Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 4195
Country/Region: Kenya
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Abt Associates
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $800,000

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $800,000

1. LIST OF RELATED ACTIVITIES This activity is related to Macro International's Strategic Information activity (#6988), which will conduct two other surveys (AIS and DHS). It also links to the Strategic Information activity carried out by NASCOP (#7002).

2. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION (1) This activity will assist in funding the Department of Policy and Planning in the Ministry of Health to conduct the 2007 National Health Accounts (NHA) Survey and in particular the HIV/AIDS sub-analysis. Part of the FY 2007 funds will be used to complete analyzing and reporting of the work started using COP 2006 funds. Funding will also be used to undertake the third round of NHA as indicated by the Hon Minister for Health during the launch of the 2nd round of the NHA in March 2005. The primary focus of the third round will be the assessment of the impact of large inflow of funds (from GFATM, PEPFAR and GOK) on the households seeking HIV care. It will also include three distinct sub-analyses focusing on HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health and Child Health. This will assist in estimating resources towards the support of key programs necessary to attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Currently, there exists capacity in MoH to undertake the NHA. However for quality control, it is important to seek Technical Assistance from PHR+. The bulk of this cost will thus go towards local survey costs incurred by MoH with PHR+ providing minimal but critical TA especially in the areas of survey design and analysis. In the process of carrying out the activity, 40 (MoH and CBS) staff will be trained in sampling techniques, data collection and analysis. ($300,000).

(2) Electronic Medical Records (EMR): HIV/AIDS is a life-long chronic illness requiring numerous visits to health facilities for continued monitoring and these visits generate lots of data at the health facility for each patient and can easily overwhelm the current paper system. PHR+ have already started implementing an ART Health Management Information System (HMIS) in Eastern and Nairobi provinces as an early effort towards establishing a functional EMR in MoH ART facilities. FY 2007 funds will be used for further development of the system, training of health care workers and installation of the system at facilities in two more provinces. The model will have been implemented in four provinces and NASCOP will then be in a position to complete the national scale up with support from other partners. This system, which is based on NASCOP's patient cards and registers, will, in addition to providing health care workers with critical information they need for patient care, provide data for the ART component of the integrated M&E tool (MoH form 726). The EMR will not only make it easier to evaluate the program e.g. evaluating treatment regimens for the program and providing data on their effectiveness and thus allowing NASCOP to determine when certain treatment regimens are not working and need to be changed; but, will also improve the flow, quality and timeliness of information collected at the service delivery points and send upwards to NASCOP/PEPFAR databases. A further 80 individuals will be trained on data management and reporting. ($300,000).

3. CONTRIBUTIONS TO OVERALL PROGRAM AREA The activity will contribute to improved national monitoring and evaluation systems by providing critical data for health care financing indicators needed for HIV/AIDS program planning and funding. It will also contribute to the strengthening of Health Management Information Systems at the Ministry of Health.

4. LINKS TO OTHER ACTIVITIES This activity is related to the Strategic Information activity to be carried out by MACRO (#6988) where two other surveys (AIS and DHS) will be carried out. It also links to NASCOP's Strategic InformationI activity (#7002).

5. POPULATIONS BEING TARGETED The activity targets the general population for sampling, and SI and program managers for training in survey design/implementation, data analyses and presentation. It also targets healthcare workers in public (MoH) facilities.

6. EMPHASIS AREAS The major emphasis area is population survey and minor emphasis includes monitoring

and evaluation systems.

NASCOP is currently evaluating all the EMRs in Kenya through a consultancy funded by WHO. This will provide information to complement work already started using PEPFAR funds to develop training materials for healthworkers on ART Health Management Information System (ART HMIS). These additional funds ($200,000) will be used to engage stakeholders to agree on the standard tools as well as initiate the development and rollout of an agreed upon electronic system through NASCOP. The system will also be rolled out in sub-district hospitals with high volume of HIV/AIDS patients. An appropriate international or local partner will be identified to support NASCOP carry out this activity.