Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3079
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $4,721,537

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $4,721,537

The requested funding covers 24 full-time, 3 pro-rated time staff dedicating more than 50% FTE, and 6 pro-

rated dedicating less than 50% FTE that supports the Emergency Plan. This includes US Direct Hires,

Foreign Service Limited positions, US Personal Services Contractor (US PSC), and Foreign Service

National (FSN) staff. USAID management and staffing costs include: salaries, allowances and benefits,

training/workshops/conferences, travel and per diem, office supplies, furniture and equipment, and support

for periodic technical assistance. Positions dedicated full-time to work on the Emergency Plan include: PHN

Director (SO7), USPSC HIV/AIDS Multisectoral Team Leader (SO9), USPSC Senior HIV/AIDS Technical

Advisor (SO7), FSN Deputy Team Leader (SO9), FSN HIV/AIDS Human Rights and Advocacy Specialist

(SO9), FSN HIV/AIDS OVC and Youth Technical Advisor (SO9), USDH FSL HIV/AIDS Food and Nutrition

Advisor (SO9), USPSC PEPFAR Planning, Monitoring and Reporting Advisor (SO9), FSN Administrative

Assistant (SO9), the FSN HIV/AIDS Program Specialist (SO7), and the FSN Field Monitor (SO9). The

following positions are charged in a pro-rated manner to the Emergency Plan. Under the PHN Office/SO7,

where Emergency Plan funding and activities make up more than 75% of the SO budget and over half of

USAID's total Emergency Plan budget: a USPSC HIV/AIDS-PHN Program Specialist (SO7); two FSN

Senior Health Advisors who manage specific Emergency Plan activities and advise the USG team on

Zambian health system and clinical issues, the FSN Office Manager, and the FSN Program Specialist

(responsible for all budget and funding actions for SO7). Under the Education Office/SO6, where there is a

significant HIV and AIDS/Education wraparound program, PEPFAR supports 30% FTE for the USDH FSL

Education Advisor, 10% for the Senior Education Specialist and Education Specialist, and 5% FTE for a

Financial Analyst. Support office positions funded through the Emergency Plan include: a full-time USDH

Contracting Officer, the FSN Acquisition & Assistance Specialist, FSN Financial Analysts and Accountants

(providing additional support in this area), FSN Budget Analyst, FSN Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist

(50% FTE), FSN Computer Application Assistant, FSN Procurement Supervisor, FSN Supply Clerk, FSN

Drivers, FSN Development Outreach and Communication Officer (40% FTE) and logistics support costs for

a USDH Program Development Officer.

The USAID/Zambia works under the Ambassador and DCM and in close collaboration with the PEPFAR

Coordinators Office, CDC, DOD, Peace Corps, and State Department. USAID/Zambia management and

program staff actively participates on the policy group, USG technical working groups, forums and sub-

committees to ensure well coordinated efforts across agencies, to reduce duplication and gaps, and to

contribute technically to the overall program.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 14437

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

14437 3787.08 U.S. Agency for US Agency for 6839 3079.08 USAID Mission $5,434,450

International International Management

Development Development and Staffing

9191 3787.07 U.S. Agency for US Agency for 5070 3079.07 USAID Mission $4,536,373

International International Management

Development Development and Staffing

3787 3787.06 U.S. Agency for US Agency for 3079 3079.06 USAID/Zambia $2,627,829

International International Mission

Development Development Management

and Staffing

Table 3.3.19: