Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 9301
Country/Region: Malawi
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Peace Corps
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.Peace Corps
Total Funding: $460,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $63,000

NOTICE - Per the recommendation from OGAC that Malawi as an FY2008 Compact Country, submit a mini

-COP (i.e. program area level narratives only), this activity level narrative has not been updated prior to the

submission of the FY09 Full COP. The Malawi country team anticipates updating narratives upon

completion and final approval of the negotiated 5-year Compact between the United States Government

and the Government of Malawi.


Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) are placed strategically at the grass-roots level, working with government

staff at the local Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministy of Education, and Parks and Wildlife level where they fill a

much needed and neglected technical support-gap in the areas of community health and HIV/AIDS.

Volunteers work in AB projects that target high-risk populations (youth, especially girls, women and young

men) as well as other populations and support national initiatives and programs. The Malawi Life Skills

program is taught in secondary schools only, throughout Malawi. Because this is not a recognized subject

and thus not part of school examinations, the information and skills are not disseminated. PCVs help fill this

gap by teaching Life Skills to in-school and out-of-school youth and adults and by training Life Skills

facilitators in the community. PCVs use other venues such as Open Days, demonstrations and informal

discussions to communicate AB messages. PCVs support the government and other USG organizations

such as USAID to bring focused attention on gender inequality issues of vulnerable girls, working with girl's

clubs and girls in school to promote female empowerment and positive decision making. Volunteers work

with AB-related Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to strengthen capacity as well as assist in

identifying sources of funding in order to sustain capacity.

The proposed Peace Corps AB activities will build on the accomplishments of Volunteers already in the field

in FY 2005 - FY 2007 and the experience and lessons learned of EP-funded Crisis-Corps Volunteers

(CCVs). There were 10 six-month tenure CCVs in FY 2006, and 8 one-year CCVs in FY2007. FY 2008 AB

activities revolve around training and education that will enhance Volunteer technical support at their

respective postings (government health centers, secondary schools, parks and forestry sites as well as

CBOs and other government institutions (i.e. District Assemblies), including a Peace Corps Global Initiated

Grants Program (VAST - Volunteer Activity Support and Training) that was developed in order to support

small-scale, community-initiated projects and training.

AB activities directly correlate with Peace Corps Malawi's Basic Care and Other policy and systems

activities. Vast Grants funded through the EP will focus on home-based care and positive living for persons

living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). In addition, Volunteers, funded under the EP, working in the Office of the

District AIDS Coordinator (DAC) and the District Office of Social Welfare (DSWO), will work directly with the

Malawian government, USG-supported AB and Basic care projects and programs (though not limited to AB

and Basic care), affiliated CBOs, Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), and NGOs.

Activity 1: Training

PCVs and their respective counterparts will be trained in Life Skills programs and activities, augmented by

training in John Hopkins University's BRIDGE Project HIV/AIDS Hope Kit tool. Life Skills is targeted at

youth, both in-and-out of school, but PCVs also adapt this to other vital populations such as women, men,

primary school children, community leaders, health center staff, PLWHA, pregnant mothers, etc. Many

lessons are spent on the issue of gender inequalities in Malawi, teaching girls to communicate better, make

informed decisions, set goals for themselves, etc., as well as addressing men and educating them on

gender imbalances and how they can contribute to a gender-role shift in Malawi. PCVs make every effort to

create sustainability and develop human capacity. This is accomplished by training Malawian counterparts

and community members to ensure message continuation after the Volunteer finishes his/her service.

Volunteers are in 24 of Malawi's 28 districts (non-Volunteer districts include Likoma, Phalombe, Mwanza

and Nano) and every Volunteer and counterpart participates in pre-service training and in-service training.

Activity 2: VAST (Volunteer Activity Support and Training) Grants Program

With FY 2008 EP funds, Peace Corps will launch a small grants program to assist PCV meet the ever

expanding AB program needs in the communities in which they serve.

• Call for Proposals: Funding for this grant is sought to support community-initiated activities through the

VAST Program. Activities include AB-related trainings, education campaigns, club functions, sports

programs, organizational capacity building, and system development in this program area. VAST-funded

activities will follow a review and approval process to ensure projects are community-initiated and meet

criteria that address EP emphasis areas of focus as well as Malawi-specific areas of need (such as high-risk

populations like women, HIV positive individuals, pregnant mothers, orphans and vulnerable children, etc).

• HIV/AIDS Education and Message Dissemination: With the knowledge they receive in Life Skills and

HIV/AIDS trainings, PCVs will impact behavior change using a soccer sports program as a platform for

behavior change communication and prevention programs via the PC VAST Grants mechanism. Each

program design and guidelines to be developed by Peace Corps staff and selected PCVs, will promote

behavior change for preventing HIV/AIDS and passing the message to others in the community. The

program will include banners, soccer balls, T-shirt uniforms (all branded with HIV/AIDS messages) and

some operating support for tournaments. A primary target population of community-initiated activities are

young males who are 1) an at-risk population (15-24 year olds have the fastest growing HIV prevalence

rate) and 2) a gender with power with the potential to change ways of thinking and practices in generations

to come. PCVs will conduct HIV related sessions for respective teams.

• Supporting the government's and USG's vulnerable girl's initiative through USAID, PCVs will put on a

National program for 60 highly motivated high school Malawian young women. It provides leadership

development, Life Skills development, decision making, communications skills, and motivation on being a

contributor to themselves and their community. Selection for Camp attendance is done by PCVs. After the

Activity Narrative: Camp, each PCV and the counterpart student attendee have the opportunity to conduct a mini-Camp

G.L.O.W. (Girls Leading Our World) at their own village to pass on the valuable learning skills and

motivation they received from the national camp, via the PC VAST program. Twenty of the sixty girls will

perform their own mini-Camp.

Four six-month CCVs worked closely with the District AIDS Coordinator's Office in four districts to support

AB activities and programs as well as work with AB related CBOs to increase technical capabilities and

develop capacity.

One-hundred twenty-five PCVs and CCVs will have the training and technical capabilities to train and

educate their communities in the areas of Abstinence/Be Faithful. With this knowledge and confidence,

these Volunteers and counterparts placed at the village level have the potential to reach thousands of

persons each.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15431

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15431 5917.08 Peace Corps US Peace Corps 7140 3896.08 Peace Corps $75,000


10753 5917.07 Peace Corps US Peace Corps 5580 3896.07 Peace Corps $55,000


5917 5917.06 Peace Corps US Peace Corps 3896 3896.06 $63,000

Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $37,300

NOTICE - Per the recommendation from OGAC that Malawi as an FY2008 Compact Country, submit a mini

-COP (i.e. program area level narratives only), this activity level narrative has not been updated prior to the

submission of the FY09 Full COP. The Malawi country team anticipates updating narratives upon

completion and final approval of the negotiated 5-year Compact between the United States Government

and the Government of Malawi.


This activity is a VAST (Volunteer Activity Support and Training) grant to support community-initiated

programs by Peace Corps Volunteers.


Peace Corps Volunteers are placed strategically at the grass-roots level, working with government staff at

the local Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, and Parks and Wildlife where they fill a much needed and

neglected technical support gap in the areas of community health and HIV/AIDS. Volunteers work in home-

based care related projects in all sectors. They support government protocols and guidelines pertaining to

home-based care and healthy/positive living standards. Volunteers work through schools, health centers,

CBOs and NGOs to improve the quality of life of HIV-infected adults, children and families affected by

HIV/AIDS by training and education in the areas of home-based care, care-giver support, nutrition,

permaculture, health, education, safe water access, improved sanitation and hygiene, treated bed net use,

and economic support (income generating activities training) and developing organizational capacity and

systems to increase sustainability in these same types of community organizations.

The proposed Peace Corps home-based care activities will build on the accomplishments of Volunteers

already in the field (FY 2005 - FY 2007), and the experience and lessons learned of EP-funded Crisis-

Corps Volunteers (10 six-month CCVs in FY 2006 and 8 one-year CCVs in FY 2007). FY 2008 funded

home-based care activities revolve around training that will enhance counterpart and community technical

knowledge in the areas of home-based care and healthy lifestyles.

In FY 2008, the above activities will continue and a grant program to fund community-initiated HBHC

activities will be initiated. In addition, the Peace Corps and Pact will promote linkages between the

Volunteers and Pact grantees that are operating in the same communities.

Trainings performed under this program area will also include ABC messages and information. (see activity

ID #5917)

FY 2006 funding supported four six-month CCVs that worked closely with the District AIDS Coordinator's

Office in four districts to support home-based care activities and programs as well as work with home-based

care related CBOs to increase technical capabilities and develop capacity. FY 2008 funding will allow

government staff (hospital workers, teachers, community leaders) as well as interested community

members, including those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, to increase their knowledge and technical

capabilities in the areas of home-based care and positive living.

Activity 1: Grant Support

EP Funding for this program will support community-initiated home-based care activities such as trainings,

education campaigns, club functions, organizational capacity building and systems development, etc. in this

program area. Funding for activities under this program will follow a review and approval process to ensure

projects are community-initiated and address EP emphasis areas, as well as Malawi-specific areas of focus

and need (such as care for pregnant women and their children, orphans and vulnerable children, and

people living with HIV/AIDS).

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15432

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15432 5941.08 Peace Corps US Peace Corps 7140 3896.08 Peace Corps $15,000


10754 5941.07 Peace Corps US Peace Corps 5580 3896.07 Peace Corps $63,000


5941 5941.06 Peace Corps US Peace Corps 3896 3896.06 $52,500

Table 3.3.08:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $281,640

NOTICE - Per the recommendation from OGAC that Malawi as an FY2008 Compact Country, submit a mini

-COP (i.e. program area level narratives only), this activity level narrative has not been updated prior to the

submission of the FY09 Full COP. The Malawi country team anticipates updating narratives upon

completion and final approval of the negotiated 5-year Compact between the United States Government

and the Government of Malawi.


In Malawi the Emergency Plan (EP) funds Crisis Corps Volunteers (CCVs), a core of shorter term

professional Volunteers who largely provide technical assistance to local government and assist in building

their institutional capacity as well as those of local CBO's. In FY 2008, Peace Corps focused the efforts of

CCVs into strengthening HIV/AIDS efforts in local government to ensure Malawi's decentralization process

is effective, and systems are put in place to sustain it. This funding will support the placement of 15 Crisis

CCVs in Malawi for one year.


EP-funded CCVs as well as Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) work extensively with government and non-

governmental institutions in Malawi to build capacity and strengthen systems at different levels of

development: village health centers and schools, CBOs, NGOs, HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) centers,

Ministry offices, and other organizations in order to enable better service and support for their respective

populations/communities. Currently, Malawi is undergoing a dynamic shift in allocation of power and

decision making to the district level. Through this Decentralization Process, Malawi's district governing

bodies (District Assemblies) are being empowered to take responsibility for their local populations and make

more effective and informed decisions at the local level. The EP team is working in collaboration with the

Malawi Government to implement this bold undertaking successfully from a policy perspective, as well as

through hands-on technical support at the district level (i.e. PCVs).

System Strengthening/Capacity Building Volunteers will work within human resource and technically

deficient government offices to support Malawi's HIV/AIDS efforts. By supporting the skills development of

key HIV government employees, CBO leaders, etc., Malawi's recently shifted district-based HIV/AIDS

efforts will improve in quality, appropriate decision making will occur, and funds will be accurately

disseminated to the districts. PCVs work in various EP program areas with-in their scope of work (AB,

HBHC, OVC, etc). District-based CCVs will work closely with Peace Corps Malawi's other 110 Volunteers

in their respective districts to provide technical support to all Peace Corps HIV/AIDS related projects.

Although Peace Corps Malawi's EP program has not had funding under OPSS in the past, all Volunteers

work in the areas of capacity building and system strengthening at health centers, schools, community

organizations, CBOs, NGOs and other government offices (i.e. District Assemblies) in order to transfer skills

and knowledge to increase the capacity and service ability of these institutions.

EP-funded CCVs and PCVs will strengthen government initiatives, bodies, and HIV/AIDS related CBOs in

15 of 28 districts of Malawi. By placing technical assistants via CCVs in these offices for one-year periods,

HIV/AIDS activities and staff will improve in quality, capability, and delivery of these programs via skill

transfer and training.

Activity 1: Volunteer Placement

Malawi's National Action Plan Framework focuses on its Decentralization Project - a bold undertaking to get

Malawi on a path out of poverty. There is a desperate need for capacity building and system strengthening

for the HIV/AIDS efforts at the District Assemblies. Therefore, CCVs will be assigned to 15 district

assemblies to support Malawi's HIV/AIDS efforts via their Decentralization Project at the district level under

the Office of the District AIDS Coordinator and Office of Social Welfare. These districts are chosen by local

government and are typically those of greatest technical need. In addition to their primary activities, CCVs

will build linkages to other Volunteers' HIV/AIDS-related activities in their district, regardless of sector (i.e.

education and environment and health), and also link with other USG EP initiatives in the districts carried

out by USG partners such as Pact, PSI and JHU-BRIDGE. This will include district and village programs

such as Candlelight Services (AIDS commemoration service), prevention campaigns, VCT activities-

including National HCT week, training opportunities, etc.

Activity 2: Monitoring and Evaluation of Volunteer Work

OPSS Volunteers work in the areas of capacity building and system strengthening at district assemblies. A

substantial component of this technical support is in the monitoring of projects and CBOs as well as training

assembly and CBO staff in M and E methods and creating/modifying simple M and E tools to make a more

effective impact in the areas of project implementation and organizational management.

Peace Corps Malawi's monitoring and evaluation of Volunteers is performed via quarterly reports of

Volunteer work as well as site visits from the Peace Corps PEPFAR Coordinator and continuous (generally

bi-monthly) discussions via phone or in person.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15434

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15434 15434.08 Peace Corps US Peace Corps 7140 3896.08 Peace Corps $236,672


Table 3.3.18:

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $78,060

UPDATED FOR FY09 - All pre-Compact Management and Staffing Narratives have been updated for FY09

Peace Corps/Malawi plans continued support for its PEPFAR Coordinator/HIV Specialist position. The

Peace Corps PEPFAR Coordinator (PCPC) was hired in FY06 to provide overall management and direction

to Peace Corps/Malawi's PEPFAR program, as well as provide support to all Peace Corps Volunteers


Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) (formerly Crisis Corps Volunteers) engaged in HIV/AIDS

activities. Management and Staffing costs are requested to fund this position in FY09 for a Malawian


The PCPC provides technical and programmatic support for all HIV/AIDS activities carried out by the 120

PCVs and PCRVs in Malawi. Among other activities, the PCPC will continue to coordinate all PEPFAR

monitoring and reporting by volunteers, oversee the activities of the fifteen, twelve-month PEPFAR-funded

PCRVs, and provide training for PCVs, PCRVs and local counterparts in all HIV/AIDS-related activities,

including program areas that are receiving PEPFAR funds (HVAB, HBHC, OHPS) and those with no direct


As PEPFAR-funded activities become more integrated within all sectors of Peace Corps (health, education,

and community natural resources management), the PCPC will continue to promote involvement of other

Peace Corps/Malawi staff members in the planning and implementation of PEPFAR-funded activities as

well as other implementing partners (international and local NGOs and the Government of Malawi (GOM)).

Administrative costs for the staff and program (i.e. communication costs, equipment, supplies, etc) are also

requested to continue to support the PEPFAR program. Peace Corps/Malawi also plans on developing an

attractive high quality presentation tool to provide for stakeholders and partners and for other appropriate


To further develop Malawi's Peace Corps HIV/AIDS program and take advantage of the wealth of

experience that focus country Peace Corps programs have gained, Peace Corps/ Malawi will continue to

support two sub-regional staff exchanges, enabling staff members to visit one targeted project or event in a

country in the region, so that Peace Corps/Malawi can share ideas and expertise while learning from the

experiences of its focus-country partners.

PEPFAR funds are requested to continue support for the full-time program assistant, driver and vehicle

maintenance costs that were introduced in FY08. Peace Corps/Malawi plans to send the PCPC to the 2009

Implementers Meeting.

Finally, the M&S budget includes an additional 15% charged from each technical program area (see M&S

budget table), to cover ICASS-type costs and other Peace Corps overhead costs necessary to support the

implementation of the field program (see Management and Staffing budget table). These funds do not go to

the Department of State and are therefore not entered as a separate line entry in the COP.

Compact Funding Program Plans

Peace Corps/Malawi intends to expand its decentralization project as part of the new Compact in

development with the GOM. A program evaluation using FY08 funding is planned, and this evaluation will

inform the expansion of PCRVs into all 28 districts. In order to adequately support the expanding program,

Peace Corps/Malawi is requesting FY09 funds to hire a full time financial analyst/logistician and a Malawian

Capacity Building Technical Assistant (who will sit in the Ministry of Local Government, program area

OPSS) as part of a new sustainability plan.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15435

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15435 15435.08 Peace Corps US Peace Corps 7140 3896.08 Peace Corps $133,328


Table 3.3.19: