Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011

Details for Mechanism ID: 12333
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2010
Main Partner: EngenderHealth
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $2,000,000

Formerly mech00683_2 :The MARPs Project is part of the PEPFAR funded response to the country's HIV Epidemic which, according to recent national epidemiological and behavioral reports/surveys is a concentrated in marginalized populations then previously thought. The MARPs Project focuses on the following objectives: (1) To increase availability and use of HIV prevention information, commodities and services by adults and young people involved in transactional sex in selected urban centers and hotspots; (2) To increase access to and improve quality of HCT, STI care and counseling, care and treatment services by adults and young people involved in transactional sex in selected urban centers and hotspots; (3) To improve networking and capacity building for sustainable HIV prevention programming for adults and young people involved in transactional sex. Object 3 is a supportive and crosscutting objective to both Objective 1 and 2, and will contribute to changes in organizational practices and influencing the policy and legal environment.

The project covers seven major and emerging regions in the country such as Beneshangu-Gumiz, Gambella, Afar, Oromia, Somali, SNNP and Amhara.

The MARP Project addresses three cross-cutting areas: quality improvement of human resources, gender, and economic strengthening. In-service training of providers from public and other health facilities within the referral networks of our intervention areas will be further strengthened as a cross-cutting intervention.

As part of the M&E plan, the project will continue to gather existing information from various partners and data from the government HMIS, as well as conduct surveys as needed to generate project specific data to establish a baseline, track progress and evaluate process and outcome indicators. We will be tracking four PEPFAR and nine project objective specific non-PEPFAR indicators in our performance monitoring plan.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $200,000

The project will also work with government ministries and other partners to enhance engagement of men in scaling up utilization of HIV and related services, including PMTCT & STI, in public health facilities. This process will involve working in close collaboration with local government ministries to raise public awareness around gender and HIV prevention, care and support. The project will also work with the Association for Eradicating Harmful Traditional Practices (EGLDAM) to address harmful traditional gender norms fueling HIV transmission, such as early marriage, abduction, and female genital cutting and will host conferences, trainings, and campaigns to raise awareness. Gender-based violence and harmful traditional practices that aggravate gender inequities will be addressed.

In an attempt to enhance prevention of HIV among high risk groups of both traditional and non-traditional MARPs groups, the program will work with boys, men and communities. TA will be provided to local partners such as Hiwot-Ethiopia, the Association for Eradicating Harmful Traditional Practices (EGLDAM) and others to build their capacity to integrate male engagement strategies and activities in their HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment activities. Staff from MARPs partners will be trained to build their male involvement skills on HIV/AIDS prevention; BCC materials promoting abstinence and faithfulness targeting men will be developed and distributed in project locations; supportive supervision will be provided to partners. Part of the expenses will be used to adapt and cascade the MAP curriculum including the Group Education Manual to protect young men and boys and their vulnerable partners. Condom use will be advocated among sexually active boys and men. The project will implemented in Addis Ababa, and North-Shoa zone as well as MARPS project sites in seven regions.

EngenderHealth will continue to collaborate with the MenEngage network on selected activities, such as awareness raising events like World AIDS Day. The project will reach media and introduce the network throughout the country to attract as many partners at national and regional levels.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $1,800,000

The project will recruit and train 300 peer educators in community outreach activities, including invisible dramas and group education for high-risk groups and training for members of youth clubs. Three hundred bar owners will be sensitized to provide a supportive venue for peer educators.

Fourteen drop-in centers (DICs) will be established and include a minimum package of information, support and health services. Two hundred women will be selected and trained to form social support groups at the DICs, trained on livelihood skills and cooperative management, and be supported to transform into IGA groups. A market research exercise will determine small business options. Seed capital will be provided to established cooperatives.

Twenty-eight outreach workers will be trained on communication and referral of clients from the community to DICs and other services. Four hundred individuals will be trained to promote prevention through other behavior change beyond abstinence and/or being faithful. Quarterly review meetings for bar owners and peer educators will take place, and supportive supervision will be continuous.

One hundred providers at five health facilities will be trained on the COPE® approach, with special focus on addressing the HIV/STI prevention needs of MARPS, including management orientation, staff training, and supportive supervision. Research and service protocols will be developed/adapted for mobile HCT/STI services, and two mobile teams will be established. STI kits will be purchased locally and distributed to about 30 facilities.

Three "bottom-up" planning workshops will take place with regional and zonal/woreda health staff for sustainable HIV prevention programming for adults and young people engaged in transactional sex.

A BCC strategy will be designed jointly with other MARPs partners. Based on the strategy, MARPs-focused BCC messages will be developed for outreach activities, health worker trainings, and awareness-raising activities in the community and mass media.

Lessons learned from the Male Norms Initiative will be used to expand activities with local organizations to address rural and urban MARPs youth, including condom distribution. TA will be given to MARPs partners and the government.

Subpartners Total: $0
Association for Eradicating Harmful Traditional Practices: NA
CHF International: NA
Hiwot Ethiopia: NA
Integrated Service for AIDS Prevention & Support Organization: NA
Nia Foundation: NA
Timret Le Hiwot: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $678,713
Economic Strengthening $253,260
Gender: Gender Based Violence (GBV) $168,400
Human Resources for Health $257,053
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Increasing women's access to income and productive resources
Increasing women's legal rights and protection