Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4694
Country/Region: Rwanda
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Abt Associates
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $100,000

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $100,000

This activity relates to OHPS (7218).

NHA are the systematic, comprehensive assessment of resource needs and available resources in Rwanda's health system. These accounts are designed to facilitate the successful implementation of the GOR health system goals. A national health system should incorporate the inputs of donors and government budgets to facilitate the provision of an optimal package of goods and services to maintain and enhance the health of the population. NHA tries to estimate total needs within the Rwandan health system and attempts to trace, for any given year, all the resources that flow through the health system and where they end up. NHA is often the only information about national spending levels in health and is a standard management tool for situation analysis, planning, monitoring and evaluation purposes. NHA address four basic sets of questions: where do resources come from, where do they go, what kinds of services and goods do they purchase and whom do they benefit. The state of data availability for policy planning in the Rwanda remains limited and tables have not been updated since 2003.

Over the last few years, the GOR has made a significant effort to revitalize the NHA initiative which began with assistance from the US Government in the late 1990s. As more funds flow into the country from multiple donors, the inability of the GOR to understand the resource flows hampers its ability to their own resources and to understand the impact of initiatives like the EP, PMI, GFATM, etc. Given the size of the annual EP budget in Rwanda and the large proportion of HIV activities in the health budget, it is appropriate that HIV programs contribute to the overall effort to understand and quantify health system finances.

In FY 2007, the EP will assist the GOR to update the estimates of funding requirements for Rwanda's health system, and to update the NHA tables with the latest available data. This activity will help ensure that the EP resource flows are properly attributed within the overall GOR budget. The EP support will be coordinated with GOR and other donor funding to develop an up-to-date set of NHA.

The direct outputs from this activity will include an updated set of accounts including USG inputs which will increase the GOR capacity to plan and manage the health sector.

This activity reflects the ideas presented in the Rwanda EP five-year strategy and the Health Strategic Plan by directly contributing to Rwanda's efforts to improve sustainability.