Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 14381
Country/Region: Eswatini
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Palladium Group (formerly Futures Group)
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

In a November 2011, implementing partners gathered with PEPFAR and GKOS representatives todiscuss the milestones, challenges and successes of the Male Circumcision program in Swaziland. Inaddition, participants discussed recommendations for moving forward with the program in the country.The recommendations included reduced numbers of staff on the clinical teams and reduced number ofsites. For communication efforts the recommendations focused on increasing ownership of demandcreation teams at the site level, increasing door-to-door activities and ensuring that messages respond tothe findings of a recent pulse taking exercise which identified fear of pain, lack of enough information andbad stories and myths about circumcision as barriers to MC uptake by men. To ensure a smoothtransition from the MC Accelerated Saturation Initiative (ASI) to the Combination Prevention Program(CPP) with no gap in service delivery, PSI started proving MC clinical services from January 1st 2012.Futures Group will continue supporting demand creation and quality assurance activities until March 31st,2012, a time when PSI will assume support of all MC related activities in Swaziland using their existingpipeline. Logistics, commodities and supplies will remain under SCMS whilst their funding allows, i.e. toapproximately September 2012. Data Management and M&E will be transitioned over from JSI toPSI/CPP in the course of this year.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (CIRC): $0

In the first half of FY12, Futures Group will support MC demand creation (DC) and quality assuranceactivities using existing pipeline. The DC creation activities will focus on the barriers to MC uptake whichwere cited in a recent "pulse taking" exercise (e.g. fear of Pain, lack of enough information and badstories and myths about circumcision). A number of strategies were developed by Futures Group, incollaboration with the Swaziland National AIDS Program, to address these barriers. In addition, FuturesGroup also took into account the discussion and recommendations from the November 2011 meetingwith PEPFAR and GKOS in coming up with MC demand creation activities for the period until March31st, 2012. Recommendations were focused on increasing ownership of demand creation teams at thesite level, increasing door to door activities and ensuring that messages respond to the pulse takingresearch about the barriers to action for MC by those men who have yet to go for MC. Futures Group willuse community events, mass media, on the ground communications and partnerships as the platform forimplementing the above strategies. PSI is working with the Soka Uncobe team and the national MC TWGto identify strategies for prioritizing and continuing MC communication strategies beyond March 31, 2012.These activities will be implemented under PSI's Combination Prevention Program. Futures Group willcontinue supporting the delivery of a quality MC program in Swaziland through supporting the QualityAssurance program in Swaziland until March 31, 2012 at which point PSI will take full responsibility of theactivities.

Subpartners Total: $0
Johns Hopkins University: NA
Matchboxology: NA
Population Services International: NA
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Addressing male norms and behaviors