Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2005 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 107
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2008
Main Partner: IntraHealth International, Inc.
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,175,000

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $900,000

This is a continuing activity from FY 2007. No narrative required.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $275,000

In support of the 2005-2009 HRH National Strategic Plan, the EP will continue providing human resource

expertise to the MOH through IHI/Capacity to strengthen the management of the national health workforce.

This support emphasizes staff retention, performance, and promotion of professional expertise among

medical and nursing staff providing HIV/AIDS care.

In FY 2008, IHI/Capacity will continue supporting the MOH to develop clearly defined job descriptions for all

employee categories and expand the personnel management system to help create effective supervision,

feedback and goal setting in accordance with existing civil service procedures. IHI/Capacity will continue to

support the utilization of a web-based human resources information system that tracks medical and nursing

continuing education, particularly HIV/AIDS training, as well as basic employee information including

performance evaluations and employment history. The web-based software is connected to central and

district offices and hospitals that have internet connectivity. This allows central and district health planners

to evaluate current and future HR needs by cadre; compare the needs to currently available and projected

human resources; and test various interventions to find the best way to supply needed health care workers.

IHI/Capacity will also continue supporting a team of three Rwandan HR specialists (HR advisor, IT database

administrator, personnel specialist) to provide workforce planning and personnel management TA and

capacity building to the MOH. The seconded IHI/Capacity HR advisors are instrumental in the

implementation of the 2005-2009 HRH Strategic Plan. The HR Advisors research employee retention,

participate in donor HRH studies and conduct focus group research to document retention issues,

particularly within rural health centers where retention problems are the greatest. IHI/Capacity will also

continue to provide TA in long-term workforce forecasting and planning for the MOH. These activities will be

coordinated through the Health Cluster and the Human Resources TWG led by the Permanent Secretary of

the MOH. While other donors in the Health Cluster are contributing to a basket fund to address HR issues,

the EP is providing targeted support through IHI/Capacity and PBF strategies to augment low salaries of

health workers based on performance standards and outputs.

The direct outputs of this activity are to build the organizational capacity of the MOH and the human

resource capacity of 30 individuals. These activities reflect the ideas presented in the Rwanda EP five-year

strategy and support the GOR national strategy of human resources and organizational capacity building.