Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 11994
Country/Region: Angola
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Measure Evaluation
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $0

USAID/Angola has requested MEASURE Evaluation (under the Carolina Population Center) to conduct Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) studies in Angola. The purpose of this rapid assessment is to identify geographic areas where HIV transmission is likely to be high and where prevention programs should be focused. PLACE will provide critical information including a list of venues where people meet new sexual partners, a description of characteristics of the venues and their patrons, and information to monitor youth-focused and general HIV/AIDS prevention programs at these venues, including information about sexual behavior. The study will provide quantitative data that will inform future strategic programming for PEPFAR Angola, especially HIV prevention programs, condom promotion and behavior change interventions.

An initial exploratory visit occurred in October 2009. Proposals from interested local research organizations were solicited, and all proposals were evaluated for cost, complexity, and experience. It was decided that MEASURE Evaluation-UNC will provide technical assistance to Population Services International (PSI) in Luanda, Angola to implement fieldwork for this study. To that end, MEASURE Evaluation, in concert with PSI, completed a full draft of the submission to the National Ethics Committee, including a study protocol, all draft questionnaires, and consent procedures. The first two study locations were also decided in collaboration with USAID and the National Institute for HIV/AIDS Prevention (INLS). Pending final approval from the National Ethics Committee, the first two studies will be carried out in Rocha Pinto (a neighborhood of Luanda) and in downtown Luanda before September, 2010. As an alternative, a proposal is being developed to cover the whole of Luanda.