Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 496
Country/Region: Ethiopia
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Ministry of Health - Ethiopia
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Host Country Government Agency
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $3,792,000

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $450,000

ALERT National HIV/AIDS Training Centre

ACTIVITY UNCHANGED FROM FY2008 (no Update needed)

This is a continuing activity started in COP07 through the plus-up fund and continued in COP08. The

partner has been awarded the approved funds and started implementing its activities in FY08 in

collaboration with CDC, PEPFAR partners and other stakeholders.

One of the major challenges in the implementation of the national HIV/AIDS program in Ethiopia is the lack

of trained health workers to provide the required services with acceptable quality. This has become more

and more critical as the program is being scaled up throughout the country and in numerous health facilities.

There is an urgent need to train health workers in a large scale and to follow up this with continuing medical

education (CME). This becomes more important when we consider the high attrition rate of health workers

from public health facilities leaving behind a vacuum in the delivery of services which severely affects the

scale up and compromises the quality.

The Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health has made a strong commitment to the process of establishing a

national centre of excellence for continuing medical education, combining training, research and health

services. Building the capacity of the Ethiopian health service is essential in order to address the multiple

health crises affecting the country. In particular, sustainable human resource development is a priority of the

Federal Ministry of Health (MoH). Based on these facts, there are plans to establish a national HIV/AIDS

training centre at ALERT hospital, located in the capital (Addis Ababa), to provide training to a wide range

of health workers in the field of HIV/AIDS. This would build on ALERT's comparative advantage of being an

integrated hospital with longstanding community links, a research centre and training division with solid

managerial capacities and technical expertise in various medical arenas.

ALERT is widely recognised as having an excellent reputation in research, training and services, both in the

Ethiopian health sector and at international level. The existing in-and out-patient hospital care with

community outreach programme, and continuing medical education and research institute, among others

make it an ideal site for a high quality training centre, which will be a national centre of excellence for

continuing medical and public health education.

Currently, Ethiopia's short-term medical and public health training is conducted in a piecemeal fashion. No

single institution is responsible for delivery, so training is insufficiently coordinated, standardized and

certified. Necessary changes in terms of service expansion and improved quality have not been made.

There is high and urgent need for standardized, evidence-informed training packages for CME and a

massive scale-up of training programs in the regions, which makes establishing a national Center of

Excellence for CME at ALERT a priority.

The institute will serve as a quality control institution so that effective and efficient training is guaranteed,

and also serve as a model for other national health training. The institute will be able to develop standards,

models, curricula, manuals and guidelines for different training programmes, based on in-depth needs

assessment, best practices and operational research. In addition, the experience of this national training

centre will be replicated in three selected satellite regions. The proposed national institute would

standardise and strengthen evidence-based training and provide trainees with the opportunity to combine

training with clinical practice.

In addition, the national training center will rollout training capacity to other regions. This will involve:

1) Providing technical assistance to establish accredited, satellite training-of-trainers (TOT) centers in the

regions, in collaboration with relevant regional, national, and international stakeholders, and support for

monitoring and evaluation of the satellite centers

2) Develop models for community care and area-appropriate HIV care, treatment, and support, based on

the experiences of satellite centers in different areas of the country

3) Provide training for the health professionals in the satellite TOT centers in the regions, using the models


4) Monitoring the progress of the training services provided at the satellite sites.

In order to upgrade the ALERT site for the purpose of providing all aspects of HIV/ AIDS training,

considerable financial, technical and material assistance is required.

Considerable capacity building needs to take place in order for ALERT hospital to be ready to shoulder the

task. Infrastructure, human resources and IT equipment, among others, need to be significantly increased in

order for ALERT to provide practical and high quality training of trainers. Meanwhile, the existing resources

at ALERT alone are not adequate to transform the training division into a national training centre, and

additional resources are necessary.

PEPFAR Ethiopia, along with other partners like the World Bank and GFATM, supports the Federal Ministry

of Health in the effort for the development of human capacity, as this helps to build momentum and

contributes significantly for meeting the targets set. The establishment of a national HIV/AIDS training

centre will also be vital in ensuring the sustainability of the HIV/AIDS program by creating an indigenous

institutional capacity to overcome a major constraint in its implementation.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 18060

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

18060 18060.08 HHS/Centers for Federal Ministry of 7488 496.08 Improving $500,000

Disease Control & Health, Ethiopia HIV/AIDS

Prevention Prevention and

Control Activities

in the FDRE


Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $450,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.09:

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $600,000

Improving TB diagnosis and TB/HIV Monitoring and Evaluation

ACTIVITY UNCHANGED FROM FY2008 (no Update needed)

HIV-positive persons have to be properly screened for tuberculosis (TB) in order to receive directly

observed therapy, short course (DOTS) for active TB cases or to receive isoniazid for those free from TB.

However, diagnosis of TB in HIV-positive persons remains a challenge in Ethiopia, where both the diseases

are prevalent. In FY07, several activities focused on improvement of TB diagnostic facilities at the regional

level, including establishment of TB liquid-culture capacity, exploration of the feasibility of different

diagnostic methods (e.g., florescent microscopy, fine-needle aspiration, Microscopic Observation Drug

Susceptibility assay (MODS)), and improvement of chest x-ray services. In particular, the HIV/AIDS

Prevention and Control Office (HAPCO) used FY07 plus-up funds to assess the availability and functionality

of chest x-ray facilities in PEPFAR- supported hospitals. In addition, HAPCO purchased x-ray machines for

those hospitals that did not have them, as well as those who are serving a large number of TB/HIV cases. In

FY08, HAPCO will continue with that effort by purchasing x-ray machines for those hospitals with needs

identified in the original assessment which could not be assisted in FY07.

The activities will include: purchase and distribution of chest x-ray machines, in-service training of x-ray

technicians, and in-service training of physicians on how to read and interpret chest x-rays.

HAPCO will also continue its involvement in improving the TB/HIV data system which was initiated in

previous years. In FY07, the TB/HIV monitoring and evaluation system was established, and in FY08

HAPCO will concentrate efforts on supportive supervision and review meetings among hospital sites and

national and regional level HAPCO.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 17754

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

17754 17754.08 HHS/Centers for Federal Ministry of 7488 496.08 Improving $600,000

Disease Control & Health, Ethiopia HIV/AIDS

Prevention Prevention and

Control Activities

in the FDRE


Emphasis Areas


Health-related Wraparound Programs

* Child Survival Activities

* TB

Human Capacity Development

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.12:

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $342,000

Support the National HIV Counseling and Testing Coordination


COP 08 Narrative:

Activity Narrative: Support the National HIV Counseling and Testing Coordination

This activity relates to activities TB/HIV (ID 12315), HTXS (ID 12230 and12231), Blood Safety (ID 8092), AB

(ID 10610) and all HCT activities.

This continuing activity was initiated through FY07 plus-up funds to support the national effort to strengthen

the coordination of HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) activities.

PEPFAR will channel funds to the Federal HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (HAPCO) to support the

government's Millennium AIDS Campaign (MAC) that targeted counseling and testing nearly five million

clients by the end of September 2008 and beyond. A total of 4.5 million people were tested between July

2007 and the end of June 2008. Major progress has been achieved in HCT site expansion; currently 1336

sites are providing HCT services in the country. The campaign created a big demand and the government

will continue with the same momentum.

Like the previous years MAC faces constraints and problems: the human resource crisis; accessing the

targeted most-at -risk population and child and family testing.

The objective of this activity is to strengthen HAPCO's coordination of the Millennium AIDS Campaign

(MAC) at the national level to increase uptake and improve the quality of HCT services.

FY09 activities will include:

1) Coordinating all HIV counseling and testing programs at both the national and regional level through

collaboration of all stakeholders under the leadership of HAPCO

2) Quarterly supervision of regional activities to review progress in the implementation of the campaign

2) Hosting biannual review meetings to identify strengths and gaps and provide clear program direction

3) HAPCO will provide support to regional health bureaus (RHB) and regional HAPCO to coordinate

regional implementation of the HCT program

4) Strengthening of social mobilization activities to create demand for HIV testing

5) Strengthening of central-level data compilation and reporting.

Some of the funds will be used to cover some operational costs, such as weekend activities in areas with a

high client load. Funds will also support social mobilization to create demand at the sites, and to support

regional-level data compilation and reporting.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 16647

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

16647 12248.08 HHS/Centers for Federal Ministry of 7488 496.08 Improving $360,000

Disease Control & Health, Ethiopia HIV/AIDS

Prevention Prevention and

Control Activities

in the FDRE


12248 12248.07 HHS/Centers for Federal Ministry of 5490 496.07 $300,000

Disease Control & Health, Ethiopia


Table 3.3.14:

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $2,300,000

Improving HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Activities in the FDRE MOH


The effectiveness of a health information system in providing information support for decision-makers

depends upon well-trained staff. Not only must the mechanics of data collection and reporting be mastered,

but high familiarity with case definition, disease classification, service standards, and information use are

equally important. Thus, for a health-information system to produce valid, reliable and useful information,

staff skills must be built and maintained through pre-service and in-service training, well-planned refresher

courses, and regular follow-up with supervision.

In-service trainings for health professionals, administrative staff (regional health bureaus (RHB) zonal health

bureaus (ZHB), WHO, etc.)) and dedicated HMIS personnel were initially planned in a decentralized and

cascading fashion. Regions and zones will be master trainers who train other trainers—these TOTs will train

district health-office (DHO) staff, who will, in turn, train health professionals at the facility level -with

technical support from Tulane University. Experience during the pilot phase of training has demonstrated

that the regions, zones and districts do not have the human resources or adequate technical skills to train

facility-based health professionals and hence extensive support and capacity building is required.

Decentralized training will be conducted for Federal staff and regional/zonal/district master trainers. These

in turn will train facility-based health professionals in the respective regions and facilities. The aim is to

improve effectiveness of the training by allowing more contact time between trainers and trainees and

facilitating discussions of problems and solutions relevant to their specific local context. It also decreases

the period the trainees stay out of work.

Training focuses on the registers and formats, health data management, basic statistics, use of information

for decision making. During the training, emphasis on how to ensure collaboration between HMIS staff,

program managers and decision-makers for performance monitoring is ensured. Training materials and

training sessions have been designed by bringing all groups together to make them understand each

others' needs. Training for regional/zonal/district staff as well as for hospitals/health centers and health

extension workers on data recording, reporting, analysis, interpretation, and use will last approximately two

weeks. However, there are differences in content and length of training courses according to the level of

health institutions.

Since the pilot phase has demonstrated that training alone does not ensure information usage, follow up for

application of the skills will be done by supervision and refresher courses. TA for the training will be

provided by Tulane University.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 18899

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

18899 18899.08 HHS/Centers for Federal Ministry of 7488 496.08 Improving $2,300,000

Disease Control & Health, Ethiopia HIV/AIDS

Prevention Prevention and

Control Activities

in the FDRE


Emphasis Areas

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $500,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.17:

Funding for Health Systems Strengthening (OHSS): $100,000

Involvement of Ethiopian Parliament in HIV/AIDS Activities


This is a continuation of activity from FY08. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has two Houses:

the House of Peoples' Representatives and the House of the Federation. The House of Peoples'

Representatives is the highest governing body of the land. The House has legislative powers in all matters

referred to by the constitution to federal jurisdiction. According to the constitution, the House has some 550

members who are accountable to the people who elected them. The 550 members are from both the ruling

and opposition parties elected during election of May 2005. Involving Parliamentarians as peoples'

representatives in HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment can have a major impact.

Parliamentarians have a crucial role to play in the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic. They can influence

and oversight the executive body to address HIV/AIDS issues in their respective organizations and to urge

them to plan and implement programs by mainstreaming as part of their organizational duties and

responsibilities. Parliamentarians can not only be advocates for their respective constituencies, but also

address HIV prevention, care and treatment while conducting their representational duties in their

respective localities and influence national legislation and activities including through mainstreaming

HIV/AIDS in all legislation, making it regular agenda in Social Affairs Standing Committee and other

relevant Caucuses using other opportunities at governmental or non-governmental functions and with

Zonal, Woreda and Kebele administrations to enhance their focus and attention to HIV/AIDS programs.

Being close to the people, they are also in a unique position to influence public opinion and confront the

stigma and discrimination. By virtue of the elevated positions of Parliamentarians, they can effectively

mobilize, motivate, and encourage the public in preventing the spread of the disease. It is encouraging to

note the increasing commitment in HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention, support and treatment with current

parliamentarians which provides prime opportunity for this activity. These include the Speaker of the House

who was the former Minister of Sports and Youth and Chair of the HIV/AIDS Management Board for the

country and the First Lady who is Chair of the Social Affairs Standing Committee and Women's Coalition

against HIV/AIDS. While great progress has been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, more effort is needed

to ensure the development, funding and full implementation of strategies to combat the pandemic. There is

now a demand for further increased political commitment. Parliamentarians need to speak out more openly

and frequently about HIV/AIDS. The Parliament is also expected to begin debating a law that aims to

protect the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS and address related stigma and discrimination.

The major objective of this activity is to build the capacity of members of the parliament with regard to the

current HIV/AIDS epidemiology and responses in the country and strengthening workplace HIV/AIDS

responses in the parliament. This will enable members of the parliament to make an oversight and follow up

of HIV/AIDS mainstreaming across all the sectors, and Provide supportive oversight to constituency.

In FY09, HAPCO will build upon the progress made so far and will continue the effort to mainstream

HIV/AIDS in the two Houses to enforce effective HIV/AIDS mainstreaming across all sectors. HAPCO will

implement the following major activities:-

1.Review the achievements of 08, and build o the lesson learned and successes achieved;

2.Training and orientation program for the parliamentarians will be organized to update on prevention care

& treatment and other HIV/AIDS services;

3.Support the development and distribution of appropriate IEC/BCC materials specific to the


4.Support and Strengthen HIV/AIDS committee in the parliament;

5.Continue HIV/AIDS campaign in promoting prevention, care and treatment activities in their localities

during closing of the parliament and in also during their representational duties; the capacity of parliamentarians to play a leadership roles in mobilizing community for utilization of

HIV/AIDS services;

7.Strengthen HIV/AIDS activity of the parliament in general and social affairs and relevant Caucuses in


8.Support outreach activities of parliamentarian to their respective constituency to educate their

communities on the prevention of HIV, community support to PLWH and play a role in stigma reduction;

9.Enhance the role of parliamentarians in the promotion of care, support, and treatment services;

10.Enhance the role of parliamentarians to advocate for and legislate rights-based and gender sensitive non

-discriminatory HIV/AIDS policies;

11.Support the established AIDS Resource Center in the Ethiopian parliament in order to assist and

support MPs in legislative activities of HIV/AIDS and other health related issues, and ;

12.Organize experience sharing visit to members of the parliamentarians to have better understanding of

the involvement of the parliamentarians in other countries in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 18059

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

18059 18059.08 HHS/Centers for Federal Ministry of 7488 496.08 Improving $100,000

Disease Control & Health, Ethiopia HIV/AIDS

Prevention Prevention and

Control Activities

in the FDRE


Table 3.3.18:

Subpartners Total: $0
Regional Health Bureaus: NA
Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $950,000
Human Resources for Health $450,000
Human Resources for Health $500,000