Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 630
Country/Region: Zambia
Year: 2008
Main Partner: John Snow, Inc
Main Partner Program: Research and Training Institute
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $7,785,909

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $50,000

The Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia project (SHARe) and its partners have significantly

scaled up PMTCT over the past three years. Over the past three years through the Global Development

Alliance (GDA), SHARe has provided CT and test results to 905 pregnant women, 89 pregnant women

received a complete course of ARV prophylaxis in a PMTCT setting, and 89 health care providers in the

GDA company hospitals were trained in PMTCT. In the next six months through March 2007, SHARe

provided 3,265 pregnant women with CT and their test results; provided 343 pregnant women with a

complete course of ARV prophylaxis in a PMTCT setting; and trained 343 health workers in PMTCT.

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to provide a grant to the Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program

(CHAMP), a local NGO, to provide support to HIV/AIDS programs in eight private sector companies through

two USAID Global Development Alliances (GDAs) in the mining and agribusiness sectors. The Mining GDA

includes Konkola Copper Mines, Mopani Copper Mines, Copperbelt Energy Company, Kansanshi Mines,

Bwana Mkubwa Mining Limited. The Agribusiness GDA includes Dunavant Zambia Limited, Zambia Sugar

and Mkushi Farmers Association.

SHARe will also continue to manage direct grants to the eight GDA companies for PMTCT services in

health facilities in workplaces and communities. GDA target populations cover six provinces and 30

districts. The GDAs cover a population of 34,635 employees and 2.1 million community members. The two

GDAs will leverage $2 million annually for HIV/AIDS activities.

This continuing activity has three components: PMTCT services at on-site facilities, referral to PMTCT sites

where on-site facilities are not available, and linkages to supply inputs to the PMTCT process. On-site

facilities will continue to be available at Konkola Copper Mines, Mopani Copper Mines, and Zambia Sugar.

These facilities follow the national guidelines for PMTCT including opt-out CT for pregnant women, linkages

for treatment and nutritional support, rapid testing, and laboratory support at Konkola Copper Mines for PCR

testing of infants.

Program activities reduce stigma and discrimination related PMTCT and CT services, empower men and

women to make informed choices about CT, PMTCT and ART, reduce the number of OVC, and improve

productivity. Workplace and community level IEC and mobilization driven by trained peer educators

empower pregnant women to undertake CT and remove the stigma associated with testing and PMTCT.

PMTCT counseling is integrated into antenatal care at on-site facilities. An emphasis on HIV care and

treatment for parents and infants following the PMTCT program makes it easier to access ART. The

PMTCT also reaches the most at risk mobile populations including miners and agricultural workers.

The GDA companies provide inputs to the PMTCT program directly and through links including technical

expertise from the Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) and Zambia Prevention Care

and Treatment Program (ZPCT) regarding HIV test kits, ART, and nutritional support. HIV-positive patients

are referred to community and faith-based organizations for nutritional supplementation.

SHARe will continue to support and work with its local NGO partner, CHAMP to build sustainability into its

programs. Activities will include participatory analysis of its current level of sustainability, sharing of

sustainability strategies of successful NGOs, development of a sustainability plan. CHAMP will work with

the GDA member companies to develop sustainability plans for PMTCT through its HIV/AIDS workplace

and community outreach activities using own private sector funds and linking to DATF and other

government resources for PMTCT commodities and IEC materials. SHARe and CHAMP will support

Ministry of Health accreditation of GDA partner PMTCT clinics which will ensure sustainability of the GDA

PMTCT programs and sites and access to government resources.

In FY 2008, 3,000 pregnant women will receive CT as entrance to PMTCT directly through on-site services

and 500 pregnant women will receive a complete course of ARV prophylaxis directly. In addition, 10 health

workers will be trained in PMTCT.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $1,628,000

This activity relates to JSI SHARe activities SHARe MTCT, HVCT, HKID, HBHC, HVTB, HTXS, HVSI,


The government of Zambia, in collaboration with support from donors and partners has made great strides

in providing HIV/AIDS prevention, care, treatment, and mitigation services to the Zambian people. However

access to these services, though much improved, is still limited and a lot remains to be done to make these

services available to all the Zambians who need them. Prevention of new HIV infections continues to be a

major focus of Zambia's response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and must continue to be a key component of

the national response. With the adult (15-49) HIV prevalence at 16%, Zambia has a significant in-built

momentum for accelerated spread of HIV infection, if enough attention is not paid to efforts to prevent the

spread of HIV. Additionally, the wider access to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) for people living with

HIV/AIDS requires that individuals on ART, who are now living longer, are also provided with information to

help them live positively, including prevention messages. The Support to the HIV/AIDS Response (SHARe)

Project will continue to partner with the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council (NAC) and other partners to

provide and support Abstinence/Be Faithful HIV prevention activities and messages that are relevant for

PLWHAs, individuals who are HIV negative, and for individuals who do not yet know their HIV status.

SHARe will support the implementation of the national prevention strategy and campaigns, be an active

member of the National AIDS/STI/TB Preventing Sexual Transmission working group, and participate in the


SHARe has significantly scaled up support to prevention through abstinence/be faithful programs over the

past three years. In the two year period between October 2004 to September 2006, SHARe reached

463,753 persons with AB messages and trained 4,251 persons in AB. In the six month period between

October 2006 through March 2007, SHARe has already reached 144,685 individuals with AB messages

and trained 1,773 persons in AB. As part of this scale up, SHARe will incorporate AB prevention messages

at social mobilization events through the Livingstone Public Private Partnership (PPP).

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to strengthen the capacity of NGOs, public and private sector workplaces,

two Global Development Alliances (GDAs), Provincial AIDS Task Forces (PATFs) and District AIDS Task

Forces (DATFs), and Rapid Response Fund CBO/FBO Grantees to implement AB programs that support

the Government of Zambia (GRZ) and the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) goals.

SHARe implements comprehensive AB programs in workplaces and communities targeting adolescents,

men, women, the business community, PLWHA, and Most at risk populations including truckers, miners and

agricultural workers, and incarcerated populations. SHARe works in four public ministries: the Ministry of

Agriculture and Cooperatives which includes permanent and migrant workers, Ministry of Home Affairs

which includes the police and prisons, Ministry of Transport and Communications which includes truckers,

and Ministry of Tourism which includes wildlife scouts and the Judiciary. Within each Ministry, peer

educators are trained to provide AB prevention messages in the workplace and/or communities. SHARe

also works with private sector businesses and markets through four local NGO partners: Zambia Health

Education and Communications Trust (ZHECT); ZamAction; Afya Mzuri; and Latkings. SHARe uses

innovative community prevention approaches such as drama, peer group discussions, and social

mobilization events. SHARe engages and involves communities in the response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic

through a rapid response funding mechanism. CBO/FBO grantees and chiefdoms have been supported

through this mechanism to ensure that the community-based AB programs are responsive to local needs.

Support to strategic planning and policy development that incorporates AB prevention will be provided to the

Network of Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS (NZP+) and the Zambia Interfaith Networking Group on

HIV/AIDS (ZINGO). SHARe also works with chiefdoms to facilitate dissemination of comprehensive AB

messages, on-site CT, and appropriate referrals for care and treatment during traditional ceremonies. In

FY 2005, SHARe initiated mobile AB and CT services in informal market places in Lusaka. SHARe's

partners conduct mass sensitization sessions and provide one-on-one interpersonal AB counseling with

vendors. The informal market strategy has been very successful and will be expanded to markets outside

of Lusaka.

SHARe provides assistance to PATFs and DATFs to coordinate AB activities at the provincial and district

levels. AB activities and messages are specifically targeted for and incorporated into other prevention

activities during World AIDS Day, VCT Day, and other commemorative events. SHARe provides technical

assistance to the DATFs and PATFs to monitor and report AB activities and IEC material distribution

through the national HIV/AIDS database at NAC. SHARe was instrumental in developing the national

HIV/AIDS database and data collection tools and training PATFs and DATFs in partnership with the M&E

Technical Working Group, CDC, CSO, and NASTAD.

SHARe will continue to support and work with its five local NGO partners working in AB prevention (Afya

Mzuri, ZamAction, ZHECT, CHAMP and Latkings) to build sustainable programs through strengthening of

technical and management capacities and mobilization of financial resources. Activities will include

participatory analysis of current sustainability levels, sharing of sustainability strategies of successful NGOs,

development of sustainability plans. It's sub-partner CHAMP will continue work with the eight mining and

agribusiness companies that are part of the two USAID Global Development Alliances (GDAs) and the

Livingstone Tourism Public Private Partnership to develop sustainability plans for HIV/AIDS workplace and

community outreach activities using private sector funds and linking to government resources for IEC

material. SHARe will work with public sector ministries and DATFs to ensure that HIV/AIDS policies, work

plans, and budgets are developed to sustain their HIV/AIDS workplace activities.

In FY 2008, SHARe and its partners including the GDAs will train 1,000 persons in AB. Trained educators

will reach 250,000 individuals with AB prevention messages in workplaces, communities, during social

mobilization events, and traditional ceremonies across Zambia. SHARe will also continue to focus on

improving supportive supervision to ensure quality of care and to encourage trained peer educators to

intensify efforts to reach out to more individuals and improve reporting.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $352,000

This continuing activity strengthens the capacity of local NGOs, public and private sector workplaces, two

Global Development Alliances (GDAs), District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs), and Rapid Response Fund

CBO/FBO Grantees to implement Other Prevention activities and facilitate social change to reduce sexual

HIV transmission.

Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe) and its partners have significantly scaled up

support to other prevention beyond AB over the past 3 years. From October 2004 to September 2005,

SHARe and its partners had no target for persons reached or trained relating to other prevention beyond

AB. The next year, from October 2005 to September 2006, the project reached 50,271 persons with other

prevention messages and trained 727 individuals. Over the next 6 months alone, from October 2006

through March 2007, SHARe and its partners reached 89,825 individuals with other prevention messages

beyond AB and provided training to 1,636 individuals.

SHARe works in Other Prevention through four public ministries: the Ministry of Agriculture and

Cooperatives which includes permanent and migrant workers, the Ministry of Home Affairs which includes

the police and prisons, the Ministry of Transport and Communication and the Ministry of Tourism/Zambia

Wildlife Authority.

SHARE will focus on new interventions that reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS including alcohol

consumption and Gender-based Violence. SHARe will integrate strategies aimed at reducing harmful levels

of alcohol consumption which negatively impact on HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. The use of alcohol audits

will be incorporated into HIV/AIDS screening. SHARe will work Faith Based and Traditional Leaders to

discourage harmful traditional practices that fuel HIV/AIDS transmission such as dry sex, sexual cleansing,

and wife inheritance and other harmful practices such as concurrent sexual partners, intergenerational sex,

and transactional sex. SHARe will support the development and implementation of the national prevention

of sexual transmission strategies and campaigns.

SHARe also works with private sector businesses and informal market places through five local NGO

partners: Zambia Health Education and Communications Trust (ZHECT), CHAMP, ZamAction, Afya Mzuri

and Latkings. Other prevention strategies will focus on innovative community prevention programs in areas

with high migrant populations, miners, and market vendors. SHARe will support Rapid Response Fund

CBO/FBO Grantees and chiefdoms to design and implement Other Prevention activities in accordance with

the OGAC ABC guidance and national campaigns to ensure that the activities are responsive to local

needs. For example, traditional leaders will be provided with information and support to promote the

discontinuation of harmful traditional practices that facilitate HIV transmission, such as widow cleansing, dry

sex, and early marriage.

Other Prevention programs will provide education to address HIV high risk behaviors among Most at Risk

Populations (MARPs) that go beyond AB and focus on partner reduction, correct and consistent use of

condoms, and knowing one's status. Emphasis will be placed on information on behavior change focusing

on promoting respectful relationships between men and women. SHARe will continue to address the needs

of high risk workers in the public sector in the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Ministry of Home

Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Communications, and the Ministry of Tourism/Zambia Wildlife Authority

and in the Livingstone Public Private Partnership. SHARe will support the development and implementation

of HIV/AIDS services in the prisons. Working in close collaboration with UNAIDS and other USG partners,

SHARe will focus on ensuring that the incarcerated population have access to other prevention services.

SHARe will continue to work with NGO partners to provide Other Prevention messages to high risk private

sector employees and communities in the formal and informal sectors. SHARe will strengthen DATFs and

Rapid Response Fund CBO/FBO grantees to promote Other Prevention messages which include topics

such as prevention of gender-based sexual violence, transactional sex, and intergenerational sex in their

communities, and the impact of alcohol abuse on HIV transmission. In addition to leveraging private sector

resources, SHARe will assist the four government ministries in effectively advocating and planning for

resources from the USG, the Global Fund, and the World Bank to carry out activities in Other Prevention.

SHARe will manage direct grants to eight GDA companies for workplace and community Other Prevention

efforts to reach the Most at Risk individuals among GDA companies such as migrant laborers, miners, and

discordant couples. CHAMP and GDA companies have already trained 8,155 peer educators in the GDA

network. Trained peer educators will continue to implement Other Prevention education, promote condom

use, refer for STI management, prevent and treat sexual and gender-based violence, promote partner

reduction, and create referral links to Post-exposure Prophylaxis, CT and ART.

Sites with Most at Risk Populations will be linked to socially marketed and free condoms through

collaboration with the District Health Offices and the Society for Family Health. Sites with clinical facilities

will continue to provide STI diagnosis and treatment services, and will be encouraged to provide Post-

exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for health workers and victims of sexual violence. CT will continue to be made

available on-site during training and sensitization activities. Information on prevention, care and treatment

services will also continue to be provided. Private sector partners will continue to contribute directly and

through technical support, including access to free CT and ART.

SHARe will work with and support its five local NGO partners working in Other Prevention (Afya Mzuri,

ZamAction, ZHECT, CHAMP and Latkings) to build sustainable programs through strengthening of

technical and management capacities and mobilization of financial resources. Activities will include

participatory analysis of current sustainability levels, sharing of sustainability strategies of successful NGOs,

and development of sustainability plans. GDA companies will ensure the sustainability of their HIV/AIDS

workplace activities using private sector funds, while public sector ministries and DATFs will ensure the

sustainability of their HIV/AIDS workplace activities through public sector and other donor funding.

In FY 2008, SHARe will reach 60,000 individuals with Other Prevention activities and services through

public and private sector workplaces, communities, NGOs, Rapid Response CBO and FBO Grantees,

DATFs, and GDA companies and train 500 individuals in other prevention nationwide. SHARe will continue

to focus on improving supportive supervision to ensure quality of care and to encourage trained peer

educators to intensify efforts to reach out to more individuals and improve reporting.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Activity Narrative: This continuing activity strengthens the capacity of local NGOs, public and private sector workplaces, two Gl

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $200,000

Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe) and its partners have gained considerable

experience in introducing palliative care into HIV/AIDS workplace programs in the public sector, into

outreach programs supported by private companies in surrounding communities, and into communities

through CBOs and FBOs.

SHARe and its partners have significantly scaled up support to direct palliative care over the past three

years. From October 2004 to September 2005, SHARe did not work in palliative care. The next year, from

October 2005 to September 2006, SHARe and its partners provided palliative care to over 13,120

individuals and trained 715 volunteers. Over the next 6 months alone, from October 2006 through March

2007, SHARe and its partners provided palliative care to 10,196 individuals, and trained 202 volunteers.

SHARe partners with 57 private sector businesses and 10 markets through four local NGO partners:

Zambia Health Education and Communication Trust (ZHECT), Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management

Program (CHAMP), ZamAction, and Afya Mzuri. SHARe also works with four public sector ministries:

Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (migrant workers); Ministry of Home Affairs (police and prisons);

Ministry of Transport and Communications (transport companies and truckers), and Ministry of

Tourism/Zambia Wildlife Authority (wildlife scouts and employees of lodges and tourism businesses).

Palliative Care in the workplace includes psycho-social counseling and links to nutrition and medical care

for opportunistic infections. SHARe, will continue to provide a grant to the Comprehensive HIV/AIDS

Management Program (CHAMP), a local NGO, to provide technical assistance to eight companies in two

USAID Global Development Alliances (GDA) in the mining and agribusiness sectors: Konkola Copper,

Mopani Copper, Copperbelt Energy, Kansanshi Mines, Bwana Mkubwa Mining, Dunavant Zambia, Zambia

Sugar and Mkushi Farmers Association, reaching 30 districts in six provinces and 34,635 employees and

2.1 million outreach community members. It is expected that over $2 million will be leveraged from the

private sector for the two GDAs. SHARe also provides 20 Rapid Response Fund Grants to CBOs and

FBOs, and to coordinating bodies such as Network of Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS (NZP+) and

the Zambia Interfaith Networking Group on HIV/AIDS (ZINGO) for community-based palliative care.

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to support and work with its four local NGO partners, Afya Mzuri,

ZamAction, ZHECT and CHAMP to build sustainable programs by providing technical support in palliative

care to workplace programs, through strengthening of technical, management capacities, and mobilization

of financial resources. Activities will include participatory analysis of their current levels of sustainability,

sharing of sustainability strategies with successful NGOs, development and implementation of sustainability

plans. GDA companies will ensure the sustainability of their HIV/AIDS workplace activities using own

private funds, while public sector ministries will ensure the sustainability of their HIV/AIDS workplace

activities through public sector and other donor funding.

SHARe will continue to provide direct grants to the eight GDA companies in support of palliative care

activities in workplace programs and surrounding communities. Palliative care services will be delivered at

37 on-site facilities strengthened to provide such services. The standard package of palliative care for HIV-

infected adults and children includes pain relief, cotrimoxizole, psychosocial support, succession planning,

legal services, treatment of opportunistic infections, and strengthening of palliative care programs managed

by physicians. The program emphasizes integrating prophylactic medications against opportunistic

infections. Services at Mkushi Farmers Association sites, Kansanshi Mining, Bwana Mkubwa Mining and

Copperbelt Energy include psychosocial counseling.

The GDA companies will work with off-site facilities providing palliative care including those of the Ministry

of Health, FBOs, and programs providing nutritional supplements. CHAMP and GDA members will provide

technical support to the trained palliative care providers in the GDA companies. Trained providers in the

workplace and communities will provide direct HIV-related palliative care to PLWHA.

SHARe will continue to work with all its partners to provide quality assurance, quality improvement and

supportive supervision to trained palliative care providers in ministries, private and public sectors, and

communities to provide direct care and/or link those in need of palliative care to existing services.

Wherever possible and appropriate, SHARe will link community-based and workplace partners with the

Care and Compassion Campaign initiated by ZINGO.

In 2008, SHARe will reach at least 4500 individuals with palliative care directly through public and private

sector workplaces, communities, Rapid Response Fund Grantees, and GDA members and train 300

individuals in palliative care.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $200,000

This activity is linked to JSI SHARe activities HVAB, HTXS, HVCT, HVOP, HBPC, HVSI, HVTB, MTCT and


Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe) has significantly scaled up support to Orphans and

Vulnerable Children (OVC) over the past three years. From October 2004 to September 2005, SHARe did

not provide support to OVC. The next year, however, from October 2005 to September 2006, SHARe and

its partners provided direct care to 1,418 OVC and trained 514 OVC caregivers. In the following six months

alone, from October 2006 to March 2007, SHARe and its partners provided care to 1,499 OVC and trained

484 caregivers.

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to strengthen workplace and community support for OVC and their

caretakers. SHARe will continue to partner in OVC support with private sector businesses and markets

through three local NGO partners: Zambia Health Education and Communications Trust (ZHECT),

ZamAction, and Afya Mzuri. SHARe supports workplace and community OVC public sector programs

through four ministries: the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives which includes both permanent and

migrant workers, the Ministry of Home Affairs which includes both the police and prisons, the Ministry of

Transport and Communications which includes transport companies and truckers, and the Ministry of

Tourism/Zambia Wildlife Authority which includes wildlife scouts and employees of lodges and tourist

businesses. SHARe will provide support to community OVC through Rapid Response Grantee CBOs and

FBOs such as the Zambia Interfaith Network Group on HIV/AIDS (ZINGO), NZP+, and chiefdoms. Efforts

will focus on developing the skills and capacities of individuals and the communities in self reliance and

supporting sustainability. Trained OVC providers will continue to provide direct care and work with USG-

funded programs such as Reaching HIV/AIDS Affected People with Integrated Development and Support

(RAPIDS), Catholic Relief Services Success Project, and the Quality Education Services through

Technology project (QUESTT) to link OVC with additional services available in their communities.

SHARe, will continue to provide a grant to the Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program (CHAMP),

a local NGO, to provide technical assistance on OVC programming to eight companies in two USAID Global

Development Alliances (GDA) in the mining and agribusiness sectors: Konkola Copper, Mopani Copper,

Copperbelt Energy, Kansanshi Mines, Bwana Mkubwa Mining, Dunavant Zambia, Zambia Sugar and

Mkushi Farmers Association, reaching 30 districts in six provinces and 34,635 employees and 2.1 million

outreach community members. It is expected that over $2 million will be leveraged from the private sector

for the two GDAs.

With many employees caring for OVC, beneficiaries of SHARe's workplace activities have expressed the

need to integrate support for OVC into normal workplace policies and services. In FY 2007, SHARe

provided technical assistance to private and public partners to incorporate OVC care and support into

workplace programs. A number of innovative practices in OVC programming have emerged. For example,

First Quantum, one of the GDA companies, with technical support from SHARe has set up an OVC support

group which provides food, vocational and skills development, and refers to other USG partners for care

and medical treatment. In FY 2007, SHARe also conducted a study of OVC support originating from the

private sector workplace.

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue its efforts to encourage NGO and public sector partners to include OVC

support. SHARe and its implementing partners will provide quality assurance, quality improvement and

supportive supervision to trained OVC providers to address the needs of OVC and their caretakers.

SHARe will continue to manage direct grants to the eight GDA companies that support OVC activities

through workplace and community programs. This activity consists of strengthening of OVC programs,

support to improving the quality of OVC care, links to opportunities for income generation for caregivers, in

particular orphan-and grandparent-household heads, and links to interventions to improve nutrition.

Support to OVC builds upon opportunities identified by GDA companies. Using a support group model,

caregivers learn about child development, OVC psychosocial issues, and HIV prevention. Community

providers have been trained in care and support of OVC which includes counseling and testing, palliative

care, basic health support, and TB/HIV ART treatment for caregivers, youth, and children. Providers

promote testing to ensure that children who test positive access care and pediatric ART services, while

those who test negative are provided with prevention information. OVC providers link OVC and their

households to educational assistance, agricultural support, and microfinance to enhance sustainable

household resilience. Older OVC are linked to companies for possible jobs, on-the-job training, and

internships. The GDAs will in addition provide inputs to the OVC program directly and through linkages.

In FY 2008, SHARe will reach 3,000 OVC directly through public and private sector workplaces,

communities, NGOs, Rapid Response CBO and FBO Grantees, DATFs, and GDA companies, 1,500 with

primary and 1,500 with supplemental direct support, and train 300 OVC caregivers. SHARe will target OVC

in Katete, Petauke, Solwezi, Mkushi and Ndola districts.

SHARe will increase the sustainability of its four local NGO partners providing technical support on OVC

care within and through workplace programs, including Afya Mzuri, ZamAction, ZHECT and CHAMP,

through strengthening of technical and management capacities, and mobilization of financial resources.

Activities will include participatory analysis of their current levels of sustainability, sharing of sustainability

strategies of successful NGOs, and development of sustainability plans. GDA companies will ensure the

sustainability of their OVC activities using private sector funds and linking to existing OVC programs.

SHARe will advocate with Public sector ministries and District AIDS Task Forces (DATF) to sustain OVC

activities through employees, public sector financing, and other donor contributions.

SHARe will also continue to implement a comprehensive M&E system that gathers data on the number of

individual OVC served and people trained in OVC care and support from their partners primary data

collection level of trained volunteers through to partner consolidation, electronic submission to the project,

and reporting to GRZ and USG.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $1,325,909

The Support to the HIV/AIDS Response (SHARe) Project will continue to allocate significant support to the

Zambian government's efforts aimed at increasing CT coverage and uptake. SHARe works very closely

with National AIDS Council (NAC) to make CT more widely available in Zambia.

SHARe has significantly scaled up support to Counseling and Testing (CT) over the past three years. From

October 2004 to September 2005, SHARe reached 321 persons with CT and their test results and trained

73 persons in CT. The next year, from October 2005 to September 2006, SHARe and its partners provided

CT and test results to 34,535 individuals and trained 357 persons in CT. In the next six months alone, from

October 2006 to March 2007, SHARe and its partners provided CT and test results to 32,208 individuals

and 289 trained individuals in CT.

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to partner in CT with private sector businesses and markets through three

local NGO partners: Zambia Health Education and Communications Trust (ZHECT), ZamAction, and Afya

Mzuri. SHARe will continue to support workplace and community counseling and testing (CT) through the

four government ministries: the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives which includes permanent and

migrant workers; the Ministry of Home Affairs which includes police and prisons; the Ministry of Transport

and Communications which includes transport companies and truckers; and the Ministry of Tourism/Zambia

Wildlife Association which includes wildlife scouts and employees of lodges and tourism businesses.

SHARe will also continue to provide a grant to the Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program

(CHAMP), a local NGO, to provide technical assistance in CT to eight companies in two Global

Development Alliances in the mining and agribusiness sectors. Private sector partners include Konkola

Copper, Mopani Copper, Copperbelt Energy, Kansanshi Mines, Bwana Mkubwa Mining, Dunavant Zambia,

Zambia Sugar and Mkushi Farmers Association, and reach 30 districts in six provinces and 34,635

employees and 2.1 million outreach community members. It is expected that over $2 million will be

leveraged from the private sector for the two USAID Global Developments Alliances (GDAs). In addition,

SHARe and its partners will provide mobile CT services within communities through the Rapid Response

CBO and FBO Grantees and chiefdoms.

SHARe will continue to work through local NGO and public sector partners to expand CT services in private

and public workplace programs through strengthening of workplace capabilities including quality assurance,

quality improvement and supportive supervision to trained CT providers, provision of on-site and mobile CT

services, and linkages to other CT service providers. SHARe will continue to expand CT beyond the

workplace through partnerships which include the District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs), the Livingstone

Tourism Public Private Partnership, Chiefdoms, the Zambia Interfaith Networking Group on HIV/AIDS

(ZINGO), and social mobilization activities including Voluntary Counseling and Testing Day (VCT) and

World Aids Day through the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council (NAC).

SHARe will also continue to provide a grant to a local NGO (Latkings) to provide mobile CT services linked

to urban and rural mobile populations throughout Zambia. SHARe will seek creative ways to engage and

connect the communities to CT through community sensitization and mobile CT at traditional ceremonies.

SHARe will continue to work with partners to access rapid test kits through the District Health Management

Teams and Medical Stores Ltd in order to expand nationwide CT services. CT providers will link HIV

positive clients to ART and palliative care services in their respective communities to ensure continuity of


SHARe will continue to provide direct grants to the eight GDAs for mobile workplace and community CT.

GDAs will support 27 CT sites (11 onsite and 16 offsite), provide quality assurance, quality improvement

and supportive supervision to trained CT counselors, and provide CT services directly in workplaces and


CHAMP assists GDA members to provide on-site, facility-based and mobile CT services, create links for

referrals to off-site services where on-site facilities are not available, link to the District Health Management

Teams logistic management system and other sources for a consistent supply of CT test kits and reagents,

and network with prevention, care and treatment sites. CHAMP also works with GDA members and the

Ministry of Health to promote adoption of the CT opt-out/provider-initiated approach to offer CT within all

antenatal services, at TB clinics, and during annual medical exams.

SHARe will increase the sustainability of its five local NGO partners working in CT, through strengthening of

technical and management capacities and mobilization of financial resources. Activities will include

participatory analysis of their current situation, sharing of sustainability strategies of successful NGOs, and

development of sustainability plans. The GDAs will ensure the sustainability of their HIV/AIDS workplace

activities using private sector funds and establishing strong linkages with the District Health Management

Team. Public sector ministries and DATFs will ensure the sustainability of their HIV/AIDS workplace

activities through public sector and other donor funding.

The project will partner with BizAIDS to implement a series of workshops on HIV/AIDS for individuals

involved in micro and small businesses in all nine provinces. These workshop sessions include information

about HIV/AIDS prevention, counseling and testing (CT), and antiretroviral treatment (ART), emphasizing

AB for prevention and CT. All people that attend the sessions learn about the importance of knowing one's

status and a significant proportion opt for on-site CT services. The BizAIDS program focuses on increasing

access of individuals involved in micro and small businesses to voluntary counseling and testing services

for HIV/AIDS. The program provides HIV/AIDS information and encourages participants to share the same

information with their spouses, children, and the community. As a result, couples and family members

choose to undertake VCT. During workshop sessions, participants learn about the health effects associated

with HIV/AIDS and develop plans to mitigate the impact that HIV/AIDS can have on their business,

employees, and family. Through dialogue, participants are taken through a process that is designed to

reduce stigma and discrimination in the workplace and at home and emphasizes the importance of CT.

In FY 2008, the USG will continue its Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Livingstone, Zambia through the

SHARe Project. This activity is a unique Public Private Partnership implemented through a partnership

between USAID/Zambia, NAC, hotel and tourism operators and related businesses, communities in

Livingstone and the Ministry of Tourism/ Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA), with technical support from

SHARe. The PPP strengthens and builds capacity of hotel and tourism operators and other businesses in

Livingstone to become leaders in the fight against HIV/AIDS. It also aims at supporting HIV/AIDS

Activity Narrative: workplace programs.

The partnership will continue to support social mobilization public events, with on-site mobile HIV

counseling and testing (CT) and behavior change information. SHARe will train peer educators for the

tourism industry and Zambia Wildlife Authority in Livingstone.

In FY 2007, the PPP in Livingstone held a large HIV/AIDS Benefit Concert for social and behavior change to

promote CT and reduce HIV sexual transmission. The Benefit Concert, held at the Zambezi Sun Hotel, was

open to the general public. Mobile CT was provided. Livingstone residents, community members from

surrounding villages, community and traditional leaders attended this event. The event was opened by the

First Zambian President, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda and the U.S. Ambassador, and attended by Chiefs, the

Mayor and other dignitaries. The Concert was preceded by two weeks of social mobilization and CT

services in surrounding communities.

In FY 2008, similar social mobilization events will be held. SHARe will orient performers and artists to

appropriate HIV messages for incorporation into their performances to promote counseling and testing and

behavioral and social change to reduce HIV sexual transmission, following ABC guidance. SHARe will

provide information booths, counselors, and mobile CT at each event. The concert events will be aired on

national TV and on radio in partnership with ZNBC and community radio stations. The PPP will invite local,

traditional, religious and national leaders and support key CBOs/FBOs community members to attend the


Workplace interventions will reach 500 employees and workers of small and medium tourism organizations

and businesses with AB and other HIV prevention sensitization, and provide linkages to HIV/AIDS services.

Workplace interventions will provide CT services to 125 individuals in the industry. In FY 2008, the private

sector and matching USG contributions for the PPP will be $75,000 each and is expected to result in 2,125

individuals receiving CT services.

In FY 2008, SHARe will directly reach 42,125 individuals with on-site and mobile CT in 28 sites and train

100 individuals in CT through NGOs, public and private sector workplaces, Rapid Response CBO and FBO

Grantees, social mobilization activities, and GDA companies nationwide.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $1,150,000

Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe) has scaled up support to HIV/AIDS ART services in

the private sector significantly in the past 3 years. From October 2004 to March 2007, SHARe and its

partners trained 592 health workers in HIV care and ART resulting in 6,104 individuals ever-receiving ARVs,

4,468 individuals currently receiving ARVs, and 1,001 new clients, newly initiated on ART in 2007.

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to provide direct support to ART in private sector health settings through

NGO partners Zambia Health Education and Communications Trust (ZHECT) and Afya Mzuri. SHARe will

continue to provide technical assistance and support to strengthen the existing private sector clinic ART

sites, including training 10 providers in ART. SHARe will also continue to work to leverage the provision of

free ARVs for the private companies serving the general public and assist these private facilities to be

accredited by the Ministry of Health. In addition, SHARe and its partner NGOs will intensify efforts to enroll

eligible workers and community members in treatment programs.

SHARe will continue to use a social mobilization and mobile CT approach to HIV testing and ultimately

increase enrollment in treatment to increase the number of people learning their status, and if eligible

initiating ART early. SHARe will support efforts to raise awareness about ART and will engage its partners

including the Zambian Interfaith Networking Group on HIV/AIDS (ZINGO), chiefdoms, and the network of

Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS (NZP+) to support and promote increased access of ART services.

SHARe will provide technical support to ZINGO, NZP+, and chiefdoms to conduct ART literacy campaigns

and ART promotion activities.

SHARe will continue to work with private providers to improve the quality of ART services in line with

government HIV Care and ART guidelines and standard ART protocols. Through support to private sector

clinics and hospitals, SHARe will provide reporting on ART results to the USG. Where on-site ART services

are not available, SHARe will assist its public and private partners to create strong linkages and referral

networks for their patients to existing ART service delivery sites. SHARe and its partners in both the public

and private sectors will encourage and facilitate timely access to ART services for HIV-positive employees

and family members, including children.

SHARe will continue to provide a grant to the Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program (CHAMP), a

local NGO, to provide technical assistance in ART to eight companies in two Global Development Alliances

in the mining and agribusiness sectors. Private sector partners include Konkola Copper, Mopani Copper,

Copperbelt Energy, Kansanshi Mines, Bwana Mkubwa Mining, Dunavant Zambia, Zambia Sugar and

Mkushi Farmers Association, reaching 30 districts in six provinces and 34,635 employees and 2.1 million

outreach community members. It is expected that over $2 million will be leveraged from the private sector

for the two GDAs.

SHARe will continue to provide direct grants to the eight GDA companies to support workplace and

community programs for ART service delivery. CHAMP will provide technical assistance to GDA

companies to implement ART services, including pediatric ART, at on-site facilities in three of the

companies. Where no on-site facilities exist, CHAMP will assist GDA companies to create referral linkages

to off-site ART centers and provide technical assistance to GDA members to implement treatment literacy

activities, and link to existing palliative care and PMTCT activities. SHARe through CHAMP and the GDAs

will continue to support treatment literacy and ART adherence to reduce dropouts from ART programs.

Additional technical support to GDA members for ART services, equipment, and supplies will be provided

by other USG partners such as CIDRZ, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), and Zambia Partnership for Care

and Treatment (ZPCT).

Building on its experiences with the innovative mobile ART clinic service model, SHARe and its partners will

expand this service to more hard-to-reach communities to facilitate easier access to and promote

adherence to ART. The MoH will continue to be a key partner in this endeavor ensuring that SHARe and its

partners reach the underserved populations in Zambia.

SHARe will continue to support and work with its local NGO partners working in ART to build sustainable

programs through strengthening their technical and management capacities and providing them with the

skills to mobilize financial resources. Activities will include participatory analysis of current sustainability

levels, sharing of sustainability strategies of successful NGOs, and development of sustainability plans.

GDA companies will ensure the sustainability of their HIV/AIDS workplace activities using their own private

sector funds and having their clinical facilities become officially accredited by the MOH to obtain ARVs and

other HIV/AIDS supplies. SHARe will work with public sector ministries to ensure that HIV/AIDS policies,

work plans, and budgets are developed to sustain their HIV/AIDS workplace activities and that they are

linked to ART support facilities through government and other donor funding.

In FY 2008, SHARe and its partners with clinical facilities providing ART will have reached a total of 5,000

individuals who have ever received ART, 4,000 of whom will be currently on ART receiving direct ART at

the end of the period, while 2,000 of those will be new clients.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $230,000

Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe) has provided significant support to HIV-related

strategic information in Zambia over the past three years. From October 2005 to September 2006, SHARe

trained 719 individuals in strategic information, and provided technical assistance to 229 organizations.

During the 6 months period from October 2006 through March 2007, SHARe trained 279 individuals in

strategic information, and provided technical assistance to 182 organizations. Organizations receiving

support include the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council (NAC), and its decentralized structures of Provincial

and District AIDS Task Forces (PATFs and DATFs), line Ministries, key civil society organizations including

workplace NGOs, coordinating bodies such as the Zambian Interfaith (ZINGO) and NZP+, chiefdoms, and

local FBOs and CBOs.

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to work with partners to strengthen the national HIV/AIDS information

system at national, provincial and district levels in order to improve planning, data collection, monitoring,

tracking and reporting on all HIV/AIDS projects and activities in all program areas.

In FY 2005, 2006 and 2007, SHARe worked closely with NAC, the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Theme

Group, CDC, CSO, UNAIDS, UNDP and NASTAD to assist the GRZ in achieving "The 3 Ones", including

one HIV/AIDS M&E System. SHARe assisted NAC to develop the Zambia National HIV/AIDS Strategic

Framework 2006-2010 (ZASF), assisted NAC in the design, pilot, and finalization of the national HIV/AIDS

information system, assisted NAC, CDC and NASTAD in the development of national M&E training

materials, provided trainers, and co-funded the roll-out training of PATFs and DATFs in the use of the

national system. In FY 2007, SHARe and other partner organizations jointly developed and implemented a

strengthening plan for PATFs and DATFs. SHARe was involved in the development of the M&E section of

NAC's ZASF, and NAC's 2007 Action Plan. SHARe provided support to the design of NAC's database and

website. SHARe also provided significant support to NAC in the national situation analysis for the 2007

Joint Annual Program Review (JAPR).

In FY 2006, SHARe conducted the first national baseline assessments of the M&E capacities of all 22 line

ministries in relation to HIV/AIDS, and in FY 2005 and FY 2006 conducted the first national baseline and

annual follow-up assessments of the M&E capacities of all nine Provincial and 72 District AIDS Task Forces

in Zambia. The results of these assessments provided important information for the JAPR process in 2007.

In FY2006, SHARe developed an organizational capacity assessment tool that was used in FY07 to assess

the M&E capacities of NAC itself. As with other assessments, this assessment will be repeated in FY 2008

to measure progress in HIV-related strategic information among public sector and civil society organizations


In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to provide support to strengthen strategic information (SI) including

monitoring and evaluation and reporting in public and private sector workplaces and communities through

five of its NGO partners Zambia Health Education and Communications Trust (ZHECT), CHAMP,

ZamAction, Afya Mzuri and Latkings, and through four ministries: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives,

Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Communications, and Ministry of Tourism/Zambia

Wildlife Authority. SHARe will also continue to provide support to CBO and FBO grantees and chiefdoms

funded through the Rapid Response mechanism to strengthen collection, use, and reporting of SI. SHARe

will continue efforts to assist partners to implement quality information systems from the primary data

collection level of volunteers and health workers, to consolidation by partner organizations, through to

reporting of achievements.

SHARe will provide technical assistance to ensure the sustainability of SI activities within NAC and its

decentralized structure by helping to create a functioning national HIV/AIDS reporting system that collects

data from the community through the district to the national level.

SHARe will continue to provide direct grants to the eight GDA companies to support workplace and

community SI activities, including primary data collection by trained volunteers and health workers,

consolidation of data, and reporting to both the GRZ and USG.

SHARe will also continue to support and work with its five local NGO partners, Afya Mzuri, ZamAction,

ZHECT, Latkings, and CHAMP, for sustainability through continued strengthening of technical and

management capacities and mobilization of financial resources. Activities will include participatory analysis

of current sustainability levels, sharing of sustainability strategies with successful NGOs, development and

implementation of sustainability plans. GDA companies will ensure the sustainability of their HIV/AIDS

workplace activities using own private sector funds, while public sector ministries will ensure the

sustainability of their HIV/AIDS workplace and community activities through public sector and other donor


A total of 30 organizations including NGOs, CBOs and FBOs, NAC, Provincial AIDS Task Forces (PATFs),

District AIDS Task Forces (DATFs), private sector companies, GDA companies, chiefdoms and ministries

will be supported in SI to improve data collection, analysis and use of data for decision-making. One

hundred (100) individuals will be trained in SI nationwide.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $2,650,000

Through Initiatives, Inc., Support to the HIV/AIDS Response in Zambia (SHARe) has provided significant

technical assistance to HIV-related institutional strengthening over the past three years. In FY 2006,

SHARe provided 54 organizations with support and trained 1,387 individuals in institutional strengthening;

through March 2007, SHARe provided support to 28 organizations. Organizations receiving HIV-related

institutional strengthening include the National HIV/AIDS/STI Council (NAC), Provincial and District AIDS

Task Forces (PATFs, DATFs), line ministries, civil society organizations, private sector companies, markets

and chiefdoms.

In FY 2008, civil society support will include institutional capacity assessments and strengthening of

CBOs/FBOs receiving Rapid Response Fund grants for innovative HIV/AIDS activities; NGOs (Afya Mzuri,

CHAMP, ZamAction, ZHECT, Latkings) receiving grants for work with the private sector; coordinating

bodies, including the Network of Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS (NZP+), Zambian Interfaith

Networking Group on HIV/AIDS (ZINGO); and chiefdoms. Support to the private sector will include an

institutional capacity assessment and strengthening of private companies and markets. Support to the

public sector will include an assessment of internal and external mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS among all line

ministries and institutional strengthening of four ministries: Home Affairs, Agriculture, Transport, and the

Ministry of Tourism/Zambia Wildlife Authority.

Support to PATFs and DATFs will include a capacity assessment, policy development, dissemination of the

internal and external HIV and AIDS mainstreaming reports, and other technical assistance. SHARe will

assist NAC to develop its action plan and budget for institutional strengthening, and provide support for the

Joint Annual Program Review (JAPR). SHARe will also conduct the first institutional capacity assessment

of the NAC itself. Assessment results will provide important information for the annual JAPR.

The institutional capacity building provided through SHARe to NAC, its decentralized structures, line

ministries, civil society and the private sector will result in improved capacities to effectively respond to the

HIV/AIDS epidemic. SHARe will continue to work with and support its NGO partners, Afya Mzuri,

ZamAction, ZHECT, CHAMP, and Latkings to build sustainable programs through continued strengthening

of technical and management capacities, and mobilization of financial resources. Activities will include

participatory analysis of current levels, sharing of sustainability strategies of successful NGOs, and

development of sustainability plans.

With its partner Abt Associates, SHARe has provided significant support to improving the policy and

regulatory framework related to HIV/AIDS over the past three years. In FY 2006, SHARe provided support

to 105 organizations and trained 810 individuals, including NAC, line Ministries, Parliament, the Judiciary,

and civil society.

In FY 2008, support to civil society will include assistance in the development of HIV/AIDS policies among

CBOs/FBOs, NGO partners receiving medium sized grants for work with the private sector, and

coordinating bodies, including the Network of Zambian People Living with HIV/AIDS (NZP+), the Zambian

Interfaith Networking Group on HIV/AIDS (ZINGO). Support to the private sector will include policy

development among private companies and markets. Support to the public sector will include an

assessment of policy development and external and internal mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS. Technical

assistance will be provided to four ministries: Home Affairs, Agriculture, Transport, and Tourism.

SHARe will also continue to work with key civil society, legal, regulatory bodies and NAC to create a more

enabling legal and policy environment for fighting HIV/AIDS. SHARe will support the review, enactment,

and dissemination of the Gender and Violence Bill, amendments to Part X of the Employment Act, the

Morphine Fact Book, and the development of the HIV/AIDS case manual to assist the judiciary in the

adjudication of HIV-related legal cases.

In FY 2008, SHARe will continue to assist NAC, its structures and civil society to mobilize Zambia and its

leadership during nationwide campaigns and social mobilization activities, including PPP events, VCT Day,

World AIDS Day, and routine district and partner activities. SHARe will also work with key national and

local leaders (e.g. political leaders, traditional, and religious leaders) to encourage them to take a public

stand in relation to HIV and AIDS.

As part of its support to line ministries, SHARe will continue to provide support and technical assistance to

build organizational capacity and systems to implement HIV/AIDS workplace programs in four line

ministries: Home Affairs, Agriculture, Transport, and the Ministry of Tourism/Zambia Wildlife Authority.

SHARe will work with government staff in the development of HIV/AIDS workplace policies and programs to

meet their assessed needs, give on-going support and guidance in the development of HIV/AIDS programs,

including prevention education, counseling and testing (CT), and access to treatment for employees.

SHARe will assist in the development of governmental and nongovernmental programs designed to address

the link between sexual violence and coercion and HIV/AIDS in Zambia and ensure that accurate, up-to-

date information is given to inform policy decisions. SHARe will work with the Women and Justice

Empowerment Partners to ensure a coordinated response to addressing gender-based violence (GBV) and

HIV/AIDS programming in Zambia; contribute to training law enforcement and judicial personnel on the links

between sexual violence and HIV/AIDS, and on international legal standards.

Alcohol use increases the risk of exposure to HIV through its association with high risk sexual behaviors

and plays a major role in perpetuating the behaviors that increase both HIV infection and Gender Based

Violence (GBV). Many of the norms and practices in Zambia that increase women's vulnerability to

HIV/AIDS and limit their capacity to deal with its consequences are reinforced by policies, laws, and legal

practices that discriminate against women. The project will support efforts to review, revise, and enforce

policies and laws relating to sexual violence and women's property and inheritance rights and access to

legal assistance. Activities will include: policy advocacy; increasing access to legal aid; and increasing

public awareness of the links between substance abuse GBV and HIV/AIDS. SHARe will advocate a

substance abuse policy as an important area of work for the Ministry of Health; work with organizations that

work with men on alcohol abuse and violence prevention activities.

A significant component of the institutional capacity building will result in improved multisectoral capacities

to effectively respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. SHARe will continue support for partners, to build

sustainable programs through continued strengthening of technical and management capacities and

mobilization of financial resources. Activities will include participatory analysis of current sustainability

Activity Narrative: levels, sharing of sustainability strategies of successful NGOs, and development of sustainability plans.

In FY 2008, SHARe will provide 100 organizations with assistance in HIV-related policy development and/or

institutional capacity building. Of these, 50 organizations will be provided with technical assistance in HIV-

related policy development, and 50 will be provided with technical assistance in HIV-related institutional

development. SHARe and its partners will also train 200 individuals in HIV-related policy development, 200

in HIV-related institutional development, and 1,000 in prevention of HIV-related stigma and discrimination.

All FY 2008 targets will be reached by September 30, 2009.

Subpartners Total: $3,890,750
Zambia Health Education and Communication Trust: $120,000
Afya Mzuri: $80,000
ZamAction: $80,000
Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Management Program: $1,315,750
Latkings Outreach Programme: $65,000
Initiatives Inc.: $536,000
Abt Associates: $494,000
Pact, Inc.: $300,000
Pact, Inc.: $300,000
Not Identified: $100,000
Not Identified: $500,000