Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2007 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 4730
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Food for the Hungry
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: FBO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $690,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $690,000


FH proposes to train community and religious leaders, volunteers, health workers, married couples, and

teachers to clearly articulate traditional, community, and faith-based values regarding prevention and

establish preventative HIV education programs for children and youth. Trainings and prevention education

programs based on abstaining and being faithful will promote behavior change, raise awareness, reduce

stigma, and empower beneficiaries to make good life choices. The emphasis areas include training (major:

40%), mobilizing the community (major: 45%), linking with other sectors (minor: 15%), providing

information/education/communication (minor: 10%), ensuring quality assurance (minor: 10%), and providing

strategic information (minor: 10%). The primary target populations are orphan and vulnerable children

(OVC), street children, local youth, religious leaders, community leaders, parents of local youth. The

coverage area includes the North West, North, Antimonite, Central Plateau, South, South East, West,

Nippes and Grande Anse departments.


This activity proposes to expand on the current PEPFAR-funded COP 07 Track 1 ABY activities carried out

by AERDO in Haiti. Each partner agency will work with the Haiti Ministry of Health (MOH) at the community

level, and World Concern, the lead agency of AERDO in Haiti, will also coordinate with the MOH at the

national level. AERDO's current Track 1 ABY activities are gender balanced as at least 50% of the

beneficiaries are female. Access to ABY information will be given through Youth to Youth (Y2Y) groups to

reinforce their capacity to initiate behavior changes for healthier lives. Prevention messages will also be

disseminated through Public Service Announcements (PSA) and other broadcast outlets. All these

activities will be channeled through local partners.



FH will continue to train religious leaders, volunteers, married couples, and mentors in being sexually

faithful. This will enable married or long term relationship couples to appropriately address issues such as

risk factors, sex, economics, and faithfulness. Promoters will conduct initial trainings. Each trained adult will,

in turn, reach additional beneficiaries with FH's ABC awareness curricula. The Awareness Campaign will be

a continuous process throughout the project in order to recruit the subsequent cohorts of beneficiaries.

Promoters will continue to train religious leaders, teachers, community leaders and local volunteers and to

reinforce the role of parents and other protective and supportive influences. Monthly meetings will empower

parents to protect children and youth against premature, transactional, and cross generational sex, violence

and coercion. PEPFAR funds will be used to recruit and train local leaders, recruit youth into Y2Y groups,

conduct ABY programming and to sponsor community events that will further disseminate accurate

information about HIV prevention. During the current funding year, 10,034 individuals have been reached

through this activity.


The second activity is to establish preventive HIV education programs using drama, music, cultural events

and sporting contests. AERDO will emphasize abstinence and behavior change for children and youth and

recruit the third cohort of Y2Y groups. Working with local churches and schools, staff promoters will each

train youth leaders in preventative HIV education. These youth leaders will, in turn, train additional youth for

a total of 75,336 youth. Promoters will finalize training of the second cohort of Y2Y beneficiaries, and will

continue to use the World Relief curricula "Choose Life" manual. Upon successful completion of the

preventive education program, all cohorts will be provided with pledge cards, offering youth participants the

opportunity to commit to abstinence and/or faithfulness. Youth leaders and youth group members will be

encouraged to share lessons learned with their parents and caregivers. In addition, radio and TV PSAs

based on the Year 1 Barrier Analysis will be produced and broadcasted and promoters will give prevention

messages at youth camps. Lastly, marches will be organized during special events (e.g. Memorial Day,

International AIDS day, Valentine's Day and Carnival) in coordination with PEPFAR partners and the MOH.

During the current funding year, 76,409 individuals have been reached through this activity.

These activities relate to PEPFAR's 2-7-10. Stigma and discrimination will be reduced through the

HIV/AIDS training on transmission and prevention. Community leaders will also raise awareness about

cross-generational and transactional sex to reduce coercion and violence, thereby helping to avert new

infections. These activities will expand upon the FY07 targets of 126,435 reached through community

outreach that promotes HIV/AIDS prevention through abstinence and/or being faithful and 42,671

individuals trained to promote HIV/AIDS prevention through abstinence and/or being faithful.


Training (major: 40%), community mobilization (major: 45%)

linkage with other sectors (minor: 15%)

information/education/communication (minor: 10%)

quality assurance (minor: 10%)

strategic information (minor: 10%)


Number of individuals reached through community outreach that promotes HIV/AIDS prevention through

abstinence (a subset of total reached with AB):

Number of individuals reached through community outreach that promotes HIV/AIDS prevention through

abstinence and/or being faithful: 75,336, 50-50 male female.

Number of individuals trained to promote HIV/AIDS prevention through abstinence and/or being faithful:





Religious Leaders

Community Leaders


Activity Narrative: Male norms and behaviors

Stigma and discrimination

cross-generational and transactional sex to reduce coercion and violence


North West, North, Antimonite, Central Plateau, South, South East, West, Nippes and Grande Anse
