Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 9616
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2011
Main Partner: IntraHealth International, Inc.
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $3,843,000

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $2,250,000

Continue PITC support, MC, mobile CT in Arusha, Shinyanga, Kigoma, Mara; Contribute 300k to couples CT in Shinyanga & Mara; 40,000 has been deducted as contribution towards PPP.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $200,000

Develop a fully functional PDA based set of clinical standards that can be rolled out more widely to CTCs. Undertake a pilot to look at how the PDA system for delivering standardized care in CTC clinics can help screen clients and make better use of limited clinical staff. The pilot will determine the feasibility of rolling out the tool and of utilizing lower level cadre to deliver ART related services.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $1,393,000

Expansion of MC support in Shinyanga region

Subpartners Total: $0
D-Tree International: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $200,000
Construction/Renovation $200,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
End-of-Program Evaluation
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Family Planning