Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11020
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $0

This PHE activity, "Cost-effectiveness of models of adult treatment delivery", was approved for inclusion in

the COP. The PHE tracking ID associated with this activity is ZM.07.0182.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 17765

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

17765 17765.08 HHS/Centers for Tulane University 7186 2929.08 UTAP - Boston $250,000

Disease Control & University-ZEBS

Prevention -



Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.09:

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $0

This PHE activity, "Factors influencing enrollment in ART for HIV/AIDS in Zambia", was approved for

inclusion in the COP. The PHE tracking ID associated with this activity is ZM.07.0181.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.09:

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $0

The PHE "Evaluation of Interventions to Reduce Early Mortality among Persons Initiating ART in

Emergency Plan Countries" has been approved by the SSC. The tracking number is ZM.08.0201.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.09:

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $0

This PHE activity, "Factors influencing the care and treatment of HIV-1 infected children in rural Zambia",

was approved for inclusion in the COP. The PHE tracking ID associated with this activity is ZM.07.0184.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.11:

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $0

This PHE activity, "Cost-effectiveness of models of pediatric treatment delivery", was approved for inclusion

in the COP. The PHE tracking ID associated with this activity is ZM.08.0186.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 17767

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

17767 17767.08 HHS/Centers for Tulane University 7186 2929.08 UTAP - Boston $250,000

Disease Control & University-ZEBS

Prevention -



Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.11:

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $0


April '09 Reprogramming: 1) Mechanism change to 'TBD' since former APHL mechanism ended and is

currently being recompeted. 2) Increase in funding amount by $300,000.

This activity is linked with CT (#0631), PMTCT (#0158), Chest Diseases Laboratory (CDL #15510), Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention - Technical Assistance (CDC-TA #9022), adult and pediatric care and

treatment and all activities within the Laboratory section.

In FY 2009, the funds will be used to support the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) to

conduct new activities that will provide technical assistance to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Global AIDS Program (GAP) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Zambia to build laboratory infrastructure in

the country through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

APHL is recognized for its excellence in supporting laboratory infrastructure activities. APHL has

developed and established mechanisms to coordinate the assessment and improvement of multiple aspects

of international public health laboratory practice. Contributions include training laboratory personnel;

providing laboratory training materials (e.g. videos); providing guidance on equipment selection, supporting

the procurement and shipment of laboratory equipment and supplies; providing information on technical

procedures geared to the in-country environment; providing information on new techniques to streamline

laboratory testing; training and mentoring in laboratory management skills; making recommendations on

facility upgrades, and introducing quality control and quality assurance practices. APHL looks forward to

collaboration with partners in Zambia to provide this assistance.

Specifically, in FY 2009, APHL will address the following areas:

1. Strategic Planning. APHL has developed a strategic planning procedure in collaboration with the Global

AIDS Program (GAP)/International Lab Branch (ILB). This procedure has been implemented in five

countries successfully. APHL proposes to collaborate with CDC-GAP Zambia to use this procedure as a

guideline to develop a planning process and support the development of a five year laboratory strategic plan

for Zambia. Zambia has a national laboratory operational plan 2006-2008 that will end this year. The MOH

has already started planning and working with their partners to develop a new one

APHL will provide experienced senior consultants: 1) to assist CDC/GAP-Zambia and MOH in the planning

process, assist MOH in organizing working meetings for drafting the strategic laboratory plan along with the

stakeholders, 2) assist MOH in the development of recommendations for the key issues to be addressed by

work groups at a three day planning meeting, 3) assist the MOH and CDC/GAP-Zambia in refining the

vision and mission of the national laboratory system, 4) assist MOH in performing a prompt updated SWOT

analysis of the current situation of the national laboratory system prior to the Strategic Planning meeting so

reference materials and key information would be available to the stakeholders to efficiently develop a draft

strategic plan, 5) APHL will provide information on strategic planning, which would include a variety of

effective developmental models for this purpose. MOH can select the procedure(s) most appropriate to

their situation, and 6) provide assistance in drafting the strategic plan as well as printing and disseminating

the final documents to the MOH. APHL will coordinate with CDC/GAP-Zambia to convene a stakeholders

meeting for the development of the strategic plan on dates as requested by MOH and CDC.

2. Laboratory power supply. APHL will provide technical assistance to assess current energy issues in

Zambia in particular in provinces where electrical power is unreliable and prevents proper functioning of

laboratory services thus reducing access to testing and adversely affecting quality of test results. The

technical assessment will provide sustainable recommendations for options to provide stable continuous

electrical supply for laboratory services, provide design recommendations for a range of options such as

solar energy and generator, and develop and present a training workshop for laboratory personnel, sites

engineers, and sites administrators on energy use and management. Provide TA to develop and design an

appropriate energy system for healthcare facilities so electrical power is available continuously, to supply

laboratories, and provide energy training as well as to procure supplies and equipment. The funds will be

used to support all of this activity.

3. Technical assistance for improving the capacity and quality of testing services. APHL will provide

technical assistance to the MoH as requested by CDC/GAP-Zambia in a) strengthening and standardizing

of paper-based and electronic specimen management and reporting systems. APHL has implemented

electronic LIMS in Mozambique, Tanzania, and Vietnam and is in the process of implementation in Kenya

and Botswana, b) develop, plan, and design public health laboratory.

APHL will continue to provide technical leadership for a sustainable National quality assurance and external

quality assurance laboratory program with existing clinical facilities, MOH, CDC, and partners to strengthen

the capacity in the form of training, supervision, and monitoring and evaluation, and coordination to provide

continual sustainable quality lab services and programs to compliment the national vision.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Emphasis Areas

Workplace Programs

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.16:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $0


The funding level for this activity in this program area for 2009 remains unchanged. Narrative changes

include updates on progress made and expansion of activities. The name of the implementing partner has

also been changed from ‘NASTAD' to more generic terminology.

In FY 2008, the United States Government (USG) supported National Association of State and Territorial

AIDS Directors (NASTAD) to coordinate and provide technical assistance (TA) to the Zambia National

HIV/STI/TB Council (NAC) to catalyze the flow of information from the district and provincial levels to the

central level with a view to improve system-wide planning, and to facilitate the launching of the University of

Zambia Monitoring and Evaluation Center of Excellence (UNZA COE). NASTAD worked in partnership with

several PEPFAR partners in Zambia including, Support for HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe), UNZA

COE, and the Joint United Nations Program on AIDS (UNAIDS). The continued goals for FY2009 will be to

1) to strengthen the sector-wide response to HIV/AIDS particularly in management, leadership, policy

development and evaluation of HIV/AIDS activities, 2) to facilitate the synthesis and communication of data

at national, province and district levels with a view to improve data use for policy and program development,

and 3) to strengthen the capacity of the UNZA COE to train local people in monitoring, evaluation and


NAC continues to strengthen multi-sectoral planning and data use efforts with NASTAD working in tandem

with SHARe to support Provincial AIDS Coordinating Advisors (PACAs), District AIDS Coordinating

Advisors (DACAs), Provincial AIDS Task Forces (PATFs), District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs) and

Community AIDS Task Forces (CATFs) intensively in refining, prioritizing, resource finding, implementing,

and monitoring HIV/AIDS activities. NASTAD's achievements in FY2008 included, facilitating the

development of the national HIV/AIDS research bibliography and agenda, providing TA to 20 DATFs, nine

PACA's and two PATFs in data quality improvement, Community AIDS Task Force (CATF) formation,

training 190 people from eight districts in community-level M&E, facilitating the launching of the UNZA COE

business plan, and collaborating with CDC/Zambia to complete the national M&E manual. NASTAD and

SHARe continued to work in close collaboration using their unique approaches to maximize appropriate and

timely support as well as geographical coverage.

The mechanism (TBD)'s funding for FY2009 will be used to provide on-going technical assistance (TA) to

NAC, three PATFs and 25 DATFs in Southern, Lusaka and Western provinces. The focus of the partner's

TA is to strengthen the national system for collecting, disseminating and using data to inform the national

response to HIV/AIDS. In addition, funding will be used to strengthen the institutional capacity of the UNZA

COE. As part of the activities outlined above, the implementing partner will focus its support to NAC to

strengthen data utilization and dissemination, evidence-based planning, the use of data to inform policy and

prevention and strengthening the community-level response to HIV/AIDS. These activities should allow

Zambia to understand its HIV/AIDS epidemic better and use local data to inform policy and HIV/AIDS


The desired mechanism should be uniquely structured to provide intensive, in-depth support to the districts

in need over a sustained period of time using a peer-to-peer approach to technical assistance that focuses

on building local skills and systems. As a complement to locally coordinated support, the selected

implementing partner should build on the experience and peer-to-peer relationships with the PATF and

DATFs built by NASTAD, and where the technical expertise has been jointly developed and delivered.

In 2009, the mechanism will continue to provide hands-on technical support to the three PATFs and 25

DATFs in Southern, Western and Lusaka Provinces. In addition, the partner will provide on-going TA to

improve the delivery of M&E courses by the UNZA COE and evidence-based planning by the NAC. USG

will continue to support the UNZA to become an in-country training and resource center for capacity building

in planning, monitoring, and evaluation. In 2008, NASTAD worked closely with UNZA to implement the

M&E Centre for Excellence Strategic and business plans for 2007-2011. The business plan outlined an

organizational structure, services areas, potential markets, and fee structure to provide planning,

monitoring, and evaluation consultation to HIV/AIDS related organizations in Zambia. In 2009, the

mechanism will continue working with UNZA to update the M&E training curriculum, launch a visiting

scholars program, secure scientific literature for the centre, link the COE with a related program based in

the U.S., and facilitate international accreditation of the COE.

In FY 2007, NASTAD placed a full-time technical advisor at NAC to facilitate continuity in TA provision and

to assist with the analysis and use of NAC activity reporting form (NARF) data. In FY 2009, an M&E Officer

position will continue to be funded through this mechanism to provide on-going TA to NAC. In addition, the

mechanism will collaborate with Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) to place three systems strengthening

volunteers within the NAC system to aid the work of PACAs. In total, three PATFs, 25 DATFs, 90

organizations and 300 individuals will receive TA from this mechanism in FY2009, while the remaining

PATFs and DATFs will be supported by other PEPFAR partners. In addition, NASTAD will collaborate with

SHARe, UNZA COE and NAC to develop policies and procedures for strengthening the performance of

DATFs and PATFs in data triangulation, evidence-based planning, community planning, resource

mobilization and HIV/AIDS policy development.

USG has been instrumental in facilitating a joint capacity building plan with NAC and the national M&E

Technical Working Group to ensure harmonization of capacity building efforts and procedures in Zambia.

An Evaluation Capacity-Building Sub-Committee includes staff from NAC, SHARe, UNAIDS, United Nations

Development Program, Global Fund, Ministry of Health, United States Agency for International

Development, and CDC. The sub-committee has developed a very specific plan to ensure an integrated

and coordinated implementation plan. In 2008, a countrywide TA plan was implemented in collaboration

with NASTAD, SHARe and USG. The new mechanism will provide enhanced support to this collaboration

in 2009 by leading key elements of the plan as identified by the various partners.

Targets set for this activity cover a period ending September 30, 2009.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15541

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15541 3719.08 HHS/Centers for National 7177 3021.08 NASTAD - $250,000

Disease Control & Association of U62/CCU32459

Prevention State and 6

Territorial AIDS


9014 3719.07 HHS/Centers for National 5012 3021.07 NASTAD - $200,000

Disease Control & Association of U62/CCU32459

Prevention State and 6

Territorial AIDS


3719 3719.06 HHS/Centers for National 3021 3021.06 TA- NASTAD $200,000

Disease Control & Association of

Prevention State and

Territorial AIDS


Table 3.3.18: