Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 13198
Country/Region: Vietnam
Year: 2011
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

Interoperability REDACTED

? Support HMIS Strategy Coordination, including the HMIS TWG, chaired by the Ministry of Health's Department of Planning and Finance.

? Conduct quarterly meetings to bring together Ministries, donors and experts in the field of informatics to discuss progress towards implementation of the National HIS strategic plan

? Key topics will include unique patient IDs, security and confidentiality, enterprise architecture, use cases and requirement documents, infrastructure, governance, system and data interoperability, and information use

? All activities directly support Health Systems Strengthening

? Geographic Coverage: National Level

New Activity mHealth REDACTED

? Explore use of mHealth solutions to improve delivery of health care services

? Document appropriate use cases, i.e., collecting information needs and systems functionality to support beneficiaries of mobile phone systems

? Determine design, and/or coverage level of appropriate software technologies

? Explore public-private partnerships to help tackle obstacles to deliver health care services

? Ultimate goal is to Increased access to healthcare and health-related information, particularly for hard-to-reach populations

? Improved ability to diagnose and track diseases

? Timelier public health information

? Expanded access to ongoing medical education and training for health workers

Possible Applications for m*health:

? Education and awareness

? Remote data collection

? Remote monitoring

? Communication and training for healthcare workers

? Disease and epidemic outbreak tracking

? Diagnostic and treatment support

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Safe Motherhood