Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 4112
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Department of State
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.State/African Affairs
Total Funding: $50,905

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $50,905

Management and staffing funds allocated to the Department of State / Africa Bureau will support costs

associated with interagency coordination as a service to the overall U.S. Mission and the Emergency Plan

in Kenya. After the inception of the Emergency Plan, Kenya became the first focus country to identify the

need for a country coordinator to help implement the Emergency Plan. In 2006 a Country Coordination

Office (CCO) was established as a permanent part of the U.S. Embassy. The CCO currently consists of the

Country Coordinator, Deputy Country Coordinator, Senior Advisor for Policy and External Relations, Public

Information Specialist, an Administrative Clerk / Chauffeur, and an Administrative Assistant. The CCO also

houses two staff members for the PEPFAR Community Grants Program, a Program Manager and an

Administrative Clerk. An USPSC Senior Interagency Program Advisor is under recruitment at the time of

submission. This Advisor will provide specific logistical and programmatic support for The Partnership for

an HIV-Free Generation, a public-private youth initiative. In FY 2009, the CCO staff will further expand to

include an LES/EFM hire for Public Private Parnterships / Gender Advisor, as well as a Program Advisor to

support the U.S. Mission's more meaningful engagement with the Global Fund in Kenya.

As in past years, the Deputy Country Coordinator, Senior Advisor for Policy and External Relations, and

Administrative Assistant receive their salaries and benefits under USAID's management and staffing

funding mechanism. With the expiration in early 2009 of the USAID-DHHS Participating Agency Services

Agreement (PASA) under which the County Coordinator is detailed to Kenya, there has been a shift to a

more direct arrangement -- a DHHS overseas posting for the Coordinator, who is a permanent employeed

of the Department.

The Department of State / Africa Bureau management and staffing budget will continue to support

administrative and logistical functions of the CCO, including costs for interagency technical team

stakeholders' meetings and interagency team retreats, as well as costs related to the Country Coordinator's

assistance to other PEPFAR countries. This year, we will continue to support the Embassy Public Affairs

Section to host press events and improve media coverage of PEPFAR both locally and across the region.

PEPFAR/Kenya increasingly attracts highly-skilled pre- and post-graduate university students interested in

both supporting the program and learning by exposure to it, and funding in the FY 2009 COP will continue

to support miscellaneous costs associated with accepting these valuable "staff-extenders."

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15063

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15063 6584.08 Department of US Department of 7027 4112.08 $214,462

State / African State


7126 6584.07 Department of US Department of 4308 4112.07 $533,700

State / African State


6584 6584.06 Department of US Department of 4112 4112.06 $317,550

State / African State


Table 3.3.19: