Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 7594
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: U.S. Agency for International Development
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Own Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $2,400,000

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $2,400,000

Condom Procurement


This is a continuing commodity-procurement activity.

This activity will procure approximately 50.5 million condoms for use in Ethiopia's HIV-prevention and

palliative care program. Approximately 38 millions condoms will be branded for donation to USG

implementing partners for targeted promotion activities. An additional 12 million condoms will be donated for

distribution through PHARMID's national HIV/AIDS commodity logistics system to HIV clinical settings in

public health facilities and 0.5 million to refugee settings.

Based on a provision of 50 condoms per year to persons on care or treatment this activity will serve

approximately 250,000 individuals (upstream). Based on a provision of 80 condoms per year to at-risk

populations this activity will serve approximately 475,000 individuals (upstream).

The USG has been the largest supplier of condoms to Ethiopia since 1996. Since 2004, the USG has

supplied 128 million condoms to a local partner for use in a condom social-marketing program. Based on

new Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey (EDHS) and antenatal care (ANC) information, the USG is

developing a new, targeted, condom-promotion activity funded with FY06 supplemental funding. The activity

will focus on most at-risk populations. This activity began in FY07. The activity represents a transition from

PEPFAR Ethiopia's previous donation of commodities to a multi-donor condom general social marketing

program based on a shift in prevention strategy to focus fully on most-at-risk populations (MARPs).

Several bilateral donors, (Department for International Development-United Kingdom, Development

Cooperation Ireland, and the Royal Netherlands Embassy) maintain an agreement covering operational

costs and condom donation. In FY06, approximately 40 million condoms were provided under a social-

marketing brand "Sensation," which is marketed as a more expensive, upscale product. The UN Mission to

Ethiopia and Eritrea, a UN peace-keeping mission, provides small donations to the National Defense Forces

of Ethiopia (NDFE). Private donors support small-scale donations to local nongovernmental organizations.

In FY08, we anticipate the USG to remain a major condom donor to support HIV prevention to MARPs

nationwide. A multi-donor, general social-marketing program is expected to function at levels similar to

FY06/07. With a funded, targeted promotion activity, the USG will build on momentum of a new branded

condom product to support outreach and behavior-change communications (BCC) messaging about

correct, consistent, condom use, risk-reduction, HIV burden among young girls, and cross-generational and

transactional sex. In FY08, HIV-prevention activities will continue to expand beyond current programming

approaches to include greater outreach to MARPs. Condom commodities remain a vital aspect of PEPFAR

Ethiopia prevention activities.

This activity has two components:

1) Supplying condoms to HIV clinical settings nationwide in a consistent fashion: Using the national

commodity logistics systems, condom commodities will be cleared and distributed to regional PHARMID

branches and drop points throughout the country. Based on a pre-determined quantification, it will integrate

a percentage of this procurement into the ARV and medical-commodity-logistics system for delivery to

voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), ART, and pre-ART clinics and case managers within the ART

health network, including hospitals and health centers. USG implementing partners in facilities will work with

local authorities to support distribution to clinical settings at facilities.

2) Supplying condoms to USG HIV-prevention activities, including the NDFE and five refugee camps. Using

a TBD Contractor implementing the Targeted Condom Promotion activity, condom commodities will be

distributed in-country alongside behavioral-change activities to increase condom use among MARPs.

Needs quantification is based on support to the NDFE; projected requirements within non-clinical and

clinical settings amount to 44,000,000 units. This procurement will provide approximately 38.7 million

condoms. Additional condoms may carry over from FY07 due to the arrival date of condoms.

The USG envisions substantial collaboration with the uniformed services, refugee camps, and several USG

partners conducting community outreach. Condom procurement is anticipated to occur through the USG

Central Commodities Fund mechanism.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16595

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16595 5788.08 U.S. Agency for US Agency for 7594 7594.08 Central $2,400,000

International International Commodities

Development Development Procurement

10402 5788.07 U.S. Agency for USAID Central 8370 8370.07 USAID Central $2,000,000

International Commodity Fund Commodity

Development Fund

5788 5788.06 U.S. Agency for Population 12148 12148.06 PSI $1,500,000

International Services

Development International

Table 3.3.03: