Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7719
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2009
Main Partner: To Be Determined
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

SUMMARY: The partner awarded funds under this program activity will provide technical assistance in

capacity building, program and message development as well as message coordination focused on ABC

prevention messages (to include a focus on multiple and concurrent partnerships) to a number of NGO

partners involved in HVAB activities. The grantee will additionally support capacity building and

programming with migrant populations and prevention programming in the workplace.

AED's SmartWork Project has ended and PEPFAR is consolidating its BCC prevention strategy and provide

technical assistance through fewer partners. Because the local organizations that are working in

programming in the formal workplace need to get on track for future sustainability, the grantee (or sub

grantee) will integrate this activity into its ongoing technical assistance and capacity building to the local

organizations that are well-placed to do AIDS in the workplace interventions and have been working with

SmartWork project personnel, training materials, and BCC materials.

PLAN's implementation of Project SHINE activities in the North East Department bordering the Dominican

Republic ended in COP08. This department has the second highest prevalence rate of 2.7% (Haiti 2005

DHS) and a highly mobile population. The grantee (or sub grantee) will continue to build on the work PLAN

accomplished with its work with migrant workers, and other populations at risk in this area through its

consortium partners and with agencies supported by USAID working in the Dominican Republic.

BACKGROUND: USG support was originally awarded to JHU/CCP to provide technical assistance to Haiti's

PEPFAR Prevention partners. The agreement between USAID and JHU/CCP ended with COP07, and

MSH/LMS continued the work in COP08. For COP09, Haiti PEPFAR will award this technical assistance

funding to an organization who can continue to improve upon the prevention programming in Haiti by

providing fresh and innovative ideas, coordination of messages, and help to ensure that Haiti's prevention

programming is comprehensive in its coverage and approach. Additionally, the partner will continue either

directly or through sub-partnerships to build on work achieved in the North East Department and with formal

workplace populations.


Activity 1: Technical assistance will be provided to PEPFAR funded NGO and CBO partners to address key

prevention themes, such as adoption of personal risk reduction strategies, encouraging HIV voluntary

counseling and testing (VCT) among MARPs and prevention education for people living with HIV/AIDS

(PLWHA), as well as addressing multiple and concurrent partnerships. These themes will be addressed in

the following manner: 1) working through the PEPFAR BCC network to address message consistency with

all implementing partners 2) developing and disseminating to PEPFAR prevention partners effective

messages to address multiple and concurrent partnerships 3) training in advocacy techniques for

community leaders, 4) training of peer educators and counselors, 5) emphasis on "know your status"

messages to create demand for VCT services and 6) ensuring that there are effective referral systems

between VCT services and other HIV/AIDS care and treatment services for sexually active youth, couples

and men.

Activity 2: Programs will be targeted to at risk populations in the North East Department and within the

formal workplace. The main themes will include sexual responsibility, high risk sexual behaviors, fidelity,

partner reduction, and the importance of CT. The partner (or sub-partners) will work with Dominican NGOs

CESPROSH and CENTRE PUENTO to create a space to reach migrant workers on bi-national market days

through integrated prevention messages, as well as work with at-risk populations to provide one-to-one

information sessions on HIV transmission and behavior change messages. The partner will work with

factory owners and managers as well within the formal work sector (factories, port, etc) to provide

prevention programming to workers with in the formal workplace. Referrals will be ensured to CT and STI


New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 17890

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

17890 17890.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 7719 7719.08 BCC Technical

International Assistance


Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

SUMMARY: The partner awarded funds under this program activity will provide technical assistance in

capacity building, program and message development as well as message coordination focused on ABC

prevention messages (to include a focus on mulitple and concurrent partnerships) to a number of NGO

partners involved in HVOP activities. The grantee will additionally support capacity building and

programming with migrant populations and prevention programming in the workplace.

AED's SmartWork Project has ended and PEPFAR is consolidating its BCC prevention strategy and provide

technical assistance through fewer partners. Because the local organizations that are working in

programming in the formal workplace need to get on track for future sustainability, the grantee will integrate

this activity into its ongoing technical assistance and capacity building to the local organizations that are well

-placed to do AIDS in the workplace interventions and have been working with SmartWork project

personnel, training materials, and BCC materials.

PLAN's implementation of Project SHINE activities in the North East Department bordering the Dominican

Republic ended in COP08. This department has the second highest prevalence rate of 2.7% (Haiti 2005

DHS) and a highly mobile population. The grantee will continue to build on the work PLAN accomplished

with its work with migrant workers, and other populations at risk in this area through its consortium partners

and with agencies supported by USAID working in the Dominican Republic.

BACKGROUND: USG support was orignally awarded to JHU/CCP to provide technical assistance to Haiti's

PEPFAR Prevention partners. The agreement between USAID and JHU/CCP ended with COP07, and

MSH/LMS continued the work in COP08. For COP09, Haiti PEPFAR will award this technical assistance

funding to an organization who can continue to improve upon the prevention programming in Haiti by

providing fresh and innovative ideas, coordination of messages, and help to ensure that Haiti's prevention

programming is comprehensive in its coverage and approach. Additionally, the partner will continue either

directly or through sub-partnerships to build on work achieved in the North East Department and with formal

workplace populations.


Activity 1: Technical assistance will be provided to PEPFAR funded NGO and CBO partners to address key

prevention themes, such as promotion of correct and consistent condom use, adoption of personal risk

reduction strategies, encouraging HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) among MARPs and

prevention education for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), addressing multiple and concurrent

partnerships. These themes will be addressed in the following manner: 1) working through the PEPFAR

BCC network to address message consistency with all implementing partners 2) developing and

disseminating to PEPFAR prevention partners effective messages to address multiple and concurrent

partnerships 3) training in advocacy techniques for community leaders, 4) training of peer educators and

counselors, 5) emphasis on "know your status" messages to create demand for VCT services and 6)

ensuring that there are effective referral systems between VCT services and other HIV/AIDS care and

treatment services for sexually active youth, couples and men.

Activity 2: Programs will be targeted to at risk populations in the North East Department and within the

formal workplace. The main themes will include sexual responsibility, high risk sexual behaviors, fidelity,

partner reduction, and the importance of CT. The partner (or sub-partners) will work with Dominican NGOs

CESPROSH and CENTRE PUENTO to create a space to reach migrant workers on bi-national market days

through integrated prevention messages, as well as work with at-risk populations to provide one-to-one

information sessions on HIV transmission and behavior change messages. The partner will work with

factory owners and managers as well within the formal work sector (factories, port, etc) to provide

prevention programming to workers with in the formal workplace. Referrals will be ensured to CT and STI


New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 18078

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

18078 18078.08 U.S. Agency for To Be Determined 7719 7719.08 BCC Technical

International Assistance


Table 3.3.03: