Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 7352
Country/Region: Guyana
Year: 2012
Main Partner: University of North Carolina
Main Partner Program: Carolina Population Center
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $268,453

MEASURE Evaluations mission in Guyana is to strengthen the strategic information capabilities of USAID/Guyana partners within the Ministry of Health and civil society to better use data for decision making in order to respond to the HIV epidemic. MEASURE has been working to strengthen monitoring and evaluation of the national HIV/AIDS response by providing technical assistance to the National AIDS Program Secretariat, as well as other organizations within MOH, and external partners. Moving forward the priority will be on fostering institutional systems and relationships that make collection, sharing and use of strategic information efficient, seamless and sustainable. This will be achieved through two main objectives: strengthening and sustaining individual and institutional capacity to effectively monitor and evaluate HIV/AIDS programs and improving the routine monitoring and systematic data collection for decision-making in the future planning of HIV-related activities. Support to the MOH and civil society will build on the strength of past successes and existing systems to maximize outcomes. As part of the capacity building activities, fellowships were awarded to the National TB Program M&E Coordinator and CSDS M&E Officer to attend a workshop on measuring and improving routine health information system performance. With the FY2010 COP funds, MEASURE is still able to perform its activities in country for FY 2011. A M&E Specialist will be placed to continue providing M&E technical assistance along with additional short term technical assistance as needed to the MOH and any other civil society organization in country to improve HIV/AIDS M&E and health information systems, as well as for the establishment of its Strategic Information Unit /M&E and Planning Unit.

Global Fund / Programmatic Engagement Questions

1. Is the Prime Partner of this mechanism also a Global Fund principal or sub-recipient, and/or does this mechanism support Global Fund grant implementation? Yes2. Is this partner also a Global Fund principal or sub-recipient? Neither3. What activities does this partner undertake to support global fund implementation or governance?

Budget Code Recipient(s) of Support Approximate Budget Brief Description of ActivitiesHVSI Ministry of Health 100000 SI capacity building

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $268,453

A full-time monitoring and evaluation (M&E) Specialist will be available in country to continue improving and strengthening partners ability to collect, analyze and use HIV/AIDS strategic information. This specialist will also be available to provide in-country assistance for PLACE implementation (see below). Additional support from headquarters will be available to provide short-term technical assistance and participate in training events. Supporting the Ministry of Health (MOH) in creating a centralized M&E unit. This integrated unit is expected to make more effective and efficient use of M&E resources, providing the MOH with comprehensive, timely and accurate data that can be used for planning, monitoring and evaluating health services in the country. The process will create a new organizational structure and ensurie that it is functional and properly fulfills its mandate requires coordinated effort from the different stakeholders involved. MEASURE Evaluation will facilitate: discussions on the purpose of the mission and vision for the unit; functional responsibilities of the unit; organizational relationships of the unit within the MOH, organizational chart; staffing needs, roles and responsibilities (draft job descriptions for key staff); mapping of existing resources into staffing plans; additional HR considerations, including: supervision, staff development; building in leadership from the start; Road map for establishing the unit and finally monitoring and support for the process. Another activity will develop and pilot the use of the Toolkit for Rapid Monitoring of AIDS Referral Systems (R-MARS), a toolkit designed to monitor referral system information within a network of HIV/AIDS service providers. This pilot will determine the appropriateness and feasibility of the R-MARS instruments, utility and, possibly, the quality of the information produced. Ultimately, R-MARS is meant to improve referral system functioning through better monitoring. This activity includes an assessment of the existing referral system and its monitoring, including such activties as the review of current data collection forms, data elements and reporting forms. Finally, MEASURE Evaluation will collaborate with the MOH/National HIV/AIDS Program (NAPS) M&E staff, Program Coordinators and NGOs to implement the Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) Methodology, which is a venue-based approach to understanding sexual networks, rather than a risk-group approach. It will provide rapid assessment and monitoring of behavior and program coverage.

Subpartners Total: $0
John Snow, Inc: NA