Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11958
Country/Region: Dominican Republic
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

n collaboration with PAHO and other partners and in order to strengthen and improve the quality of the blood supply, USG will provide technical assistance and support to MOH to review, update as appropriate, and implement the national strategic plan, policies, and guidelines on Blood Safety. This includes support to create and equip the centralized Blood Bank Service, which will coordinate the collection, processing, storage, distribution, utilization and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of blood and blood products, consistent with national and international standards.

During 2009, USG/CDC will conduct an assessment of MOH prioritized Blood Banks to identify weakness, challenges and needs. With the results of the assessment, MOH and USG will develop a plan to improve access to a blood supply that meets quality standards and develop a communication strategy to bolster a voluntary blood donation initiative. The USG will work with the MOH to develop a quality assurance program to ensure that all donated blood is routinely screened for HIV, hepatitis B and C, HTLV I and II and syphilis, and is properly collected, stored, processed, and used. The blood bank system in the DR is decentralized; because of this the MOH is unable to ensure the quality of the blood banking services, enforce quality standards and maintain facilities and equipment in optimal condition. The USG will work with the MOH and other relevant partners to develop a strategy that centralizes critical blood banking activities thus ensuring the quality of collection, storage, screening , distribution and reporting to use the term regionalized instead of centralized. Also, when discussing centralization or regionalization for efficiency, economy of scale and quality it is important to clarify that the goal includes provision of actual service, a safe and adequate blood supply, at the point of health care delivery.

The USG will collaborate with the MOH Blood Safety Division and the Regional and Provincial Network of health services provision (known as "Redes" [networks] in the DR) to: 1) strengthen the supply chain logistics network, including informatics, for the distribution of supplies, reagents, blood and blood products; 2) develop and implement a regional electronic data management system for monitoring the collection, processing, distribution and hemovigilance of blood products; 3) assess and strengthen the M&E system for operations, continuous program improvement and reporting; and (4) estimate the cost of producing a unit of blood and explore options for cost recovery or other models for long term sustainability .

The USG will work with the MOH and the Armed Forces to improve the overall capacity of eight blood bank facilities with high blood transfusion demands. These eight facilities include the largest maternity hospitals in the country and are part of the network of sites supported by the USG for PMTCT service delivery. Securing the blood supply at these high volume sites will serve to improve the quality of services provided by blood banks and to pregnant women. USG support will consist of technical assistance to strengthen the capacity of the MOH and the Armed Forces to review, disseminate, and enforce biosafety and blood safety norms, procedures, and regulations. The USG support will foster quality improvement of blood bank services generally and ensure the appropriate clinical use of blood and blood components, their storage, and timely distribution to health facilities nationwide. TA will include developing pre-service, in-service and continuing training for health care providers, on blood safety and biosafety issues.

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety (HMBL): $0

CDC in collaboaration with a partner organization to be determined will support the strengthening of the blood safety laboratory information systems.

Subpartners Total: $0
To Be Determined: NA
Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
End-of-Program Evaluation
Mobile Populations