Total planned funding: $1,580,743,887
Kenya | $207,433,539 |
South Africa | $201,075,102 |
Nigeria | $182,720,933 |
Tanzania | $163,023,018 |
Zambia | $113,154,207 |
Uganda | $109,249,085 |
Ethiopia | $98,396,756 |
Mozambique | $97,326,176 |
Haiti | $59,786,327 |
Côte d'Ivoire | $51,193,243 |
Rwanda | $47,721,974 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | $32,010,945 |
Namibia | $29,125,144 |
Malawi | $28,508,053 |
Botswana | $27,007,380 |
Vietnam | $24,369,898 |
Zimbabwe | $20,937,074 |
Eswatini | $18,049,299 |
Lesotho | $16,587,737 |
India | $5,839,530 |
Dominican Republic | $5,780,394 |
Central America Region | $5,110,806 |
Cameroon | $4,794,151 |
Cambodia | $3,919,145 |
South Sudan | $3,300,470 |
Ukraine | $3,261,010 |
Central Asia Region | $3,121,381 |
Guyana | $2,942,309 |
Caribbean Region | $2,252,430 |
Asia Regional Program | $2,173,883 |
Russia | $2,100,000 |
Ghana | $2,087,956 |
Indonesia | $1,872,186 |
Angola | $1,288,610 |
Burundi | $975,171 |
China | $818,100 |
Papua New Guinea | $816,479 |
Thailand | $613,986 |
Organizational Types
NGO | $510,340,515 |
Unknown | $395,248,810 |
Private Contractor | $204,582,701 |
Implementing Agency | $122,660,138 |
University | $108,451,280 |
FBO | $94,278,499 |
Host Country Government Agency | $75,458,156 |
Multi-lateral Agency | $26,189,901 |
Own Agency | $24,771,517 |
Parastatal | $12,142,723 |
Other USG Agency | $6,619,647 |
Program Areas
Care | $1,580,743,887 |
Budget Codes
HBHC: Care: Adult Care and Support | $618,853,780 |
HKID: Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children | $575,801,386 |
HVTB: Care: TB/HIV | $268,279,785 |
PDCS: Care: Pediatric Care and Support | $117,808,936 |