Total planned funding: $60,579,007
Mozambique | $60,579,007 |
Organizational Types
NGO | $32,157,581 |
University | $11,053,400 |
Multi-lateral Agency | $5,487,500 |
Own Agency | $4,116,815 |
Private Contractor | $3,604,735 |
Unknown | $1,666,476 |
Host Country Government Agency | $1,382,453 |
FBO | $509,544 |
Other USG Agency | $509,360 |
Implementing Agency | $91,143 |
Program Areas
Care | $60,579,007 |
Budget Codes
HBHC: Care: Adult Care and Support | $27,656,841 |
HKID: Care: Orphans and Vulnerable Children | $18,349,740 |
PDCS: Care: Pediatric Care and Support | $7,654,560 |
HVTB: Care: TB/HIV | $6,917,866 |