Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 3099
Country/Region: Vietnam
Year: 2009
Main Partner: University of North Carolina
Main Partner Program: Carolina Population Center
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $430,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $430,000

This is continuing activity from FY08.

PEPFAR/Vietnam will support the University of North Carolina/MEASURE Evaluation program to continue

to provide technical assistance (TA) to the government of Vietnam (GVN) for the implementation of the

National Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework, the Decision 28 National HIV/AIDS Reporting

Indicators, and the international M&E TWG on data harmonization spanning activities from community-

based programs to national M&E systems. This activity will build on FY08 activities to support alignment of

facility and community-based, provincial, and national information and reporting systems, provider-based

provincial systems and M&E activities for the achievement of the Third One, one coordinated country level

monitoring and evaluation system. The partner will work closely with MOH/VAAC, national M&E technical

working group (TWG), and other international donors.

This is new activity from FY08.

With support from PEPFAR, UNC/MEASURE will directly provide technical assistance to PEPFAR SI and

PEPFAR partners within the context of the Vietnamese M&E reporting system. These activities are

designed to support the strategic objective of PEPFAR to strengthen the national response to the HIV and

AIDS epidemics in Vietnam by improving demand and use of strategic information (SI). SI is crucial for

ensuring that program managers and policy makers can maximize the use of existing resources in

responding to the epidemic, and can advocate effectively for increased funds need to meet response needs.

Activity 1: Mapping of HIV-related services:

MEASURE Evaluation will work with USG partners and provincial stakeholders including relevant

government, other donors, and the TWGs to develop mapping of HIV/AIDS service delivery activities

components for prevention, care and treatment programs, Separate tracking for injecting drug users (IDU),

men who have sex with men (MSM), and commercial sex workers (CSW) prevention components, as well

as HIV services within the continuum of care (including both community and facility-based services) will be

mapped in PEPFAR focus provinces, to the district level, in order to better identify gaps in services and to

facilitate improved strategic planning among programs.

Activity 2: Trace and verification of reported PEPFAR data:

Measuring the success and improving the management of projects working towards ambitious goals in the

fight against HIV is predicated on strong M&E systems that produce quality data related to program

implementation. Working directly with PEPFAR SI team, MEASURE Evaluation will provide technical

support using the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Tool to (1) verify the quality of reported data, and (2)

assessing the underlying data management and reporting systems for standard program-level output

indicators, and (3) recommendation for action plans to improve both.

Activity 3: Strengthening M & E Systems with USG implementing partners:

MEASURE will customize and operationalize PEPFAR/Vietnam indicators, considering PEPFAR reporting

within the context of the national Vietnamese M&E framework. These definitions need to be correctly and

consistently applied across all partners at each service delivery point. The purpose of this activity is to better

identify M&E capacity gaps and corresponding strengthening measures to be addressed through technical

assistance and training. MEASURE will work with USG to review prior reporting data quality challenges and

discuss these with partners to jointly develop a partner-level Action Plan to address M&E weaknesses and

shortcomings. In collaboration with PEPFAR SI team, LIFE-GAP, FHI, PACT, and other PEPFAR partners,

MEASURE Evaluation will jointly develop and implement a detailed action plan for strengthening the M&E

system for PEPFAR partners including each technical area (Prevention; Care and Treatment; and Human

capacity development (HCD). A Training plan will developed with M&E Officers and USG for the partner

level data managers at service delivery points in order to strengthen the basic skills on target setting and

reporting on operationalized PEPFAR indicators within the Vietnam context.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15364

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15364 5696.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 7126 3099.08 UNC/Measure

International Evaluation

Development Follow-on

9246 5696.07 U.S. Agency for University of North 5104 3099.07 MEASURE/Eval $290,000

International Carolina at Chapel uation

Development Hill, Carolina

Population Center

5696 5696.06 U.S. Agency for University of North 3099 3099.06 MEASURE/Eval $150,000

International Carolina at Chapel uation

Development Hill, Carolina

Population Center

Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $180,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.17:

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $180,000
Human Resources for Health $180,000