Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013

Details for Mechanism ID: 12945
Country/Region: Ghana
Year: 2011
Main Partner: ESM
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Implementing Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $300,000

ESM specializes in social marketing activities, both for MARP and to mature the Ghanaian commodity market, by providing mid-range products that can be sold at or close to cost-prize. ESM is specialized in 'bar-activation', promoting condoms and lubricant at hot-spots (e.g., bars).

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $300,000

EXM is a Sub-grantee of FHI/SHARPER project and JHU Behavior Change Support Project (BCS) project, and specializes in social marketing activities, both for MARP and to mature the Ghanaian commodity market, by providing mid-range products that can be sold at or close to cost-prize. EXM is specialized in 'bar-activation', promoting condoms and lubricant at hot-spots (e.g., bars).

Funding will be used by EXM for the distribution of condoms and lubricants, through two pathways: The first is peer educators (from FSW, MSM and PLHIV) groups establishing outlets in their communities; A second pathway is the commercial market - Through multiple large wholesalers, USAID will focus on the mature segment of the condom market, selling commodities at a cost-recovery price.