Total planned funding: $113,313,540
Tanzania | $23,496,288 |
South Africa | $11,737,095 |
Mozambique | $11,098,233 |
Zambia | $10,413,886 |
Uganda | $9,699,091 |
Ethiopia | $8,922,110 |
Zimbabwe | $6,616,740 |
Vietnam | $4,908,622 |
Kenya | $3,636,797 |
Indonesia | $3,572,519 |
Côte d'Ivoire | $3,425,000 |
Malawi | $2,153,776 |
Nigeria | $2,078,098 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | $2,000,000 |
Ukraine | $1,850,000 |
Rwanda | $1,555,675 |
Burundi | $1,122,792 |
Haiti | $1,013,162 |
Dominican Republic | $1,000,000 |
Botswana | $912,000 |
Central America Region | $801,240 |
Eswatini | $586,416 |
Cameroon | $500,000 |
South Sudan | $114,000 |
Lesotho | $100,000 |
India | $0 |
Namibia | $0 |
Guyana | $0 |
Ghana | $0 |
Central Asia Region | $0 |
Organizational Types
Private Contractor | $113,313,540 |
Program Areas
Prevention | $113,313,540 |
Budget Codes
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Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine:
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2013 | $8,764,340 |