Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 9900
Country/Region: Mozambique
Year: 2013
Main Partner: FHI 360
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $3,331,704

The goal of the program is to strengthen the governance, human resources, financial and project management, and technical capacity of Mozambican CSOs. CAP provides grants and tailored capacity-building. CAP supports PF objectives 1, 2, 3, and 5 and supports the GHI, strengthening CSOs capacity to advocate and participate in planning processes. Geographic coverage includes Maputo City, Maputo Province, Sofala, Zambezia, Nampula and Manica. Target populations include CSO staff and members, the general population, OVCs, and sex workers. CAPs cost-efficiency strategy includes donor coordination to ensure partners costs are shared; smaller quarterly partner meetings; hiring staff based in provinces; cross fertilization between OVC and Prevention activities; careful analysis of grantee budgets; and strong financial monitoring systems to catch problems in grantee financial reports earlier. CAP activities support CSOs to become stronger organizationally and technically, to support the larger PEPFAR transition goals. CAP is a key part of the USG strategy to build local organizations to receive direct USG funding. As a result of financial analysis during the COP12 process, activities under the IM were reduced due to $12 million pipeline as a result of the suspension of Academy of Educational Development. Vehicles: Total planned/purchased/leased vehicles for the life of this mechanisms = 9; New FY 2012 requests in COP FY 2012=6. Cost-analysis of public transportation options, sharing vehicles, rental or taxi use resulted in new requests.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0

CAP has FY2011 HBC pipeline of $705,600, which has not yet been obligated, which is why no HBC funds are requested in this COP.

AED will continue sub-granting to the National Nursing Association, ANEMO, and building its organizational capacity. ANEMO will continue training of home based care (HBC) trainers mainly in the southern and central regions (the majority of PLHIV are in these regions) on the four priority services identified by the MOH (psychosocial support, nutrition counseling, positive living, treatment adherence) and on building referral systems between health facilities, families of PLHIV, care and support services, OVC, and HIV prevention activities.

ANEMO will provide accreditation for HBC trainers who have been trained but not accredited, and in-service training for accredited HBC trainers to include: care of skin conditions, pain management, HIV prevention, psychosocial support, nutrition counseling, positive living, treatment adherence and stigma. ANEMO will direct community based organizations (CBO) and nongovernmental organizations (NGO) to clinics in their catchment area to improve the continuum of care.

The activity targets staff of CBOs and NGOs who manage HBC programs. As the national association mandated by MOH to provide HBC training of trainers, ANEMO supports USG and non-USG-supported organizations wanting to train staff as HBC trainers.

To address client retention and referrals, ANEMO trains in the use of HBC evaluation/intake form to establish the level of care needed and received. This is used to develop personal care plans for each client and helps ensure consistent services and improve follow-up and adherence. ANEMO Master Trainers encourage trainers to review care plans with HBC workers every 4-6 months.

ANEMO facilitates linkages between the clinic and the NGO/CBO by mentoring trainers. ANEMO Master trainers promote functional bi-directional referrals between community and clinic but ANEMO does not provide HBC services directly. ANEMO coordinates with MOH to monitor and improve quality of care provided by local organizations.

Due to the start of another project, ComCHASS - also implemented by FHI 360, this will be the last year that CAP is supporting ANEMO. This is part of USG's effort to rationalize support to ANEMO to provide HBC training as well as to be a strong nursing association. CAP and ComCHASS are working together for a smooth transition.

Funding for Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children (HKID): $2,757,041

This activity is being implemented by an International NGO that works with locally owned organizations working in the OVC sector in Mozambique.

CAP will increase the number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) receiving quality care. Activities include capacity-building and grants to two OVC umbrella NGOs, one OVC network and two OVC CBOs. These partners (HACI, Rede Came, CCM-Zambezia, AJN, Niwanane) will receive capacity-building in project design, financial management, work plans, grants management, M&E, and OVC technical areas. The OVC umbrellas/networks will be supported to manage sub-granting and capacity-building. CAP will launch a Request For Applications to select new OVC partners, conduct capacity assessments, and develop tailored capacity-building plans. Intensive coaching will be given, especially to CBOs.

A key strategy will be expanding a program for OVC economic empowerment and employability, Programa Para o Futuro (PPF). PPF helps older OVC gain a mix of skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors to adopt safe behaviors, improve their health and create quality livelihoods. PPF will provide capacity-building to a local NGO to implement the program. Activities include: identification of a second learning facility for the OVC, hiring staff, conducting Learning Facilitators preparation workshop, recruiting four cohorts of youth, conducting the learning program, facilitating and implementing structured internships for the youth. Target population will be local organizations serving OVC, and the OVC served. OVC reached will include children from ages of 0-17 of both sexes but with a focus on adolescent girls.

CAP supports partners to conduct community consultations, involving key stakeholders such as district representatives for social action, education, and health; OVCs, caregivers, community leaders and other service providers. CAP helps local NGOs link to other partners such as SCIP and with local authorities, to improve the continuum of care and learn what can be done to solve OVC care needs. CAP facilitates peer learning; sharing of information, tools and materials; and implementation of advocacy plans. CAP will support at least one OVC partner to attend a regional knowledge exchange on OVC.

CAP will provide on-going capacity-building on using the child status index tool to assess individual child priority needs, developing a care plan for each child, tracking services provided to OVC and analysis of data for reporting by sub-partners.

CAP will support HACI to link to the Health Policy Project (HPP)/CEDPA technical assistance to integrate an evidence-based GBV lens into the project.

The OVC partners continuing from the last COP period have shown progress in several organizational areas, such as governance, financial management, and M&E. CAP will facilitate the organizations to carry out internal reviews comparing project progress to planned results and reassess capacity needs. CAP will support partners to develop annual workplans and M&E plans. Partners receive individualized support to assess, adapt, and create appropriate M&E tools to facilitate collection, processing and analysis of data to accurately track the number of OVC reached and each childs progress.

Geographic coverage is Maputo City, Zambezia, Sofala, and Nampula, and one network has national coverage. This may increase based on new partners selected. OVC are of all ages and both genders, and will be disaggregated by sex.

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $300,000

CAP has FY2011 OHSS pipeline of $4,000,000, which has not yet been obligated, which is why no OHSS funds are requested in this COP.

CAP will provide institutional strengthening and grant support to local organizations to become leading organizations in civil society and to develop and manage effective HIV programs. CAPs systematic approach to working with these organizations has proven effective; as they mature in their project and basic financial management abilities, their attention is shifting to organizational issues such as fundraising, policy setting, advocacy, networking, external relations, and leadership and governance.

Activities will focus on identifying and assessing new partner organizations; conducting participatory organizational assessments with each partner; providing tailored, intensive institutional capacity-building for implementation of activities and long-term sustainability of the program; creating fora for leveraging new knowledge and expertise among partners; increasing capacity of local professionals to respond to organizational development needs of local organizations.

This activity addresses the system barrier of a weak civil society, which contributes to weak participation in the health system. Civil society organizations will be strengthened to play a leading role in the HIV response as service providers and advocates thus strengthening the health system. These community-based organizations are well-placed to design relevant HIV activities and ensure that the voices of people living with and affected by HIV are heard.

This activity links to the capacity-building that CAP will provide in the areas of prevention, care and support Sub-partners will receive a mix of technical and organizational capacity-building to meet their identified needs. There is also an intentional spill-over effect since partners will not only have increased capacity to carry out HIV work but to be strong civil society actors in general, thus impacting other areas of health and policy-making.

The relevant human resources for health indicator is the number of community health and social workers who successfully completed a pre-service training program, as CAP partners will train various types of community workers, such as home-based care workers and peer educators.

CAP supports its partners to integrate gender, such as working with parents, youth and school boards to ensure a safer school environment. CAP is part of the Gender Based Violence Initiative; several of its partners will be supported to incorporate GBV work with technical assistance (TA) from CAP and Health Policy Project. Activities include training, on-site TA, development of gender and GBV tools, and building awareness in communities, and advocacy.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $24,509

CAP has FY2011 HVAB pipeline of $3,000,000, which has not yet been obligated, which is why no HVAB funds are requested in this COP.

CAP provides grants and capacity building to local organizations to design, implement and adapt evidence-based and audience appropriate HIV prevention programs in Sofala, Maputo-City, Maputo, Nampula, Zambezia, and Manica Provinces. The sub-partners target youth aged 15-35, with communication and negotiation skills within couples, young men and women, girls at risk of sexual exploitation in schools, teachers and school management, to discurouage grades for sex and families. Interventions use evidence-based methodology (e.g. from Engender Health/Promundo, Africa Transformation) including facilitated small group discussions, peer education, theater, videos, etc. Interventions target gender norms, the institutions that influence social norms (schools, churches, community leaders), in reducing multiple concurrent partnerships, cross-generational and transactional sex. The target groups are equipped with the understanding, skills and motivation to recognize and avoid high risk behaviors that make them vulnerable to HIV infection. CAP mentors local organizations to ensure that community outreach and interpersonal communication interventions, such as drama discussion groups and counseling, are engaging and effective.

All interventions are designed based on a communications strategy informed by formative research with target populations. All messages are monitored for appropriateness with periodic testing. CAP conducts monthly monitoring/coaching visits at the start of any new intervention for 3-6 months and quarterly thereafter. CAP will provide support to sub-partners in monitoring the effectiveness of the communications strategy and in improving their skills in interpersonal communications. CAP also conducts baseline, midterm and end of project surveys.

AED promotes linkages with and referrals to counseling and testing facilities. Faciltiators will be provided with training on stigma and discrimination. In many cases, partners are integrating HIV prevention with populations with whom they already have a relationship farmer associations, churches, associations of professors and educators. Vulnerable children are also being educated about reducing sexual exploitation.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $204,794

CAP has FY2011 HVOP pipeline of $800,772, which has not yet been obligated, which is why no HVOP funds are requested in this COP. There are also some COP10 OP funds obligated but not fully spent.

CAP supports local organizations to expand HIV prevention programs for MARP mostly in Maputo and Zambezia provinces. Sub-grants enable organizations to use innovative approaches to engage the harder to reach populations and strengthen links to other preventive activities. CAP strengthens the capacity of local organizations to develop and implement evidence-based, audience-appropriate packages of minimum services for MARPs, e.g. adult miners, sex workers, and drug addicts, all primarily over 15 years old. CAP partners also work with adults who engage in multiple concurrent partnerships or transactional sex, with interventions focused on small group discussions.

CAP will support local partners to ensure that community outreach and interpersonal communication interventions, e.g. discussion groups and peer education, are engaging and effective. Counseling for improved condom education and consistent use, especially by individuals and couples at increased risk of HIV, will be strengthened. Interventions for MARPs include peer education and small facilitated discussion groups with a minimum of 4 sessions. Discussion topics are locally adapted and tailored to the population. For drug addicts and sex workers, the organizations offer complementary activities (e.g. vocational training, therapeutic activities). For miners, interventions take place on the long bus trip from the border to home. The package of interventions also includes activities that reach those who influence the target group: families (in the case of miners and drug users), clients (sex workers) to educate them about risks and how to support positive behaviors. Interventions include linkages to other services, e.g. CT, referral for STIs, condom use education, and social rehabilitation.

All interventions are designed informed by formative research with the target populations. Messages are monitored for appropriateness with periodic testing. CAP conducts monthly monitoring/coaching visits at the start of any new intervention for 3-6 months, and quarterly thereafter. CAP will support monitoring the effectiveness of the communications strategy and improving skills in interpersonal communications.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $45,360

CAP will provide capacity-building to local organizations to promote PMTCT services in communities. Local organizations will accompany pregnant women to antenatal care visits, provide referrals, and follow up in the community. Where possible, they will link women to others groups and other support groups and relevant services.

Subpartners Total: $0
Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo: NA
Christian Council of Mozambique: NA
Empresarios Contra HIV e SIDA: NA
Hope for African Children Initiative: NA
Kubatsirana: NA
Niiwanane: NA
Universidade Catolica de Mocambique: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $900,000
Gender: Gender Based Violence (GBV) $150,000
Gender: Gender Equality $750,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Implement activities to change harmful gender norms & promote positive gender norms
Increase gender equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources
Increasing women's legal rights and protection
Child Survival Activities
Safe Motherhood
Workplace Programs
End-of-Program Evaluation