Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 12114
Country/Region: Malawi
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

In FY11, PEPFAR Malawi will explore monitoring early population-based PMTCT effectiveness through

an approach similar to what has been used in South Africa and elsewhere in which routine rapid testing of

infants at the 4-6 weeks immunization visit is linked to EID for those with positive rapid tests. As the new

longitudinal PMTCT and postnatal follow-up registers and pre-ART tools are widely implemented, these

will also be used to evaluate the PMTCT program using a cohort approach as well. However, to

comprehensively attempt to measure the effectiveness of the national PMTCT program, PEPFAR Malawi

proposes to support an evaluation along the lines of the PEARL study which incorporates both the

population-based and longitudinal components. A baseline would be done in September 2010, once the

new registers have been implemented nationally, and then one year later the evaluation would be done to

look at the effectiveness after a full year of implementation. PEPFAR Malawi would like to discuss further

with HQ, but has tentatively budgeted funding for this activity. The evaluation would not attempt to directly

estimate HIV-free survival by surveys however, as this would be too costly, but rather only model it based

upon the number of women on ART, reported infant feeding practices, etc.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0

BUDGET - Redacted


In FY11, PEPFAR Malawi will explore monitoring early population-based PMTCT effectiveness through

an approach similar to what has been used in South Africa and elsewhere in which routine rapid testing

of infants at the 4-6 weeks immunization visit is linked to EID for those with positive rapid tests. As the

new longitudinal PMTCT and postnatal follow-up registers and pre-ART tools are widely implemented,

these will also be used to evaluate the PMTCT program using a cohort approach as well. However, to

comprehensively attempt to measure the effectiveness of the national PMTCT program, PEPFAR Malawi

proposes to support an evaluation along the lines of the PEARL study which incorporates both the

population-based and longitudinal components. A baseline would be done in September 2010, once the

new registers have been implemented nationally, and then one year later the evaluation would be done

to look at the effectiveness after a full year of implementation. PEPFAR Malawi would like to discuss

further with HQ, but has tentatively budgeted funding for this activity. The evaluation would not attempt to

directly estimate HIV-free survival by surveys however, as this would be too costly, but rather only model

it based upon the number of women on ART, reported infant feeding practices, etc.