Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2012 2013

Details for Mechanism ID: 13926
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Mekelle University
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $128,000

This is a continuing activity in COP2012. Mekele University (MU) is one of the local university PEPFAR partners in northern Ethiopia. This large public university provides higher education in diverse fields of study including science, liberal arts, and health (medicine, public health, nursing, and other mid-level training). The universitys School of Public Health through the cooperative agreement with HHS/CDC has opened a confidential STI/HIV Clinic for sex workers in Mekele, the capitol and commercial center of Tigray Region. The goal of this program is to provide regular STI screening; promotion and dissemination of condoms and HCT services to sex workers in Mekele and Adigrat towns; and provide linkages with the continuum of care including ART. The project also supports a sex workers peer outreach education program and life skills training. For the institution to establish itself as a long-term technical support center, the university will begin to handle the administration and management of the technical and logistical arrangements required to support the confidential sex workers activity and services. This will allow the university to strengthen its engagement in managing the HIV/AIDS program for MARPs (sex workers). This supports the national and regional HIV prevention programs. The MU program supports the goals of the GOE's National Strategic Plan II (SPMII) as well as the GOE and USG HIV/AIDS Partnership Framework and Global Health Initiative. MU has a system in place for routine performance monitoring and reporting.MU will document best practices and analyze its performance data, which will contribute to sustainability, and cost effectiveness.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $128,000

The target population for this initiative is commercial sex workers (CSW) and their partners. There are approximately 5000 CSWs known to work in or around Mekele and Adigrat towns. The partner has previously initiated this activity under COP2011 and currently manages confidential sex workers clinics in Mekele and other hot spot towns in Tigray Region providing peer training and outreach, promotion and dissemination of condoms, STI testing and management, and HTC services. To date,1012 commercial sex workers have received comprehensive STI/HIV services from the clinic. Under COP2012, the confidential sex workers STI/HIV clinics will continue to: 1. Provide regular STI screening and treatment for 3000 sex workers in Mekele and Adigrat town. 2. Promote and supply condoms to 3000 sex workers at the confidential clinics. 3. Promote and provide HTC services to 3000 sex workers at the confidential clinics. 4. Support peer out reach education activities that will serve 3000 sex workers. 5. Support life skills training for 3000 sex workers.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $45,000
Gender: Reducing Violence and Coercion $12,000
Human Resources for Health $33,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services