Total planned funding: $41,005,383
Haiti | $8,013,638 |
Nigeria | $6,542,936 |
Mozambique | $4,972,225 |
Vietnam | $3,100,000 |
Uganda | $2,934,523 |
Asia Regional Program | $2,559,263 |
Burundi | $2,448,202 |
West Africa Region | $2,088,357 |
Namibia | $1,191,135 |
Malawi | $1,156,469 |
Tanzania | $1,145,480 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | $981,281 |
Zambia | $764,440 |
Cameroon | $636,913 |
Lesotho | $587,450 |
Eswatini | $417,780 |
Angola | $370,256 |
Zimbabwe | $367,983 |
Kenya | $313,752 |
Western Hemisphere Region | $288,300 |
Dominican Republic | $125,000 |
Organizational Types
Private Contractor | $41,005,383 |
Program Areas
Governance and Systems | $41,005,383 |
Budget Codes
OHSS: Health Systems Strengthening | $24,746,264 |
HLAB: Laboratory Infrastructure | $8,548,724 |
HVSI: Strategic Information | $7,710,395 |
Top Partner Programs
Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine:
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2019 | $2,899,361 |