Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Details for Mechanism ID: 10557
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Mekelle University
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $149,760

This is a continuing activity. Mekele University (MU), located in northern Ethiopia, provides higher education in science, liberal arts, and health (medicine, public health, nursing, and other mid-level trainings). MU works closely with affiliated university and public hospitals in Mekele, the capitol of Tigray Region, providing support to build capacity to improve continuum of care to catchment area population. The goal of MUs program is to build its own organizational capacity to provide in-service training and technical assistance to improve HIV service delivery in the region. Activities will focus on priority needs within the university community and involve health networks in its catchment area. University of Washington I-TECH will partner with MU to build its capacity for providing skills-based in-service training. For the institution to establish itself as a long-term technical support center, MU will administrate and manage the technical and logistical arrangements required to support the health networks delivering ART and related services, which will enhance MUs capacity to provide overall supportive management of HIV/AIDS activities within the region. The MU program supports the goals of the GOE's National Strategic Plan II (SPMII) as well as the GOE and USG HIV/AIDS Partnership Framework and Global Health Initiative. MU has a system in place for routine performance monitoring and reporting. MU will document best practices and analyze its performance data which will contribute to sustainability, and cost effectiveness.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $7,760

The primary target population for this activity is approximately 16,000 young adult men and women students and staff at MU. Under COP2012, abstinence and faithfulness activities will include:1. Promotion of abstinence and delay of sexual debut behavior among the MU students.2. Educating MU students/community about importance secondary abstinence to reduce the risk of HIV/STI transmission.3. Promoting fidelity among the MU students/community to reduce the risk of HIV/STI transmission.4. Educating MU students/community on reducing multiple partners to prevent sexual transmission of HIV/STIs.5. Practicing HIV prevention skills and understand and adopt positive health-seeking behaviors.6. Thematic discussion topics will include social and community norms, gender-based violence and stigma and discrimination. Peer leader training and information, education and communication material and behavior change and communication material will be adapted specifically for the MU student population.The program will collaborate closely with the MU Gender office to improve intervention efforts to reach the female student population.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $72,000

In FY2009, MU entered into a cooperative agreement with HHS/CDC to establish and strengthen STI/HIV services. The primary target population for this intervention is approximately 16,000 MU students and staff. Under COP2012, activities include:1. Strengthening youth friendly STI/RH services in three MU clinics.2. Promoting condom use at the university.3. Providing HTC services with the expectation that 10% of the MU population will participate in HTC.4. Conducting peer outreach education and training 100 peer educators.5. Providing mini-media (AIDS Resource Center) that will reach the entire university community to pass continuous messages on STI/HIV/RH.6. Mainstreaming an anti-HIV/AIDS program at the university.7. Providing access to user-friendly STI clinic service. The MU health center and other clinics under the university will be supported in training health care workers on STI/RH/HIV services, provision of STI job aids, STI treatment kits, condoms, and HTC supplies.

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $70,000

MU is working closely with the Tigray Regional Health Bureau (RHB) actively providing technical assistance that supports planning and implementing of various health programs in the region. Through technical support from the University of Washington/I-TECH, MU and its teaching hospitals have initiated anti-HIV/AIDS activities and services among the university community and its affiliated hospital clients. MU will also strengthen the services of students' clinics which are an entry point for HIV counseling and testing, which also includes TB/HIV screening and management. The university will have a strong working relationship with the University of Washington/I-TECH, in order for it to be in a position to scale up its HIV/AIDS activities in a comprehensive manner, with due emphasis on prevention, care, and treatment and on linkages among these program areas. Activities will be expanded to address the needs of the MU community and expanded further to involve the health networks in its catchment, and support the HIV program activities at regional and national levels. With support from University of Washington / I-TECH, MU will establish a training center that will be used for providing in-service trainings within Tigray region.

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $33,000
Gender: Reducing Violence and Coercion $8,000
Human Resources for Health $25,000
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Workplace Programs