Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 13596
Country/Region: Cambodia
Year: 2012
Main Partner: U.S. Peace Corps
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

The Small Project Assistance (SPA) program's purpose is to increase the capabilities of local commnities to conduct low-cost, grassroots sustainable development. Witihin the scope of this overarching objective, the SPA program responds to the mututal interests of both USAID/Cambodia and Peace Corps/Cambodia. Financial resources provided by USAID Missions allow Peace Corps Volunteers and their local counterparts to identify tranining, education, or awareness raising opportunities in their communities, and subsequently design and plan the implementation of a small project to meet this identified need.Once volunteers, actiing in partnership with their Cambodian counterparts, have identified a potential activity, a funding proposal must be drafted and reviewed by a committee comprised of staff from USAID, the Peace Corps, and PCVs. If approved, the proposal will be funded by the Peace Corps in accordance with their own internal protocols and those dictated by the PAPA. Following this, the activity will be implemented in the timeframe laid out in the proposal.In the process, PCVs help remote communities, often beyond the direct reach of USAID funded projects, to become more self-reliant and to establish linkages to larger NGOs and/or governement programs that are often supported by USAID.The SPA Program enables USAID to have a direct development effect in selected prioritiy areas, while supporting PCVs to engaged community members in participatory processes that contribute to community directed sustainable development. As part of the SFA program, PCVs provide HIV/AIDS education and awareness programs in schools, health centers, and communitiies. Any funding under SPA can lead to small projects where volunteers working with community memembers on HIV/AIDS projects.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

This is a small grants program, so exact activities will not be known until proposals are solicited and awards made.Examples of anticipated potential activities include:Training of village health workersTraining of municipal health personnelNGO developmentEquipment and resources to support community-based health careInstructional materials