Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 10552
Country/Region: Guyana
Year: 2009
Main Partner: ICF International
Main Partner Program: ICF Macro
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

Continuing Activity

Macro will continue implementation of Guyana's first Demographic Health Survey (DHS) during FY09,

including the AIDS Indicator Survey (AIS) module. Survey planning exercises completed during FY08

include pre-testing of the survey instrument, training of field supervisors, all arrangements related to

contract negotiation and finalization. Activities to be conducted during FY09 include training of field

interviewers, data collection, data entry and cleaning, report writing and report dissemination. As a

nationally-representative household survey, the DHS will provide essential information on a wide range of

monitoring and impact indicators including reproduction, marriage patterns, sexual behavior, condom use,

experience with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), treatment of self-reported STIs, knowledge and

attitudes related to HIV/AIDS, stigma and discrimination, PMTCT, coverage of HIV-testing services, and

medical injections, as well as ownership and use of mosquito nets, care and support for chronically ill

persons, persons who have died, and orphans and vulnerable children.

Guyana has never implemented a DHS, and the survey is a priority for the Ministry of Health (MOH) as it

will provide information required for meeting HIV/AIDS program reporting requirements and will ensure

comparability on standard HIV/AIDS indicators across countries and over time. The DHS has been part of

the USG SI plan for the past four years, and USG continues to be encouraged by the GoG and international

donor community alike to ensure that this survey is in the forefront of the SI plan for Guyana.

Implementation of this survey will demonstrate strong collaboration between the USG, GoG, and donor

community to the achievement of common objectives.

The DHS will take the place of the second round of the AIS, which was originally implemented in 2004. It

should be noted that the cost difference between implementation of an AIS and DHS is not significant. The

USAID Latin American and Caribbean Bureau has covered the cost difference between implementation of

an AIS and implementation of a DHS.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 15636

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

15636 15636.08 U.S. Agency for John Snow, Inc. 7208 7208.08 Global Health $650,000

International M&E Task Order


Table 3.3.17: