Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 17571
Country/Region: Mozambique
Year: 2014
Main Partner: Columbia University
Main Partner Program: Mailman School of Public Health
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/HRSA
Total Funding: $100,000 Additional Pipeline Funding: N/A

NOTE: The following is taken from summaries released by PEPFAR on the PEPFAR Data Dashboard. They are incomplete summary paragraphs only and do not contain the full mechanism details. When the full narratives are released, we will update the mechanism pages accordingly.

The Global Nurse Capacity Building Program (GNCBP) at ICAP seeks to improve health outcomes by strengthening the quality and capacity of nurses and midwives throughout the country. The global program focuses on three general objectives: 1. Improving the quality and quantity of nurses and midwives; 2. Introducing innovative HRH models that can radically change health care delivery; 3. Build local and regional partnerships in support of policies, practice regulation, training, and support of nursing and midwifery organizations and institutions. This program will directly contribute to the PEPFAR priorities, as well as the Mozambique Partnership Framework objectives of increasing the number of health care workers to address health needs including HIV/AIDS service delivery. The GNCBP will work at the national level and will be coordinated with the Ministry of Health, partners and stakeholders working with nurses and midwifery in country. PEPFAR indicators for human resource development will be used to monitor the success of the program on an ongoing basis.

Mechanism Allocation by Budget Code for Selected Year
Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS) $100,000
Mechanism Target Information

Since COP2014, PEPFAR no longer produces narratives for every mechanism it funds. However, PEPFAR has now included performance targets or indicator information for each mechanism based on the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) system. The MER guidance is available on PEPFAR's website Note that COP years 2014-2015 were under a previous version of the MER system and the indicators and definitions may have changed as of the new 2.0 guidance.

This mechanism has no published performance targets or indicators.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $100,000
Human Resources for Health $100,000