Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012

Details for Mechanism ID: 9795
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2012
Main Partner: African Palliative Care Association
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $200,000

The overall goal of this agreement is to build the capacity of the Tanzania Palliative Care Association (TPCA) to become a viable national association and a key resource for palliative care development, along with becoming recognized as a leader within the field of palliative care in Tanzania. In keeping with the various PFIP goals, this agreement will have the following specific objectives: (1) strengthen the human and institutional capacity through organizational capacity development; (2) promote linkages and sharing of knowledge between palliative care providers within Tanzania; (3) develop capacity for training through training of trainer in palliative care; (4) promote availability of essential drugs required for provision of palliative care; and (5) implement monitoring and evaluation system for palliative care services.

Now in the third year of implementation, African Palliative Care Association (APCA) will continue to focus on systems strengthening, building on the work done in prior years. Drawing on previous experiences in coordinating and supporting palliative care activities in the African region, through training and mentoring efforts, APCA will continue to support and build the capacity of TPCA in organizing, managing, and supporting palliative care services in Tanzania, with eventual transition of all activities to TPCA.

TPCA activities will cover the entire country. AS TPCA increases their role in national level support, supervision, and mentorship for facilities integrating palliative care, there is a stronger need to purchase a vehicle that will be used to support district and region based work.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $200,000

APCA will continue to build management and organization capacity of TPCA to improve coordination of palliative care services in Tanzania. Year three activities will build upon work done in the second year, focusing on health system strengthening in terms of data monitoring and integration of palliative care services in the health delivery systems at the regional and district levels.

The planned activities will be implemented in collaboration with MOHSW, National Aids Control Program, and palliative care partners in Tanzania. APCA will provide technical support to TPCA and partners, while TPCA coordinates local implementation of activities. To strengthen the capacity of TPCA and support to the association, APCA will work with TPCA secretariat to finalize their strategic plan and incorporate comments from the board of directors. TPCA staff and board members will hold strategic meetings aimed at strengthening collaboration, including establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships for further growth of the association.

As a deliberate effort towards strengthening the human capacity for TPCA and supporting effective coordination and implementation of project activities, a program manager will be recruited for TPCA. APCA and TPCA will continue to advocate for provision of better quality services by working in collaboration with MOHSW to review national palliative care/home-based care standards and guidelines. To enhance the ability of MOHSW and other policy bodies to prioritize and take forward the process of developing a national palliative care policy, a study visit will be undertaken to Uganda. The goal of the visit will be to support sharing of lessons in the areas of national level planning of palliative care service, the importance of national policy task shifting, and inclusion of morphine in national essential drug list. During FY 2012, APCA and TPCA will continue to promote the availability of essential drugs for pain relief, specifically the availability of morphine. The project will support the development of regional consultant hospitals as sites for the distribution of oral morphine for pain management. In the areas providing oral morphine, quarterly supportive supervision and mentorship will continue with support from TPCA, MOHSW, and Tanzania Food and Drug Administration (TFDA).

To enhance local knowledge and skills in palliative care and sustained education for services providers, the project will support educational opportunities for trainings at various levels. The education and training programs will target both pre- service and in-service health professionals. APCA and TPCA will continue working with medical and nursing schools with support from the local stakeholders to strengthen their capacity to integrate and teach palliative care at the institutional level. Targeted institutions include HKMU, IMTU, MUHAS, UDOM, BUCHS, Ifakara St. Francis, and KCMC. Sixty hospital staff will be trained in palliative care, 517 communities with home-based care volunteers will be trained by ELCT in year one will receive refresher training. For M&E, this years focus will be to translate M&E tools in Kiswahili with roll out to all partners.