Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11336
Country/Region: Lesotho
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $0


New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.12:

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $0


New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Program Budget Code: 17 - HVSI Strategic Information

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $625,000

Total Planned Funding for Program Budget Code: $0

Program Area Narrative:


Lesotho's National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan (2006-2011) places priority on improving capacity to plan, gather, manage, report and

effectively use quality strategic information within and across programs. The National HIV/AIDS M&E Plan (2006-2011) is

currently under revision. While GOL agreed with the "Three Ones" principle, there are three HIV and AIDS M&E systems currently

coexisting in Lesotho: one managed by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) collecting health sector data, one by

the National AIDS Commission (NAC) collecting community-based data and one in by the Global Fund Coordinating Unit (GFCU)

within the the Principal Recipient, the Ministry of Finance. All hold quarterly reviews of their respective response to HIV and AIDS

epidemic. GFCU is planning to align its M&E system to the GOL's in the near future. With the decentralization of health services to

districts, a fourth body, the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftainship (MOLG), is playing an increasing role in monitoring

the community/ district level. In its revised HMIS Strategic Plan (2008-2012), MOHSW took the approach of integrating HIV data

within the general health sector management information system managed by the MOHSW Health Planning and Statistics Unit.

With the support of World Bank, a Lesotho Output Monitoring System for HIV and AIDS (LOMSHA) operations manual is currently

in development. This will define clearly how routine HIV response data should be managed by all stakeholders and service



PEFPAR/Lesotho provides support to national level SI activities through its SI Liaison. Prior to 2008, PEPFAR focused on building

M&E capacity for NAC, supporting the formation of the national M&E working group, and assisting in developing the design and

implementation of the National HIV program monitoring system. PEPFAR provided financial and technical support to the national

strategic information assessment and selected national M&E information products, including the 2005 National ANC HIV sentinel

surveillance survey and the 2004 Lesotho DHS. PEPFAR has also been instrumental in developing national HIV/AIDS indicators.

In Spring 2008, PEPFAR/Lesotho provided input to the revision of the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan through participation in a

national M&E assessment. PEPFAR also contributed to quarterly partnership forums sponsored by NAC to review the national

response to HIV/AIDS.

National level support activities have been hampered by the lack of a PEPFAR-funded SI partner. JSI's Enhancing Strategic

Information (ESI) project was recently brought on-board, and will be working closely with the SI Liaison to continue strengthening

national-level SI activities. PEPFAR/Lesotho also builds the capacity of its implementing partners to provide quality program data

and encourages data use at all levels in the development of strategic priorities.

Through the Southern Africa Human Capacity Coalition (SA-HCD), PEPFAR is supporting Human Resources Information System

(HRIS) activities and training managers and policymakers from MOHSW, CHAL, Ministry of Public Service, and training

institutions on data-driven decision making. SA-HCD is also providing TA to develop a Training Information Management System

(TIMS) and train staff at health training institutions, regulatory councils, and the MOHSW training department to use TIMS data to

rationalize intake of students into health training institutions and immediately recruit and deploy graduates. At the local and

community level, Pact continues to build its sub-grantees capacity in M&E and reporting and conducts data quality assessments.


PEPFAR/Lesotho has three main priorities for FY 2009:

1. Strengthening the capacity of district health management teams (DHMT) and District AIDS Councils to carry out monitoring and

evaluation, manage data, and coordinate local implementing partners.

2. Improving the capacity for data capture, data quality and timely data use within PEPFAR-funded partners, and at the district

and national levels.

3. Supporting a more integrated approach to HMIS across all sectors (HIV/AIDS, TB, HR, etc.) in collaboration with the Millennium

Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact with the GOL.

In FY2009, the SI Liaison will provide leadership and management of SI activities with the assistance of new partner JSI/ESI. JSI

will 1) mentor DHMTs and district M&E officers (in collaboration with GF, WB/GAMET, UNAIDS, and MCC/MCA); 2) provide SI-

related trainings, workshops and on-going support; and 3) participate with PEPFAR SI liaison, MOHSW, NAC, and GF in joint

data quality assessments of HIV/AIDS programs across the health sector.

The SI Liaison, as a member of the National M&E TWG, will work with NAC, MOHSW, MCC/MCA, GFCU, World Bank/GAMET

and UNAIDS to develop a comprehensive review of the national response using Service Coverage Reports (to be produced

quarterly and annually), as well as monitoring of the national M&E plan implementation. Service Coverage Reports include results

against defined core output indicators, and will be used for monitoring the HIV response at district and national level. The

information for these reports will be collected from implementers at district level and collated by MOHSW District AIDS

Coordinators and NAC District Data Officers on a quarterly basis. So far, PEPFAR's contributions were collated by the PEPFAR

SI Liaison and reported centrally to NAC. In FY 2009, the SI Liaison will strengthen the ability of PEPFAR implementing partners

to feed data into the national reporting system directly and, together with JSI, assist NAC District Officers to manage all this data.

At the local and community level, a new umbrella organization (Pact follow-on) will continue to build the capacity of current and

new sub-grantees/indigenous organizations to monitor, evaluate, and report their programs. Additionally, this partner will work with

all sub-grantees in developing knowledge management processes and conduct data quality assessments.

In the revised HMIS Strategic Plan, one of the major management challenges acknowledged by MOHSW is the lack of timely

health data to support informed decision-making, which is due in large part to the weak Information, Communication & Technology

(ICT) infrastructure in the districts. Following the Rwanda assessment of Phones for Health, MOHSW requested MCC support in

assessing ICT infrastructure needs. As a result, MCC is currently the lead in supporting HMIS development with the MOHSW.

While MCC support will be more directed at infrastructure, PEPFAR, through JSI, will actively participate in future HMIS

development, by implementing activities that will ensure data standards and data confidentiality, building capacity of MOHSW staff

at all levels. DOD will provide technical assistance to the Lesotho Defense Force (LDF) in developing their Electronic Medical

Records system. PEPFAR Lesotho, through SA-HCD, will provide technical assistance to MOHSW to decentralize HRIS to the

district health and hospital management teams including the training information systems management team. HRIS will include

the community-based health service providers and social welfare department. JSI, in collaboration with GTZ, will also support

NAC and MOLG in developing community-based monitoring systems (e.g., Community Level Program Reporting - CLPR) to

monitor community delivery of the essential HIV and AIDS services package (ESP).

USG will provide support for several surveillance and survey activities. PEPFAR will work in concert with other donors to provide

TA for the 2009 DHS+. PEPFAR will also provide TA for writing protocols and conducting the 2009 ANC sentinel surveillance to

MOHSW through a planned cooperative agreement with CDC. DOD will work with the LDF to develop HIV prevalence and

Behavioral Survey protocols and assist with data entry and data analysis. Survey results will be used by LDF to update prevention

activities and to forecast care and treatment needs.

A priority for the PEPFAR team is data use for portfolio management, accountability to GOL, and feedback to partners for their

own evaluation and planning. FY 2009 funds will support a new database that will be used to track partner progress, budget

information, project timelines and document management, and to provide analysis capacity. Currently, performance and results

data are returned to implementing partners via partner meetings, annual performance reviews, and through ad hoc data requests.

The planned database will allow easier and timelier dissemination of data back to partners as well as the PEPFAR team, GOL and

other stakeholders via regular reports, and will allow more sophisticated evaluation and analysis capacity as data use and data

demand increases among the partners. The database will be created by JSI, and ongoing updates and maintenance will be the

responsibility of JSI.


USG Lesotho remains committed to a strong partnership, along with GF, UNAIDS, MCC/MCA, and WB/GAMET to support NAC

and MOHSW in the building of national and district-level HIV/AIDS-related SI capacity.


As PEPFAR/Lesotho moves forward to negotiate a Partnership Compact with GOL, we anticipate further strengthening SI

activities, particularly around linking together the many, non-integrated HMIS systems that have been developed or proposed. As

Compact negotiations are only at the early stages, we understand that we may need to revise expectations, and will be in touch

with our core team and DP "friend" as we move forward.


-All District data managers and NAC staff trained in M&E and data utilization by September 30, 2010

-Institute regular production of Quarterly Service Coverage Reports by September 30, 2009;

-ANC surveillance completion by December 2009;

-DHS survey data collection completed by September 2010

-Documentation of Lesotho health operations (governance and management structures, business practices and work flows) by

September 30, 2009.

-Data driven decision making curricula development to improve recruitment, deployment and retention of health workers; and

TIMS development to reduce vacancies and speed absorption of graduates, to address out-migration issues and improve

management of tutors and students by September 30, 2009.

Table 3.3.17: