Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 12829
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Johns Hopkins University
Main Partner Program: JHPIEGO
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $800,000

The goal of Jhpiegos program is to provide technical assistance to MOHSWs Health Services Inspectorate Unit (HSIU) to strengthen IPC practices and prevent biomedical transmission of HIV and other bloodborne pathogens. The objectives for the program are to develop guidelines, policies, and standards; coordinate and transition IPC activities; implement quality improvement (QI) of IPC at hospitals; build capacity of IPC training and supervision; provide IPC supplies; advocate for IPC into district budgets; and conduct monitoring and evaluation. The program supports the Partnership Framework through capacity development, QI, integration of services, and behavior change activities. The program has national coverage with the primary target population being health care workers.

Jhpiego and the HSIU have developed a cadre of national IPC trainers, which allows for travel to be more cost effective. QI teams at individual hospitals will be revitalized to conduct the daily work of addressing IPC issues. Jhpiego will develop an e-learning course on basics of IPC to reduce the time needed for in-service training while covering larger numbers of health workers quickly.

CDC and HSIU have developed a transition plan for IPC by FY 2013. In FY 2012, Jhpiego, HSIU, and CDC will regularly review the transition plan, evaluate progress, and make adjustments. The National IPC trainers will ensure that there is a lasting cadre of experts to continue the work.

Jhpiego and HSIU will monitor and evaluate program indicators and focus on building capacity at HSIU to develop a reporting mechanism for PEP and a surveillance system for healthcare associated infections.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Injection Safety (HMIN): $800,000

JHPIEGO will implement activities in IPC per objectives and approaches described in the overview narrative. The activities address injection safety, phlebotomy, management of HCW occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens, and health care waste management (HCWM). The coverage and scope of activities described below addresses integration of IS and HCWM into HIV services, promotion of country ownership, sustainability, partnerships, QI, M&E, and commodity security.

For PEP, JHPIEGO will develop a short training package to be delivered to facilities and PEPFAR partners. Part of the transition will be to develop a plan and budgeting tools for HCWM to help districts address IPC and HCWM. Further guidance on HCWM will include various types of final disposal for different facilities. JHPIEGO will assist HSIU, Tanzania Food and Drug Authority (TFDA), and HCWM to write a directive on how to dispose of expired medicines. With technical expertise from the Quality and Safety Research Group at John Hopkins Hospital, JHPIEGO will work with larger hospitals to implement a safe surgery checklist.

JHPIEGO supports HSIU as the leader of the national QI forum and provides financial and technical support for annual meetings. JHPIEGO will serve as technical lead for all PEPFAR partners on IPC, HCWM, and PEP integration into programs.

In FY 2012, JHPIEGOs Standards Based Management and Recognition (SBMR) process will be implemented in all regional hospitals and Zanzibar, and expanded to select district hospitals. Working with QI teams and national IPC trainers, HCWs at facilities will receive on-site coaching to improve the quality of IPC as measured by national standards. Hospitals reaching set criteria will be recognized by MOHSW as high performing.

Thirty-one national IPC trainers have skills in training, QI, supervision, and site strengthening and are a sustainable cadre of experts. JHPIEGO will create a web blog for IPC information to support their efforts. JHPIEGO will work with professional associations to deliver education in topics of IPC, HCWM, and PEP while an IPC e-learning course will reduce the need for in-service training. In safe phlebotomy, JHPIEGO will work with MOHSW and Becton Dickinson (BD) to roll out guidelines, SOPs and training.

JHPIEGO will provide buffer stocks of IPC supplies while advocating Medical Stores Department (MSD) to incorporate new supplies into procurement systems and ensure availability of current products. HSIU, along with TFDA, MSD, Pharmaceutical Supplies Unit (PSU), and HCWM, will conduct inspections of the quality of IPC supplies at the facility level, while JHPIEGO supports the monitoring tools and inspection plan. JHPIEGO and the HCWM program will provide TA to PEPFAR partners, RHMTs, and CHMTs to determine appropriate HCWM for their facility. Renovations and repairs for varying types of HCWM facilities will be set up in five to eight model sites. JHPIEGO will support the HSIU Advocacy Strategy for IPC, including HCWM planning and budgeting tools, supplies forecasting, and training for HCWs.

JHPIEGO will monitor data from QI assessments in the SBMR database and pilot the national PEP reporting. Results from an evaluation study on client and provider perceptions of injection practices and on healthcare acquired infections (surgical site infections, puerperal sepsis, neonatal sepsis) will be support modifications for COP 2012.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $384,000
enumerations.Construction/Renovation $56,000
Human Resources for Health $328,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Child Survival Activities
Safe Motherhood
Workplace Programs