help inform policy guidance and technical support to the Government of China (GOC).

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $60,000

This implementing mechanism will support program monitoring, evaluation, and reporting by civil society organizations (CSOs). In particular, UNAIDS will coordinate the development of M&E guidelines for CSOs, including core indicators, reporting formats, processes and systems to integrate civil society contributions into the national reporting system.

In addition, UNAIDS will build the capacity of national and provincial staff to track and assess HIV/AIDS expenditures and provide technical support to provinces on data collection and analysis for the HIV/AIDS expenditure tracking exercise.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $40,000

Civil society is not well-developed in China, which limits the engagement necessary to further increase coverage and improve quality of HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. This implementing mechanism will support civil society engagement in Global Fund programs by building the capacity of civil society organizations, particularly in monitoring and evaluation, and by documenting their contribution to the national response to HIV/AIDS.

This implementing mechanism will also improve strategic planning and resource utilization by building the capacity of national and provincial staff to track and assess HIV/AIDS expenditures. The lack of comprehensive and rigorous assessment of HIV/AIDS spending is a key gap in China's national strategic information. UNAIDS will support the roll-out of an HIV/AIDS expenditure tracking exercise in eight provinces and produce a report on HIV/AIDS expenditure assessment with recommendations to improve resource utilization at national and provincial levels.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $16,000
Human Resources for Health $16,000