Total planned funding: $25,077,176
Central Asia Region | $25,077,176 |
Organizational Types
Unknown | $7,315,722 |
Own Agency | $6,762,363 |
University | $4,214,915 |
NGO | $2,792,176 |
Host Country Government Agency | $2,492,000 |
Private Contractor | $1,400,000 |
Multi-lateral Agency | $100,000 |
Other USG Agency | $0 |
Program Areas
Prevention | $8,099,262 |
Governance and Systems | $4,484,157 |
Care | $4,083,744 |
Management and Operations | $3,668,823 |
Treatment | $2,715,665 |
Testing | $2,025,525 |
Budget Codes
IDUP: Prevention: Injecting and Non-Injecting Drug Use | $6,056,728 |
HVMS: Management and Operations | $3,668,823 |
HBHC: Care: Adult Care and Support | $3,161,129 |
HTXS: Treatment: Adult Treatment | $2,682,496 |
HVCT: Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling | $2,025,525 |
HLAB: Laboratory Infrastructure | $1,952,700 |
HVOP: Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention | $1,544,577 |
OHSS: Health Systems Strengthening | $1,320,397 |
HVSI: Strategic Information | $1,211,060 |
HVTB: Care: TB/HIV | $922,615 |
HMBL: Biomedical Prevention: Blood Safety | $407,738 |
HMIN: Biomedical Prevention: Injection Safety | $90,219 |
HTXD: Treatment: ARV Drugs | $33,169 |
Top Partner Programs
Columbia University:
Central Asia Region
2014 | $1,051,915 |
2017 | $3,163,000 |
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Central Asia Region
2014 | $2,983,204 |
U.S. Agency for International Development:
Central Asia Region
2014 | $2,379,159 |
Ministry of Health - Kyrgyz Republic:
Central Asia Region
2014 | $910,000 |
2017 | $1,372,000 |