Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 5130
Country/Region: Haiti
Year: 2007
Main Partner: Johns Hopkins University
Main Partner Program: Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $1,050,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $550,000

Linked to Activities 9791, 9781, 10438, 9352.

SUMMARY: The USG will provide FY07 funds to Johns Hopkins University (JHU)'s Creative Partnership (CP) to scale up prevention interventions to include risk assessment and management, promoting AB with linkages and referrals for condom use to respond to specific audience needs. CP will expand its activities to more communities within the same regional departments (North & West), trying to reach rural areas. CP will start working in the South and Nippes Regional Departments with couples, paying special attention to men. This new set of FY07 activities will emphasize reducing risk by building personal risk assessment skills to reduce unhealthy sexual behavior. CP will continue training and dissemination of audio and printed materials to reinforce one on one counseling and support community changes in community norms. CP network partners will continue working with youth 10-24 (10-14 and 15-24), with an emphasis on delaying sexual debut, abstinence, including secondary abstinence, fidelity, and partner reduction. Special targeting of messages to men, youth, and general population will be carried out with a focus on protecting girls and young women, given the "feminization" of HIV/AIDS in Haiti. Activities will be carried out in the North, West, South, Nippes Departments. The Nippes Department has the highest reported HIV/AIDS prevalence in the country—3%. At the national level, CP will continue to provide technical assistance to the MOH to strengthen its decentralization efforts at coordinating BCC interventions in several departments.

BACKGROUND: CP is made up of Johns Hopkins University's Center for Communication Programs (JHU/CCP), Foundation for Reproductive and Family Health (FOSREF), World Relief and AIDS Alliance, as well as other local organizations and CBOs to strengthen their capacity in AB prevention programs. CP has intervened in the North and West Regional Departments, building on its previous work in health communication. It contributed to efforts to reduce HIV transmission among youth aged 10-24 yrs old by promoting abstinence and being faithful, as well as the positive social norms that support behavioral changes. In FY07, CP will expand its programs to couples, especially men, and adults. About 27% of this activity is funded through the OP budget

ACTIVITY 1: Changing Social Norms through Mass Media. CP will utilize targeted media campaigns to promote messages to change social norms. Radio shows and music videos will use the edutainment approach through serial soap operas, talk shows, and call ins to stimulate community dialogue about issues such as partner communication and reduction, achieving goals, gender equity, domestic violence, service utilization, care of PLWHA, and trans-generational sex. CP will intensify its messages to reach the general audience by focusing on adults, both men and women. Focus groups will be conducted to ensure that the messages are relevant and targeted. All programs will be in Creole and aired at strategic times to ensure that the maximum audience is reached. It is anticipated that CP and its partners will utilize 25 community radio stations and 4 TV stations to reinforce AB messages and that about 750,000 people will be reached through the mass media campaigns. Several specific and targeted community mobilization activities that are based on research results and local needs will also be conducted. Community mobilization activities including entertainment days and rallies will reach approximately 14,000 people, both youth and adults. During these community events, age appropriate messages will promote abstinence, delay of sexual debut, secondary abstinence, partner reduction and fidelity.

Activity 2: Youth Peer Education & Outreach. Up to 3 Training of Trainers (TOT) will be conducted for 60 animators to train youth peers educators in the AB approach. These animators will roll out training for groups of 10 youth peer educators each. Upon completion of the training, youth peer educators will run participatory educational sessions and discussions using the curriculum developed by CP and its partners. Messages will focus on abstinence, delay of sexual debut, secondary abstinence, partner reduction, and fidelity. Through peer education activities, youth 10-24 yrs old will be reached in the North, West and Nippes Regional Departments. In addition, CP will continue to provide financial and technical assistance to FOSREF to expand youth clubs in selected communities, and schools, in order to encourage debate on abstinence, fidelity and self-esteem. 2,250 youth aged 15-24 will be reached through activities carried out in youth clubs. Referrals for sexually active youth will be made to USG supported sites which provide other prevention services, CT, STI diagnosis and treatment, care and support and reproductive health services. As a result of this activity, it is estimated that up 12,000

youth will be reached with AB messages to promote positive sexual behavior.

ACTIVITY 3: Promoting Faithfulness among Couples -"Men of Integrity" Clubs. CP, through World Relief, will target men in the South and Nippes Regional Depts with the recent creation of men's groups in their network of 600 churches. The approach will primarily focus on the idea of "Men of Integrity" for "Men of their Word" in order to be better husbands, better fathers and better citizens. About 5 male leaders from each church will be trained as peer educators for a total of 3,000 leaders. Training for male leaders will include culturally appropriate messages to build skills in personal risk assessment, improve couple communication, improve knowledge on HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention, and include discussions on mutual monogamy, fidelity, partner reduction, trans-generational sex, how they can become positive role models for young males, and risk reduction strategies. After training, members will organize "Men of Integrity" Clubs in their home churches. They will meet monthly to share and discuss issues described above. Materials will be adapted from existing sources and/or developed to meet the needs of this audience. Debates and testimonies will be used as a main approach to reach this target group. It is envisioned that each "Men of Integrity" educator will reach 4 peers in their network for a total of 12,000 men reached with AB prevention messages during 2007.

ACTIVITY 4: Behavior Change Cluster/Prevention Activities Coordination Under the leadership of the MOH, the CP will continue to coordinate prevention activities and reinforce its leading role in coordinating youth prevention activities with PEPFAR prevention partners and donors. Support will be provided to host quarterly meetings of the BCC cluster and partners involved in implementing HIV prevention activities supported by USG to ensure coordination and harmonization of the messages, materials and interventions for specific audiences. Meetings will be used to refine planning of interventions, monitor progress, identify implementation problems and come up with solutions. Also, CP will work to ensure harmonization of mass media activities especially the use of community radio by partners to maximize resources. Targets include 3,660 individuals trained (3,000 men, 600 youth, 60 adult leaders), 16,250 youth reached through community outreach programs that promote abstinence and being faithful, 12,000 men reached though "Men of Integrity" Clubs, and 750,000 individuals (youth and adults) reached with mass media HIV/AIDS prevention programs that promote changing social norms.

Monitoring and Evaluation of these activities including data collection, use, quality and feedback will also be a continued and focused effort in FY07.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $200,000

Linked to Activities 9292, 9281, 9937.

SUMMARY: The USG will provide FY07 funds to Johns Hopkins University (JHU)'s Creative Partnership (CP) to scale up prevention interventions to include risk assessment and management, and promoting ABC messages to respond to specific audience needs. CP will expand its activities to more communities within the same regional departments (North & West), trying to reach rural areas. CP will start working in the South and Nippes Regional Departments with couples, paying special attention to men. This new set of FY07 activities will emphasize reducing risk by building personal risk assessment skills to reduce unhealthy sexual behavior. CP will continue training and dissemination of audio and printed materials to reinforce one on one counseling and support community changes in community norms. CP network partners will continue working with youth 10-24 (10-14 and 15-24), with an emphasis on AB and C messages. Special targeting of messages to men, youth, and the general population will be carried out with a focus on protecting girls and young women, given the "feminization" of HIV/AIDS in Haiti. Activities will be carried out in the North, West, South, and Nippes Depts. The Nippes Department has the highest reported HIV/AIDS prevalence in the country—3%. At the national level, CP will continue to provide technical assistance to the MOH to strengthen its decentralization efforts at coordinating BCC interventions in several departments.

BACKGROUND: CP is made up of Johns Hopkins University's Center for Communication Programs (JHU/CCP), Foundation for Reproductive and Family Health (FOSREF), World Relief and AIDS Alliance, as well as other local organizations and CBOs to strengthen their capacity in condom and other prevention programs. CP has intervened in the North and West Regional Departments, building on its previous work in health communication. It contributed to efforts to reduce HIV transmission among youth aged 15-24 yrs old by promoting condom and other prevention messages, as well as the positive social norms that support behavioral changes. In FY07, CP will expand its programs to couples, especially men, and adults. About 73% of this activity is funded through the AB budget

ACTIVITY 1: Changing Social Norms through Mass Media. CP will utilize targeted media campaigns to promote messages to change social norms. Radio shows and music videos will use the edutainment approach through serial soap operas, talk shows, and call-ins to stimulate community dialogue about issues such as gender equity, domestic violence, and correct and consistent condom use. CP will intensify its messages to reach the general audience by focusing on adults, both men and women. Focus groups will be conducted to ensure that the messages are relevant and targeted. All programs will be in Creole and aired at strategic times to ensure that the maximum target audience is reached. It is anticipated that CP and its partners will utilize 25 community radio stations and 4 TV stations to reinforce ABC messages and that about 750,000 people will be reached through the mass media campaigns. Several specific and targeted community mobilization activities that are based on research results and local needs will also be conducted. Community mobilization activities including entertainment days and rallies will reach approximately 14,000 people, both youth and adults. During these community events, age appropriate messages will promote correct and consistent use of condoms, as well as other prevention messages to ensure comprehensive programming.

Activity 2: Youth Peer Education & Outreach. Up to 3 Training of Trainers (TOT) will be conducted for 60 animators to train youth peers educators in the ABC approach. These animators will roll out training for groups of 10 youth peer educators each. Upon completion of the training, youth peer educators will run participatory educational sessions and discussions using the curriculum developed by CP and its partners. Messages will focus on gender equity, partner communication, negotiation skills, trans-generational and transactional sex, as well as correct and consistent condom use. Through peer education activities, youth 10-24 yrs old will be reached in the North, West and Nippes Regional Departments. In addition, CP will continue to provide financial and technical assistance to FOSREF to expand youth clubs in selected communities, and schools, in order to encourage debate on ABC messages and related HIV/AIDS topics as described above. 2,250 youth aged 15-24 will be reached through activities carried out in youth clubs. Referrals will be made to USG supported sites which provide CT, STI diagnosis and treatment, care and support and reproductive health services. As a result of this activity, it is estimated that up 12,000 youth will be reached with ABC messages to promote

positive sexual behavior.

ACTIVITY 3: Promoting Faithfulness among Couples -"Men of Integrity" Clubs. CP, through World Relief, will target men in the South and Nippes Regional Depts with the recent creation of men's groups in their network of 600 churches. The approach will primarily focus on the idea of "Men of Integrity" for "Men of their Word" in order to be better husbands, better fathers and better citizens. About 5 male leaders from each church will be trained as peer educators for a total of 3,000 leaders. Training for male leaders will include culturally appropriate messages to build skills in personal risk assessment and risk reduction strategies which includes correct and consistent condom use and reduction of alcohol and drug abuse. After training, members will organize "Men of Integrity" Clubs in their home churches. They will meet monthly to share and discuss issues surrounding HIV/AIDS. Materials will be adapted from existing sources and/or developed to meet the "Men of Integrity" needs. Debates and testimonies will be used as a main approach to reach this target group. It is envisioned that each "Men of Integrity" educator will reach 4 peers in their network for a total of 12,000 men reached with ABC prevention messages during 2007.

Monitoring and Evaluation of these activities including data collection, use, quality and feedback will also be a continued and focused effort in FY07.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $300,000

Need narrative.

Subpartners Total: $0
Fondation pour la Sante Reproductrice et l'Education Familiale: NA
World Relief: NA
Frontline AIDS (formerly International HIV/AIDS Alliance): NA