Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11017
Country/Region: Angola
Year: 2010
Main Partner: World Learning Inc.
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $650,000

The HIV component of the Civil Society Strengthening Program in Angola started implementation in 2007. World Learning is currently providing small sub-grants to six Angolan organizations working in HIV/AIDS in the areas of prevention, care, and advocacy. Furthermore, World Learning is strengthening the institutional capacity of these six organizations along with an additional 30 for a total of 37 CSOs working in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and advocacy in the provinces of Benguela, Bie, Cabinda, Cunene, Huambo, Huila, Kuando Kubango, Luanda and Lunda Norte. The primary beneficiaries of these CSOs are youth, PLWHA and pregnant women. Sub-grants are provided to implement the following specific activities:

1 small sub-grant to the Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS to "increase free access to antiretroviral therapy services to people living with HIV/AIDS";

Accomplishments during FY09 include the initiation of the south to south initiative and the RNP+ start up of the waiting house, which made it possible for over 2,000 people, including pregnant women, to access to antiretroviral therapy services they otherwise would not have.

Furthermore, a series of project and survey reports by a local CSO was compiled and used to inform parliamentarians in their deliberations regarding revisions to the HIV/AIDS Law.

During FY 09 World Learning established Monitoring and Evaluation Systems with target CSOs, which included databases to monitor project activities and internal operations for human resources and financial management. Target CSOs also developed administrative systems and procedures for the first time, including the development and use of administrative manuals. A total of 30 local CSOs were given technical assistance for HIV policy development and 140 individuals were trained in advocacy and reducing stigma and discrimination.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $350,000


Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $300,000

Partnership Framework Funds

Through cross border programs the USG will give support to PLWHA Networks to promote ANC utilization and testing for pregnant women, follow-up for HIV positive women, and take advantage of exchange of experience. This program is additionally strengthening gender initiatives, through encouraging men to be tested and to participate in the health care of the family.

Subpartners Total: $0
Accao de Apoio Das Populacoes Vulneraveis: NA
Acçao de Solidaridade e Desenvolvimento: NA
Accao Humana: NA
Accao Para O Desenvolvimento Combat e Exclucao Social e Vulnerable : NA
Cuidados da Infancia in Viana: NA
Grémio ABC in Cabinda: NA
Rajasthan Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS: NA