Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 12099
Country/Region: Lesotho
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

In August 2009, the Government of Lesotho (GOL) and the US government signed a Partnership Framework Agreement (PF) through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) to collaboratively develop, plan and implement a five-year strategy to contribute to the implementation of the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP) 2006-2011. Both the PF and the NSP highlight prevention as a key priority in the HIV/AIDS response in Lesotho. In 2008, the HIV prevalence in Lesotho was 23.2 percent and incidence was estimated to be 1.7 percent or approximately 21,000 new infections in 2007 (2009 Modes of Transmission Study). A high degree of homogeneity exists in the epidemic, with prevalence above 15% in all districts and among all but a few population age groups.

Heterosexual sex is the predominant HIV transmission pathway in Lesotho, with significantly higher prevalence in women (26%) than in men (19%). The Know Your Epidemic incidence modeling concluded than the bulk of new infections (2008) occurred in both those reporting a single-partner (35%-62%) and people in multiple concurrent partnerships (32%-54%). High incidence in those reporting one single sexual partner is because it is the most populous risk group and because of high HIV discordance in steady couples (estimated at 1/3) combined with low condom use, low complete male circumcision and secret partners. Multiple concurrent sexual partnering (MCP) is exceptionally high in Lesotho with an overall MCP of 24% in 2007, compared to 10% in the region (CIET, 2008). In addition, the subjects of MCP and sexuality are personal and private subjects in Lesotho and are rarely discussed publically, within families or between couples. This necessitates the utilization of a comprehensive, well-coordinated and culturally sensitive national HIV prevention initiative that works in close collaboration with stakeholders and communities.

The Prevention TBD partner will develop and strengthen a national focus on a comprehensive, evidence- based 'combination prevention' program in alignment with the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan, National Behavior Change Communication Strategy (2008-13), National HIV and AIDS Policy and the PEPFAR Lesotho Partnership Framework in order to build a sustainable system at the end of five years. The TBD will assist and collaborate with MOHSW, NAC, National HIV and AIDS Communication TWG, UN Prevention TWG and other key stakeholders/partners in Lesotho. Civil society and their representatives in NGOs/FBOs/CBOs will also serve as close partners in program design and implementation especially those serving PLHIV and vulnerable groups. Capacity building and strengthening will need to be provided to government entities, civil society organization and the private sector and will be based upon robust capacity needs assessments and a few towards sustainability. The TBD will take a coordinating role in the assessment of current prevention programming and research literature to guide the development of evidence based HIV prevention strategies, programming and policies including the development of guidelines and protocols, as necessary. It will encourage strengthened collaboration with government entities, civil society and the private sector in the implementation of HIV prevention programs, and support the collection and analysis of M&E data to guide the outputs of prevention programs. Condom social marking, family planning and improved supply chain management of condoms and other reproductive health communities will need to be a key focus to ensure that high quality condoms are available throughout Lesotho.

A comprehensive combination prevention approach will require the utilization of several communication channels, the targeting of prevention messages to a variety of vulnerable audiences, ensuring linkages and messaging among behavioral, biomedical and structural interventions. Lastly, the TBD will strengthen national and civil society technical capacities to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate comprehensive HIV prevention programming. In late January 2010, an onsite assessment will be conducted of PEPFAR Lesotho by members of the PEPFAR Prevention TWG with the aim of developing recommendations for a TBD combination prevention initiative for COP10.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

The Prevention TBD partner will develop and strengthen a national focus on a comprehensive, evidence-

based 'combination prevention' program in alignment with the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan,

National Behavior Change Communication Strategy (2008-13), National HIV and AIDS Policy and the

PEPFAR Lesotho Partnership Framework in order to build a sustainable system at the end of five years.

The TBD will assist and collaborate with MOHSW, NAC, National HIV and AIDS Communication TWG,

UN Prevention TWG and other key stakeholders/partners in Lesotho. Civil society and their

representatives in NGOs/FBOs/CBOs will also serve as close partners in program design and

implementation especially those serving PLHIV and vulnerable groups.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

Condom social marking, family planning and improved supply chain management of condoms and other

reproductive health communities will be a key focus of this TBD partner to ensure that high quality

condoms are available throughout Lesotho.