Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11430
Country/Region: Tanzania
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0


TITLE: Procurement and Distribution of Food and Nutritional Commodities

NEED and COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: Many of the more than 250,000 patients served through US

Government-funded care and support programs through both Care and Treatment Clinics and home-based

care suffer from food insecurity or malnutrition that exacerbates their health status. The importance of

nutrition in determining clinical outcomes for people on antiretroviral treatment is becoming increasingly

apparent. In FY 2009, USG/Tanzania will put more emphasis on addressing food and nutrition needs of

clients receiving care and support. Food and nutritional support through therapeutic and supplementary

feeding is recognized as a critical component of effective care for these patients. In order to improve the

health of HIV-positive patients, the USG intends to procure food and/or nutritional supplements for

malnourished people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), pregnant women in prevention of mother-to-child

nutrition (PMTCT) programs, as well as orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), particularly post-weaning.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Not applicable, as this is a new activity.

ACTIVITIES: In FY 2009, the USG intends to procure and distribute food and nutritional support to

HIV/AIDS patients through both facility- and community-care partners. In FY 2009, USG/Tanzania will be

expanding a feeding program using ready-to-use therapeutic food products and fortified supplemental foods

targeting eligible clients. The partner selected to procure and distribute the food must have a successful

history of procuring for nutritional programs supporting PLWHA, in addition to bulk purchasing and

distribution of supplies. TBD will adopt proven practices for implementing nutritional support programs for


LINKAGES: The partner will link with implementing partners providing direct services to patients (e.g., food

by prescription) to develop models for food supplies management and distribution systems. The partner will

also coordinate closely with other partners (including the Medical Stores Department) who have experience

in commodity distribution in country to ensure that commodities reach the implementing partners. Where

possible, the TBD partner will avoid duplication by working directly with other implementers involved in

wraparound feeding or nutritional support programs (e.g., the World Food Programme). TBD will also work

with in-country supplementary food manufacturers, for possible procurement of food or nutrition-related


M&E: This TBD partner will be for commodity procurement and will also contribute to the service delivery

provided by other implementing partners; therefore, the activity does not have direct targets. However,

information on the procurement of food and nutritional supplements will be tracked by the USG activity

manager and will be monitored against information reported by service delivery partners.

SUSTAINAIBLITY: While the food procurement is not designed to be a self-sustaining activity, it is aimed at

therapeutic food provision for a specified duration within the clinical setting to address immediate and critical

food and nutritional deficiencies especially for clients currently on care and treatment programs, PMTCT

and OVC. The longer-term food security and availability to the households will be addressed through other

linkages with wraparound programs.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.08: