Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7602
Country/Region: Nigeria
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

In C0P 09, the C-Change program (previously known as PHDC) will fill identified gaps in the mass media

approach to prevention of sexual transmission of HIV in Nigeria, build capacity of USG Implementing

Partners to implement BCC program strategies targeted at abstinence, being faithful, and condoms and

other prevention (ABC) services and increase the reach of the prevention program while ensuring that BCC

strategies are informed by available epidemiologically relevant and target specific data.

C-Change will conduct a strategic assessment of the current communication programming situation in

country and a needs assessment that will include a review of BCC materials. C-Change will build capacity

of individual USG prevention partners to appropriately design and implement their own outreach activities

and to produce information, education, and communication (IEC) materials in support of their prevention

objectives using effective messaging and BCC strategies. Assisted implementing partners (IPs) will develop

and implement behavior change interventions to address appropriate ABC messages to the youth of

Nigeria. Messages will focus on abstinence, delay of sexual debut, and secondary abstinence. Messaging

will be age specific and culturally appropriate and will target in- and out-of-school youth under the age of 15.

C-Change will train 180 individuals from IP project sites in peer education skills. Trained peer educators will

be provided with assistance in coordinating peer education clubs in schools and communities. Activities of

the peer education clubs will increase knowledge and build capacity of other club members. Trained peer

educators will also focus on strengthening the capacity of the peer education clubs to develop guidelines for

operation and detailed responsibilities of members. Peer educators will target most-at-risk populations

(MARPs), including persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs), in- and out-of-school youth, as well as


The 180 core ABC peer educators will reach out to an additional 32,840 youth through peer education

activities. Peer educators will use materials and strategies developed by C-Change in collaboration with

USG IPs to reinforce behavioral change and risk reduction messages. C-Change will assist IPs to reinforce

messages at the community level through the use of electronic media and various innovative

communication channels, appropriate to the community, such as drama and local folkloric genres. The

sexual prevention program will also be strengthened through the initiation of a national level behavioral

change communication (BCC) strategy and through enhanced behavior change via mass media activities

that reinforce other USG-funded interpersonal communications and community-based outreach activities.

C-Change will build capacity of IPs to implement BCC programs using strategies that respect and respond

to local customs, and social and community norms. Programming is expected to: support delay of sexual

debut; develop skills in unmarried individuals for practicing abstinence and negotiation for safe sex while

transiting from abstinence; address coerced sexual activity and transactional sex; emphasize the

importance of faithfulness in reducing the transmission of HIV; support partner reduction; and develop skills

for sustaining marital fidelity. This will entail development of the ‘Be faithful' messaging component of sexual

prevention activities of IPs to target couples using mass media, print, and religious and community

gatherings, including counseling service provision. C-Change will train 120 individuals from IP project sites

who will reach out to 21,894 individuals with developed messages and materials (including audio visual

aids) targeted at fidelity, partner reduction and messages that focus on HIV counseling and testing to

reduce incidence of HIV and AIDS. C-Change will assist IPs in targeting community and traditional leaders

and organizations by focusing on messages to be promoted during planned advocacy visits and community

intervention programs. C-Change will work with IPs to develop thematic messages that are culturally

appropriate and acceptable as well as explore activities that are favorable for the faith based settings.

Messages will also promote linkages to other program areas, including counseling and testing, STI

treatment and other facility based services.

C-Change will assist IPs to address the mobilization of communities to address norms and behaviors on

cross generational and transactional sex, promote increased male involvement in prevention activities and

improved health seeking behaviors. Also addressed in the intervention will be: issues of stigma and

discrimination; promoting behavioral change among blood donors and potential donors to embrace non-

remunerated blood donations; and promoting injection safety. C-Change will adhere to recommendations

made in the National Prevention Plan and National Behavior Change Communication Strategy and utilize a

balanced AB+C approach in its interventions. C-Change will collaborate with the National Agency for the

Control of AIDS (NACA) and national media to ensure sustainability and support of NACA BCC efforts. C-

Change will also provide technical assistance to the BCC committee of the National Prevention Technical

Working Group and support BCC activities in the wider public health (FMoH) programming.

C-Change will ensure data quality and continuous quality improvement of activities by encouraging IPs to

develop effective peer education activity monitoring forms and build capacity in monitoring and evaluation of

communication programs through periodic monitoring and supportive supervision site visits to verify planned

implementation as well as to provide technical assistance that will ensure continued quality data collection


C-Change's contribution to the overall sexual prevention activities will be by building technical capacities of

implementing partners to review and develop strategies for working with different target audiences including

MARPs and other segments of the general population, resulting in more sustainable prevention



These activities will be linked to community program development, HCT, Gender, HCT, PMTCT, Blood

Safety, Injection Safety, TB HIV, treatment, care and SI.


Targeted populations for this activity include: staff of implementing agencies, MARPs, young people,

couples, religious organizations and media organizations.


The activity will help address male norms and behaviors, and community norms and values while

Activity Narrative: emphasizing benefits of reducing violence and coercion through messaging delivered through such

activities as couple counseling and testing.


This activity will emphasize Behavior Change Communication with a focus on strategy and message

development directed at sexual prevention.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16927

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16927 16927.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 7602 7602.08 USAID Track

International 2.0 FS PHDC


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

In C0P 09, the C-Change program (previously known as PHDC) will fill identified gaps in the mass media

approach to prevention of sexual transmission of HIV in Nigeria, build capacity of USG Implementing

Partners to implement BCC program strategies targeted at abstinence, being faithful, and condoms and

other prevention (ABC) services and increase the reach of the prevention program while ensuring that BCC

strategies are informed by available epidemiologically relevant and target specific data.

C-Change will conduct a strategic assessment of the current communication programming situation in

country and a needs assessment that will include a review of BCC materials. C-Change will build capacity

of individual USG prevention partners to appropriately design and implement their own outreach activities

and to produce information, education, and communication (IEC) materials in support of their prevention

objectives using effective messaging and BCC strategies. Assisted implementing partners (IPs) will develop

and implement behavior change interventions to address appropriate ABC messages to the youth of

Nigeria. Messages will focus on abstinence, delay of sexual debut, and secondary abstinence. Messaging

will be age specific and culturally appropriate and will target in- and out-of-school youth under the age of 15.

C-Change will train 180 individuals from IP project sites in peer education skills. Trained peer educators will

be provided with assistance in coordinating peer education clubs in schools and communities. Activities of

the peer education clubs will increase knowledge and build capacity of other club members. Trained peer

educators will also focus on strengthening the capacity of the peer education clubs to develop guidelines for

operation and detailed responsibilities of members. Peer educators will target most-at-risk populations

(MARPs), including persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs), in- and out-of-school youth, as well as


The 180 core ABC peer educators will reach out to an additional 32,840 youth through peer education

activities. Peer educators will use materials and strategies developed by C-Change in collaboration with

USG IPs to reinforce behavioral change and risk reduction messages. C-Change will assist IPs to reinforce

messages at the community level through the use of electronic media and various innovative

communication channels, appropriate to the community, such as drama and local folkloric genres. The

sexual prevention program will also be strengthened through the initiation of a national level behavioral

change communication (BCC) strategy and through enhanced behavior change via mass media activities

that reinforce other USG-funded interpersonal communications and community-based outreach activities.

C-Change will build capacity of IPs to implement BCC programs using strategies that respect and respond

to local customs, and social and community norms. Programming is expected to: support delay of sexual

debut; develop skills in unmarried individuals for practicing abstinence and negotiation for safe sex while

transiting from abstinence; address coerced sexual activity and transactional sex; emphasize the

importance of faithfulness in reducing the transmission of HIV; support partner reduction; and develop skills

for sustaining marital fidelity. This will entail development of the ‘Be faithful' messaging component of sexual

prevention activities of IPs to target couples using mass media, print, and religious and community

gatherings, including counseling service provision. C-Change will train 120 individuals from IP project sites

who will reach out to 21,894 individuals with developed messages and materials (including audio visual

aids) targeted at fidelity, partner reduction and messages that focus on HIV counseling and testing to

reduce incidence of HIV and AIDS. C-Change will assist IPs in targeting community and traditional leaders

and organizations by focusing on messages to be promoted during planned advocacy visits and community

intervention programs. C-Change will work with IPs to develop thematic messages that are culturally

appropriate and acceptable as well as explore activities that are favorable for the faith based settings.

Messages will also promote linkages to other program areas, including counseling and testing, STI

treatment and other facility based services.

C-Change will assist IPs to address the mobilization of communities to address norms and behaviors on

cross generational and transactional sex, promote increased male involvement in prevention activities and

improved health seeking behaviors. Also addressed in the intervention will be: issues of stigma and

discrimination; promoting behavioral change among blood donors and potential donors to embrace non-

remunerated blood donations; and promoting injection safety. C-Change will adhere to recommendations

made in the National Prevention Plan and National Behavior Change Communication Strategy and utilize a

balanced AB+C approach in its interventions. C-Change will collaborate with the National Agency for the

Control of AIDS (NACA) and national media to ensure sustainability and support of NACA BCC efforts. C-

Change will also provide technical assistance to the BCC committee of the National Prevention Technical

Working Group and support BCC activities in the wider public health (FMoH) programming.

C-Change will ensure data quality and continuous quality improvement of activities by encouraging IPs to

develop effective peer education activity monitoring forms and build capacity in monitoring and evaluation of

communication programs through periodic monitoring and supportive supervision site visits to verify planned

implementation as well as to provide technical assistance that will ensure continued quality data collection


C-Change's contribution to the overall sexual prevention activities will be by building technical capacities of

implementing partners to review and develop strategies for working with different target audiences including

MARPs and other segments of the general population, resulting in more sustainable prevention



These activities will be linked to community program development, HCT, Gender, HCT, PMTCT, Blood

Safety, Injection Safety, TB HIV, treatment, care and SI.


Targeted populations for this activity include: staff of implementing agencies, MARPs, young people,

couples, religious organizations and media organizations.


The activity will help address male norms and behaviors, and community norms and values while

Activity Narrative: emphasizing benefits of reducing violence and coercion through messaging delivered through such

activities as couple counseling and testing.


This activity will emphasize Behavior Change Communication with a focus on strategy and message

development directed at sexual prevention.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16927

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16927 16927.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 7602 7602.08 USAID Track

International 2.0 FS PHDC


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.03: