Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 13252
Country/Region: Ukraine
Year: 2013
Main Partner: World Health Organization
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Multi-lateral Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $200,000

The multicountry central CDC-WHO CoAg supports WHO's role as a key HIV policy and technical organization. In Ukraine, WHO has strengthened partnerships with MOH and national organizations and brought policies on prevention, treatment and M&E areas to international standards.

The goal of this mechanism is to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based approaches in the areas of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of HIV and to support WHO's work with the GoU and GF grant recipients to institutionalize these approaches. These goals will be achieved through:

- improve the pre-service training system (medical schools/institutes) for medical professionals in topics relevant to HIV and TB (with other pre-service improvement efforts including ASCP for laboratory);

- streamline data collection and data management procedures for more efficient analysis and reporting;

- improve policy-making through closing operational knowledge gaps and documenting best practices;

- improve the institutional capacity of national health care providers in evidence-based prevention and treatment approaches by revising existing in-service training curricula (in coordination with other inservice training initiatives) and changing the relevant national policies guiding the provision of these services.

The agreement with WHO contributes to the goals of Ukraines Partnership Framework: directly to goal 2 (improved quality and cost effectiveness of HIV services for MARPs) and indirectly to goals 1 of (reduction of HIV transmission among MARPs) and 3 (strengthened national/local ability to achieve National AIDS Program objectives).

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $200,000

Activities in FY12 will expand initial FY11 activities. The FY12 funds will be used to conduct assessments, operational evaluation, develop and adapt curricula, tools and instruments. WHO will work with the educational institutions to pilot the developed curricula. Targeted assistance will also be provided to the national counterparts in supporting guidelines for further integration of TB, HIV and drug treatment services for MARPs. Human resource strengthening is a major focus of partner activities and will create trained cadres of trainers who can continue these SI and service integration activities after the end of USG support. WHO involvement with trainings facilitates national approval. Partner activities will also include increasing the quality of available data and conducting operational evaluations of training efforts, prevention and treatment approaches, and pharmacovigilance system improvement.

The project activities will be in accord with all current WHO guidelines for European Region.

The complementarity of suggested activities to the National AIDS Program, GF grants and USG projects will be ensured by the membership of WHO in the National Coordination Council and representation on all major technical working groups, where the detailed workplan will be discussed and coordinated with stakeholders.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $200,000
Human Resources for Health $200,000