Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 7308
Country/Region: Uganda
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Partnership for Supply Chain Management
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $36,544,904

The Partnership for Supply Chain Management Systems (SCMS) was established to strengthen or establish secure, reliable, cost-effective and sustainable supply chains to meet the care and treatment of PLHAs or those affected by HIV/AIDS. In Uganda, SCMS provides procurement services to serve sites supported by USAID IPs, Walter Reed and DoD. Working in close coordination with MOH and Global Fund Principal Recipients, USG aims to ensure that all private and public sector sites providing HIV/AIDS services have sufficient HIV commodities. SCMS contributes to GHI principles 3 and 4: Build sustainability through health systems strengthening and Strengthen and leverage key multilateral organizations, global health partnerships and private sector engagement. With FY13 budget of $36.5m, SCMS will procure ARVs, lab commodities for CD4, hematology and chemistry testing, HIV test kits, & cotrimoxazole for 109 USAID-designated private-not-for-profit, private-for-profit & public sector sites. SCMS products, quantities and delivery schedules will be based on supply plans developed for the private and public sectors with MOH. USG is supporting the new national HIV Commodity Security group for information sharing and supply monitoring. Joint Medical Store will warehouse and distribute the commodities to USAID-designated private sector sites and National Medical Stores will warehouse and distribute directly to public sector sites. In FY13 a lab procurement specialist will be hired to for SCMS field office to provide the specialized technical skills in lab procurement and build capacity in the interagency PEPFAR program & MOH. Cost efficiency measures already in place include procurement of generics, transport by sea and land wherever possible. No vehicle will be purchased.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $2,881,404

$2,881,404 has been allocated for the procurement of cotrimoxazole and reagents for CD4, hematology and chemistry testing for HIV care and support services of 118,469 current and new adult patients. The commodities will supply sites supported by the GoU, Walter Reed, DoD and USAID. SCMS procurement and in-country distribution will be based on MOH-developed supply plans for public and private sectors with agreed inputs from GoU, GF, USG and other donors. These funds will cover commodity procurement and handling and in-country costs including warehousing and distribution fees for JMS and NMS.

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $1,439,817

$1,439,817 has been allocated to SCMS for procurement of laboratory equipment in order to sufficiently equip 42 laboratory hubs that are supported through USAID implementing partners including SUSTIAN, STAR EC, STAR SW, STAR E, and NUHITES. The equipment planned for procurement includes FACS count machines, hematology, and chemistry, as well as refrigerators for storage of heat sensitive lab reagents and samples. SCMS will seek approval from the national laboratory technical working group and coordinate with implementing partners supporting the hubs to ensure that equipment procured is compatible with MoH requirement for the level of service delivery point.

SCMS will also ensure that procured equipment package include starter kits for at least six months at optimal capacity, equipment installation, end user training, and annual service contract.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $666,785

$666,786 has been allocated for the procurement of HIV test kits and accessories for HCT of 358,487 men presenting at VMMC sites. The commodities will be managed by USAID IPs who are implementing VMMC services through static sites, outreaches and camps. These funds will cover commodity procurement, handling and in-country costs including warehousing and distribution fees for JMS.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $1,610,726

$1,610,726 has been allocated for the procurement of HIV test kits (Determine, Unigold, Statpak) and accessories for routine HCT testing of 2,480,000 persons. The commodities will supply sites supported by the GoU Walter Reed, DoD and USAID. SCMS procurement and in-country distribution will be based on MOH-developed supply plans for public and private sectors which indicate agreed inputs from GF and other donors. These funds will cover commodity procurement and handling and in-country costs including warehousing and distribution fees for JMS and NMS.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $2,000,000

$2,000,000 has been allocated for the procurement of male condoms that will be distributed through public and private sector outlets. A proportion of the condoms will be distributed by USG IPs through their condom promotion and distribution programs in high burden areas and hot spots. All of the condoms will be available for free to consumers. SCMS procurement will be based on MOH-developed supply plans for public and private sectors which indicate agreed inputs from GF and other donors. These funds will cover commodity procurement and handling and in-country costs including warehousing and distribution fees for UHMG and NMS.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

$1,289,125 from PMTCT acceleration funds has been allocated for the procurement of HIV test kits (Determine, Unigold, Statpak) and accessories to test 1,393,354 persons who enter HIV/AIDS services through PMTCT. The commodities will supply sites supported by the GoU, Walter Reed, DoD and USAID. SCMS procurement, and in-country distribution, will be based on MOH-developed supply plans for public and private sectors which indicate agreed inputs from GoU, GF, USG and other donors. These funds will cover commodity procurement and handling and in-country costs including warehousing and distribution fees for JMS and NMS.

Funding for Treatment: ARV Drugs (HTXD): $20,857,798

The COP12 budget for ARV drugs is $20,857,798. SCMS will procure ARV drugs to supply sites supported by the GoU, USAID, Walter Reed and DoD. In FY2013, SCMS will procure first and second line ARV drugs for an estimated 135,731 current and new adult ART patients and 25 percent of the ARV requirements for 23,351 pediatric patients (UNITAID donations will cover the remaining 75 percent). SCMS will procure all ARV requirements for implementation of Option B+ in this first year of national roll out of the eMTCT program. The $10.9 million allocated for Option B+ ARV regimens will serve 78,625 women and baby pairs expected to be enrolled. SCMS ARV procurement and in-country distribution will be based on MOH-developed supply plans for public and private sectors with inputs from GF and other donors. SCMS funds will cover commodity procurement and handling, warehousing and distribution fees for USAID products managed by JMS and NMS, and for UNITAID pediatric ARV drugs that go to USAID designated private sites.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $6,036,020

$6,036,020 has been allocated for the procurement of cotrimoxazole and reagents for CD4, hematology and chemistry testing for HIV treatment services of 135,731 current and new adult patients. The commodities will supply sites supported by the GoU, Walter Reed, DoD and USAID. SCMS procurement, and in-country distribution, will be based on MOH-developed supply plans for public and private sectors with agreed inputs from GoU, GF, USG and other donors. These funds will cover commodity procurement and handling and in-country costs including warehousing and distribution fees for JMS and NMS.

Funding for Treatment: Pediatric Treatment (PDTX): $1,052,354

$6,036,020 has been allocated for the procurement of cotrimoxazole and reagents for CD4, hematology and chemistry testing for HIV treatment services of 135,731 current and new adult patients. The commodities will supply sites supported by the GoU, Walter Reed, DoD and USAID. SCMS procurement, and in-country distribution, will be based on MOH-developed supply plans for public and private sectors with agreed inputs from GoU, GF, USG and other donors. These funds will cover commodity procurement and handling and in-country costs including warehousing and distribution fees for JMS and NMS.

Subpartners Total: $0
Euro Health Group: NA
Fuel PHD: NA
Makerere University: NA
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Mobile Populations