Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 7352
Country/Region: Guyana
Year: 2010
Main Partner: University of North Carolina
Main Partner Program: Carolina Population Center
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $425,000


The Guyana Ministry of Health and USAID/Guyana have been promoting and supporting a comprehensive approach to the HIV/AIDS epidemic which recognizes that efforts to strengthen the response to HIV/AIDS should facilitate strengthening of the entire health system to respond to HIV/AIDS and other diseases and conditions that impact the health of Guyanese. This vision is intended to strengthen the entire health information system, where possible and promote data use for decision-making across the health sector. The work of MEASURE Evaluation in Guyana is intended to strengthen the strategic information capabilities of USAID/Guyana partners within the Ministry of Health and civil society to better respond to/address the HIV epidemic.

Goals and Objectives/Contributions to Health Systems Strengthening

Technical support by MEASURE Evaluation will work in support of the objectives of strengthening the overall coordination of the HIV response program by guiding the systematic collection of data that can be used to detect changes in the epidemic and in the effects of interventions (efficiency and effectiveness) as well as informing and guiding the national HIV response. Technical support will promote the importance of routine monitoring and systematic data collection to better inform decision-making in the future planning of HIV-related activities; improving information sharing, the dissemination of information, and the use of data in planning interventions while enhancing the quality of data generated by the National AIDS Program to ensure relevant and timely decision-making.

MEASURE Evaluation has been working to strengthen monitoring and evaluation of the national HIV/AIDS response by providing technical assistance to the National AIDS Program Secretariat (NAPS). In the past, this has included supporting NAPS to develop a National M&E Operational Plan 2008-2011, providing fellowships for NAPS M&E staff to attend a two-week course on M&E of HIV/AIDS programs at the University of Mahidol in Bangkok, Thailand. This training, included principles of data quality and an introduction to the Routine Data Quality Assessment Tool. This was then applied in Guyana (November 2008) to identify strengths and weaknesses of the M&E systems. Finally, with FY 2009 COP funds, the placement of a resident advisor within the NAPS was facilitated to build the capacity for M&E within the NAPS.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $425,000

With COP 2010 funds, MEASURE Evaluation will continue to provide assistance to the Government of Guyana to strengthen M&E of HIV/AIDS. MEASURE Evaluation will focus efforts on three main areas of work: 1) on-site technical assistance to the NAPS to build strategic information capabilities within the Ministry of Health; 2) provide training and mentoring to both NAPS, the M&E staff of Community Support and Development Services (CSDS) and other identified partners in country and 3.) support the establishment of a central M&E unit within the Ministry of Health to consolidate M&E roles and responsibilities and ensure greater coordination, oversight of facilities and information sharing and use.

On-site technical assistance to the NAPS: Technical assistance to the NAPS will be provided at both the national and regional levels. MEASURE Evaluation will continue working closely with NAPS, considering their expressed needs in M&E and using as a reference, the National HIV M&E Plan, 2007-2011 and the National M&E Operational Plan 2008-2011. Major areas of contribution will be to strengthen the information system within the NAPS and also support the interoperability of the HIV/AIDS information system with the national health information system to ensure data sharing. This will be accomplished by assessing the performance of the HIV/AIDS and other programs' information systems using the Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) Framework and Tool. This tool will also allow for an assessment of the interoperability of information systems within Guyana. Follow-up interventions will be based on the results of the assessment and may include revising data collection and reporting forms and data flows as necessary. In addition, MEASURE Evaluation will support the development of an M&E decision support module to complement the HIV/AIDS information system and train relevant personnel in the use of the new system. During the revision process, MEASURE Evaluation will advocate sex-disaggregated analyses to help NAPS determine whether gender equity is being achieved in the delivery of HIV/AIDS services. This will serve to increase gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services through enhancing access to gender disaggregated data for decision-making. In order to improve program monitoring, MEASURE Evaluation will mentor NAPS staff as they roll out a plan for providing supportive supervision to health program coordinators, with a particular emphasis on data quality.

To preserve knowledge of "what works" in the area of HIV/AIDS M&E in Guyana MEASURE Evaluation will support NAPS to develop guidelines for documenting best practices and lessons learned. The availability of such documents should enhance the ability of program and project coordinators to make data-informed decisions.

General M&E training: One key strategy for building M&E capacity within Guyana will be to provide training to NAPS and other partners such as CSDS and others. MEASURE Evaluation will organize national-level training. Possible topics for such trainings will include: M&E fundamentals, data quality assurance, data use and dissemination or other relevant topics such as the M&E of gender and HIV/AIDS as agreed to with NAPS and other relevant stakeholders. Recognizing that individual technical capacity in M&E is only one component of a functioning M&E system, MEASURE Evaluation will explore opportunities for enhancing the strategic planning and leadership and management skills within the NAPS and the new MOH SI unit in particular.

Supporting the MOH to create an M&E unit: Though the emphasis of MEASURE Evaluation support will be to strengthen M&E of the HIV/AIDS program, this will occur as the Ministry of Health moves forward with a strategy to centralize M&E functions within a dedicated, ministry-wide Strategic Information Unit. MEASURE Evaluation will work with the new unit to build their capacity and support transition of HIV/AIDS M&E responsibilities from within NAPS to the new SI unit within the MOH.

A full time M&E Resident Advisor will be available in country (at the MOH attached to NAPS) to continue improving and strengthening partners' ability to collect, analyze and use HIV/AIDS strategic information through the provision of sustained and comprehensive mentoring and coaching in the areas outlined above. Additional support from headquarters will be available to provide short-term technical assistance and participate in training events.

Subpartners Total: $0
John Snow, Inc: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $425,000
Human Resources for Health $425,000