Total planned funding: $16,369,799
Ghana | $16,369,799 |
Organizational Types
Own Agency | $3,763,571 |
Implementing Agency | $3,670,998 |
Private Contractor | $2,760,959 |
NGO | $2,620,941 |
Host Country Government Agency | $1,481,596 |
Unknown | $1,271,734 |
University | $700,000 |
Other USG Agency | $100,000 |
Program Areas
Governance and Systems | $5,430,836 |
Treatment | $3,395,218 |
Management and Operations | $3,002,592 |
Prevention | $2,079,693 |
Care | $1,485,517 |
Testing | $975,943 |
Budget Codes
HTXS: Treatment: Adult Treatment | $3,238,570 |
OHSS: Health Systems Strengthening | $3,047,035 |
HVMS: Management and Operations | $3,002,592 |
HVOP: Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention | $2,079,693 |
HBHC: Care: Adult Care and Support | $1,485,517 |
HLAB: Laboratory Infrastructure | $1,286,748 |
HVSI: Strategic Information | $1,097,053 |
HVCT: Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling | $975,943 |
PDTX: Treatment: Pediatric Treatment | $156,648 |